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Make us proud, swampkrauts

Remember, Geert will rule the world

Can I get a tl;dr on this guy, doesn't have to be insanely accurate. Says his party affiliation is the Party for Freedom, sounds based.

He is fiercely against Islam and outspoken about it, even more so than Trump.

What caused this propulsion in the polls?

Good luck you clog wearing cunts, saw based Geert speak years ago and he hasn't changed his message a bit.

pro-Israel, pro-faggot, permanent opposition, will be a trash MP, we'll never get a right-wing leader ever again, Fortuyn was our last chance.

but he hates da m00slims so Neder/pol/ sucks his dick.

Geert will rule the world

>Supports isreal

Geert will rule the world


that chart only shows projected seats. He still won't form government on those numbers because every other party will conspire to deny it to him.

>implying it's not already too late

He's been saying this shit for a long ass time, and filled the vacuum in our politics after Pim Fortuyn got killed.

So basically every terrorist attack he can just shout "I WAS RIGHT" and there's nothing people can do to debate that aside from the usual leftist approach, like Not all muslims and not propperly intergrated so our fault etc.

>caring about israel and faggots

You are literally cancer

What on Earth happened to their Labour party?

>Geert is the anti-christ confirmed.

when are the next elections there?

He also said that his first act of foreign policy move will be to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Why is that bad you say? Because the reason why we didn't do that before is because it is a direct threat to Dutch citizens.

Geert would sacrifice Dutch lives to help Israel.

People keep forgetting that the war in Syria started because Hillary Clinton wanted to protect Israel. You really think Geert would act differently?

>So basically every terrorist attack he can just shout "I WAS RIGHT" and there's nothing people can do to debate that
pretty good gig to be honest

the peaceful moderate muslim attacks in europe are starting to wake people up.

we will get our NEXIT, muslims won't enter our country, and people with a double nationality and a criminal history will get deported. if all of this actually happens, we're not too late.

The migrant crisis mostly, he has been polling very high since it started last year and with all the shenanigans the muslims are doing he is getting even more popular.

You are afraid of the barbarians at the gate, I'm afraid of the barbarians that are already reaping havoc inside the walls.


people can't debate geert on anything. all they can do is call him a racist.

Pim Fortuyn. Such loser.
Or explain what he really had to say.

Wilders. How well is that?

I don't mean to speak evil. It is just that it all looks depressing.

>"vote for us! We'll NEVER rule with a right-wing party!!!"
>rules with a right-wing party for 4 years and always backs them in parliament.

they betrayed their voters to get 4 years of fame. And they tried to downplay it by saying they would get a piece of policy their party wanted to pass for years through the chamber. tl;dr It didn't and because of that same right-wing party.

Waar heb je het in

Waar heb je het over*

Came here to post this

Who cares, they're protecucks, Geert is a degenerate autist and this pisshole of a country is soon to be dead anyway. Plus they choke when they speak, nobody is going to miss them when people see the tomb of that country before their eyes

>we will get our NEXIT, muslims won't enter our country, and people with a double nationality and a criminal history will get deported.
2 of those things will never happen. Deportations will never ever happen in Europe. No country would take them back so we can't send them away. Don't fall for election-season-memes



Just fuck my party up senpai

wait! hold up, we're coming with you!

nichten verkankeren ons land al 15 jaar. Ze kosten een godsvermogen aan zorgkosten en blijven maar janken om meer "tolerantie". Je kan nergens werken als Christen omdat de baas bang is dat de nichten boos worden en slechte pers creëren. Nichten in Nederland lobbyen al jaren voor meer seksuele voorlichting op scholen, inclusief gelul over homo's/lesbisch. Ze stemmen allemaal ver-links omdat als hun zorg stopt ze allemaal zelf de 4000€ per maand aan aids-remmers moeten betalen.

the spanish/german case
>not enough MP to get the gov
>no coalition
new election few months later
>number MP get shorten
>great coalition right-left
get btfo

Imagine if that drop in the Dutch Labor Party can happen to the British Labour Party.

His momentum disappeared for some reason, well the refushit crisis did not get better and Rutte did not get any less gay so I don't really understand why. Every time if I watch the NoS on friday with the Rutte interview I get pissed about his blatant lying and ineptness to answer any question. Although almost everything the NOS does pisses me off, shit state propaganda.

All right they want to be a ruling party. But they say they can't be called right wing. Ok, you can start shooting everyone but what after that? I guess the survivors will have to find some sort of way.

It probably will. There is not a single person in Labour that's capable of winning a general election.

It's pretty much already happening mate

The Labour party will never be incumbent again. They're a literal lunatic party.

Zijn genoeg takken waar je gewoon werk in kan vinden en redelijk ongedeerd bent door de lange recessie. Er zijn ook plekken die gigantisch religieus zijn, waar ze allemaal SGP stemmen. Tsja daar betalen ze ook geen zorgkosten want God zou er voor zorgen dat hun gezond blijven dus vullen ze een religieus bezwaar op de verplichte zorgverzekering en betalen ze die niet. Als er wat aan de hand is krijgen ze wel zorg though, vaak als het om bedragen gaan die niet te betalen zijn helpt alsnog de overheid, of schend het een deel van het bedrag kwijt.

Aids treatment is ong 10k / jaar btw. Maar dat gaat afnemen in de toekomst aangezien patenten vervallen.

Ik heb niets tegen homoseksualiteit ook nooit echt last van homoseksuele mensen gehad.

I had to rewrite this post, it didn't post but I had it as a copy.

All right, they want to become a ruling party. Ok the right can have its place. But they said they can not be called right wing. And just starting to shoot everywhere, all right but after that? The survivors will have to think of something else.

long live the sixenning

>It's pretty much already happening mate

I wouldn't get your hopes up. British Labour party prior to the leadership election was polling better than most of it's sister parties, the Dutch Labour party would kill for 30+ as would the German social democrats and French Socialists, the current shit polling (A combination of Theresa May's honeymoon period and an internal leadership election in Labour) is unlikely to last much beyond september, when we'll see it revert back to the pre-referendum mean. Same happend with John Major and Gordon Brown when they became PM.

Why would the EU have to be necessarily bad? The advantages or disadvantages are rarely discussed. Maybe they shouldn't be. But definitely against is so much just painful remarks. Which plays on the being knocked out of no voters. Knocked out because of totally different reasons.

Right wing party basically asked them to kill themselves electorally 'for the good of the country' expecting they'd refuse and form an other goverment without them, then they agreed to commit suicide if it meant 4 years of power.

I'm surprised people still vote VVD. They are not even right wing anymore, a disaster for anyone who actually owns a business with their policies the last years. Not sure how we survived them and their ineptness.


At least some of my countrymen understand our politics.

Wilders has upset our police. I say this totally off-line.

How is it not going to be either start shooting everywhere or long lasting End Now painful discussions.

Wat is de beste keuze nu? Want ik heb zeer grote twijfels over de pvv. Stemde altijd Piratenpartij, maar wil wel actie betreft deislamizatie.

Biggest religion is Roman Catholic now. Most Protestants have left or turned atheist. The north and big city's are degenerate. But the south and eastern parts (Roman Catholic) of the country are still fiercly religious.

Lack of alternative. I honestly think PVV will overtake them in march and becomes the mainstream right wing party the coming decade.

>End Now
I mean it all being painful

Canada will take them

And who are you to talk about our language?
Yours is just retarded Russian.



>Stemde altijd Piratenpartij

Voordat de rode pillen op hun plaats vielen.



Sorry don't understand chinese.

we can only deport them to their own country. Only if Canada wants to give them citizenship and they accept it they can be deported.



I thought the same thing but it is not even certain they will get a single seat. Only if they BTFO of PVV in the debates they will have a chance. If they won't be able to do that I don't think they will even get a single seat.

I'm gonna vote SGP. Check out their points, they are pro-forced intergration, pro-opvang in eigen land, anti-islam maar niet publiekelijk omdat ze de "religieuze vrijheid"-kaart moeten spelen.

At least they have integrity.

They are so small they don't get invited to actually debate with Geert. Media like RTL likely want sensation to occur between Geert vs Pechtold / Klaver.

Mijn commentaar was ook niet voor een Amerikaan bestemd.

Overlord solution

But it is deep. It can't be replied to right away.

I sometimes repost this.

Gast verbeter je Engels voordat je van alles op een Engels forum gaat posten