Is racism a thing in South America ?
Is racism a thing in South America ?
I don't know, but I watched this film and it looks like sharing problems reduces racism.
it doesnt
the majority here is already mixed thus nobody really care about it
racism here is against whites just like on every other cucked country the difference is that whites aren't the majority here
>south america
we wuz latinamerican
The movie was pretty gay desu. Tropa de Elite was better.
Also, making people poorer tends to increase racial conflict irl.
Really, I always got the impression whites ruled the roost and were only hated by poor favelados.
Yes, but probably not as badly as in Europe or Murica
Do non-whites hate whites Are they encouraged to do so?
Casual racism is an everyday thing, an because it's normalized, no one gives two shits about it, as it should be.
Just like in the usa, depending of context calling someone "negro" could be both a derogatory of affectionate term, and its used by with and mestizo people all the time.
Bolivia is the most racist country on earth, Colombia the least.
Yes, it is. It's less of a thing because we're more mixed, but I've heard racist stuff from a great aunt and an aunt, towards blacks.
In Guyana's case, yes. There is still plenty of antipathy between coolies and negroes, let alone between them and the few remaining Portuguese.
Brazil is a big country the South is "mostly" "white"
>Not racist
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried, amigo.
t. Half-Colombian with many family and relatives from the country
Nobody hates anybody for being browner, but whiter is always better, menonites and Europeans colonies tend to be closed but there is always a whore or a faggot that mix.
Light-skinned mestizos are racist against darker-skinned mestizos because everyone wants to feel superior, crab mentality is the biggest problem of SA.
My parents are whiter that the background of the notepad app and in their road trip to the northern part of Arg. they told me their where constantly served last at restaurants / shops regardless of the fact they where among the first to arrive.
Resentment is the key world here, many of these people thing "white privilege" is the reason for their own shortcomings.
People are racist and they have hatred for each other down there but they also know their place which is just as important.
I think that the caste system that iberians implemented there even if it didn't bring those countries such a bright future they made them more cohesionate. Bleaching and blacking works both ways so you can move trought the caste ladder in every direction (one step at a time). I like this idea because it's more natural and acceptable that the full-on contrast that black+white make and the monstruosities that it creates (sociologicaly speaking).
I've travelled South America for quite some time. If you're white, European and you speak Spanish, you're golden.In my experience Central America was a bit more difficult.
No one said colombia wasnt racist, just the least racist (based on a studt btw, on mobile look it up yourself) cant say that a country that had a black president over 100 years ago and presidents of nordic and arabic roots in the last 50 years is really that racist.
T. Colombian living in Colombia.
Racism here is not taboo.
If someone is a literal nigger people here can be pretty racist.
Brazil is very racist.
Divide and Conquer worked like a charm here.
How many times have you seen a nigger ? i see once a nigger and scream at him "Bix nood", i keke'd hard
Divide and conquer ? more like mix and defeat
I only saw a nigger very few times before and they were all tourists, mostly from brazil. I saw a couple of them in my neighborhood early this year but i've never seen them again.
meh, here in colombia I can call unknown black people "nigger" (negro) without even know them with no problem, in fact here is just a way of being friendly with strangers of such color and there is not drama about it
Niggers are pretty rare here, if i see one 99% of the time it's a brazilian tourist.
We do not like incas or blacks (niggers) Everyone else is welcome.
Also, don't come here. We are full.
does hating dirty argies count?
Do you reckon that's the best way to deal with racism then? Just accept that it's inevitable banter, and get on with life?
But also an important question is this - do you think any particular race is precluded from getting jobs or anything based on their race?
indios hate whites pretty badly here thanks to the SJWs commies, we are only the 14% and there is not much race mixed ppl here plus the future of this country don't look to bright so things might get worse, thankfully I have an evacuation plan
I don't know why do you think that Mexico is south america, but racism is and always be a thing in Mexico.
Some of the white brazilians i met while working there were openly racist, the others were keeping it lowkey. It was in a quite rural area though, with a decent amount of black ppl.
Nope only white people can be racist.
Your flag looks like an African flag
Good luck bro, but please explain whats wrong with pure amerindian bolivia? Your cucked president?
Not southamerican but I believe brazillians need to be gassed.
Can someone explain to me why spics in America get literally mad if you call them white but spics in South America strive to be white?
you are mistaking the bants with real discrimination
because they don't get free shit if they're "white" and "privileged".
Inferiority complex, + jews
Perhaps you are living in a Indian infested shithole but in the part of the country that matter being white is all that matters, even "wealthy" natives get look down and rejected from nice places.
Whoa dude your map's not right. There's no land there.
Yeah, but what's the dynamic like down there? The South Brazilians I've met have been pretty cocky, a far cry from the introverted cucks I've met from northern Europe.
Holy shit, that chart was hard to follow
>implying poor favelados aren't most of the population
there must be more people in the favela of my city than in the city itself
if you're on the lighter side of brown you try your hardest to look whiter (less about skin products and more about dress code, muh 1/64 heritage and mating choices). If on the darker side of brown, you go full anti-white ghetto meme to get more gibs (while still trying to marry someone whiter than you)
the indios don't use to give a shit about politics at all, then the commies and ONGs came, they start to brain wash the indios with "the evil whitie" rhetoric, then the indios , since they are a a majority, took the power put their indigenous president and now, the supposed morally superior indegenous, turn out to be the most corrupt administration in the history of this country,
Evo Morales is not cucked he's a willing tool of the globalists
Least racist compared to who? The rest of South America? Not only is that not impressive, but also highly unlikely considering Colombia's history of African slavery and informal racial caste systems. And the next time you cite a study, include some data and a link to the fucking source.
What he fug are you talking about? We hate niggers. They are fucking cancer.
>part of the country that matter
And where that might be?
Does anyone else remember south america being way further west than it is now? Is this the mandela effect?
We are literally in colliding course with Africa
It depends, racism is pretty normal here, and almost nobody gives a quarter of a fuck.
For example there's a saying here for everyone who wants to do something stupid: "no hagas cosas de negro" (don't do niggers things). We also can use "negro" as a derogative term or in a friendly way, it all depends.
Thanks god we don't have the amount of victimism per capita as in the US or Europe for example.
And remember guys, say NO to racism.