no way around gods law if you think about it.. preserve yourself for marriage.. you can't fault it only call it "childish" cause she/he is not there yet..

Fact is if you're there you just ruin yourself with false expectations instead of seeking for the real bond.. seeking a bond thinking "how can i fuck that and with sexual mindset in charge"

Gods law.. preserve yourself for marriage. male AND female.. that way when you meet someone the first thing isn't can i fuck it but do i like her and enjoy her company.. you can't fault it but you can ignore it..

The only meaningful bond you can make for a preservation of yourself with regards to having children is the woman or man you want to be with, without being without him without constantly wanting to fuck him/her.. if the sex drive is engaged then it leads to a reprobate mind.. you think you are so smart but your "wisdom" is folly in the face of god.. : )

Other urls found in this thread:

I've tried, but after 5 days I was so fucking horny I couldn't hold it in anymore.
the orgasm was great though

if you're not looking ofcourse you perhaps should relieve yourself if you have activated your sexdrive..

English bitch

on day 5 right now, PB is 14

wish me luck


great decision and the woman in question should there be one what has she got to lose, that you have such integrity towards you and her that you bring the bond of mand and woman first.. don't listen to these cowards you're going in the right direction..

mand.. yeah i noticed, apologies for that. man is ofcourse the preferred nomenclature.

here's my good deed for the day
you're welcome

Heirs of the Sun - NOFAP Manual for Success

what the fuck is this. NoFap instructions or dark souls fanfic

The latter faggot little tune

some want to try to help the world.. by realizing how to..

Teaching how to fish..

I've been going strong so far for what's going to be 62 days tomorrow morning at 10:00. I honestly am surprised and proud of how easily I seemed to break free, considering I just dropped it completely, no easing out or whatever.

I feel better about it, and I believe that after the sperm cell goes through its life cycle and dies, the nutrients within it end up being recycled into the body, so I feel excited for when I complete the full sperm life cycle; especially with how I've taken up physical exercise and intend to find a gym or get workout equipment and start working out regularly.

I was thinking of doing something this weekend to celebrate this new-found freedom. What do you guys suggest I should do to self-celebrate?

> when your 7 days into nofap and a 10/10 girl bends over in front of you

work out more, healthy body is a healthy mind :)

Take a trip somewhere in some very risky territory try your skills in the soil, something new experience for you.. build you up learn new skills along the way that makes you a more whole man too.. survival type shit would be an idea with a guide.

>i feel like
>full sperm cycle
so dramatic user. you feel more aware don't you though..
it's all that filth you used to be buried in that clouded your mind, think about it.. you're freer not simply in your body but also in your mind :)


You're more innocent now, more pure than ever before.. it's a great sensation.. don't have a fallback.. this is the crucial point.. "man this is weird should i just go back to all that filth and be "normal".. don't.. what do you think about women aswell than before.. see how your perspective is changing :) scary af..

it's weird because you start to recognize what all that shit used to do to your mind so you want to fall back to the familiar.. cause atleast you know how that is like..


I know how most of Sup Forums feels about jazz and niggers but even Miles Davis extolled the virtues of nofap before it was a thing. In an interview with Playboy he said that he never ejaculated/climaxed before playing a show, as he felt that the male experiences some kind of loss of vital energy post-ejaculation

>source: Multi Orgasmic Man

If you want NoFap to work get the fuck off of the computer and go outside.

Not kidding.

Refraining from touching your dick isn't going to magically change you.

> after 5 days I was so fucking horny I couldn't hold it in anymore
No you weren't. You were bored doing nothing but browsing Sup Forums and got caught up in probably a trap thread. What harm could come from looking at op's webm right? Well then of course you have to look at all the other pics gifs and webms. Next thing you know you're clicking through videos on ashemaletube with mouse in one hand and your cock in the other.

I've been there. You can kick it you just have to keep yourself busy and stay away from your computer for a while.

strangely like an addiction, like a reprobate mind..

is why god is saying aswell to understand his prophecies and to enter into the kingdom of heaven you have to be like a child.. what is a child.. it's pure it's clean it's free of these inhibitions and it seeks the truth..

Mike Tyson did something similar I think.

instead of living its life ascribed to lies.. it's a scary place :)

This user has the right idea.

You're wasting your fucking time with NoFap if you're still browsing this taiwanese stitching board for several hours.

>tfw I can relate to this post
>except it's straight porn instead of trap porn

like a stir in the pot :) "don't be pure.. cause we aren't.. how dare you".. jealosy is a dangerous thing and misery loves company.

don't pay attention to the hands behind the curtain...

There's literally no point in nofap if you're not sexually active. You're better off just wanking every couple of days and not making a habit of it.

It's sad but true. We all have this problem or had it at one point. As much as it sucks stay away from your computer long enough to lose interest you also realize you have no life and friends. You're also probably ruining your relationship with your gf and wife if you have one. You even stopped having sexual relations with her didn't you, mostl likely because you can't get your dick hard unless you're watching porn and rubbing your penis.

God loves that who are pure before him as pure as they are inasmuch he can be honest with them.. and inasmuch they can be honest with themselves and are less perverted as a result..

>there's no point in nofap..
try it :D

>wasting away in front of a screen

pick one

God prohibits murder: "no murder."
God is claimed to have prohibited masturbation: Well you see there was this guy and there was this thing with maintaining a family line to control the property but he got distracted by this really sexy dust and also he had all the brothers but they all died.

I bet the majority of anons can relate to it. We're fucking slaves to the sexual media Jew. We're like sleeper agents when we're on Sup Forums waiting for a sexual image to to activate us into our fapping mission. It's pathetic. We're pathetic.

I did for around 3 months where my best period of time without fapping was a month. Didn't notice any difference apart from more wet dreams and I would finish way too quickly.

Though it did do me good cause now I moderate how much I do it.

It just annoys when people praise nofap as some magical lifestyle choice that makes you a superhero when it's clearly not true.

>wasting in front of a screen
You don't know what i'm up to. To put it mildly.


By all means, petition the Church for a license to procreate in His image.
Seek permission to do that which comes most naturally.
Be ashamed if you willingly separate yourself from the herd.

Do what thou will, and it harm none.

do you disagree with how you are able to accumulate knowledge and also see people in a far more benign fashion before you had your copout?

>why are you teaching young people this
For coupling nofap is simply amazing, they focus on bonding rather than sexuality something that willl reward them so much in life... and make them so able to pick a mate far easier procuring offspring of the right caliber..

I'm playing the long game with this one.. you might not like the shortgame because it's too much of a sacrifice to you, but be that as it may.. And really you ought to. either way. It's a test of character. Consider it a challenge and a meassure of your worth.

Shit i was on day five , and i saw a NICE ASS on the street , i went to sleep , AND I FUCKING CAME IN SLEEP , god damnit , does it count as a relapse?

I'm sure you're a productive human bean user, I'm more so reaching out to the NEETie sweeties.

Nice thread guys. It's refreshing to hear this topic again but to see more Christians on it. I'm on day 5. Best of luck to all of you.

I wanna get passed two weeks without porn and masturbation.

it's easier said than done but it's done by action rather than words :)

Thanks for the support and your own initiative.

Last digit will be how long i need to go for

I assume you meant months and not minutes, enjoy 3/4 of a year of no fap my friend.

this. started to go out more, kept me busy as fuck with work and more socialising ect.

sex is easy user, finding the right partner is harder.. NOFAP is not simply to find yourself but also to be able to find your partner easier. To make it easier to make the right decision before you commmit sexuality clouds the mind very rapidly. things build on that only won't last very long..

Thanks again. Honestly, Denmark, bantz aside, it's nice to hear from other countrymen talking about the same topic. Reaffirms me that I'm not alone

really its a builder for more healthy and more stable relationships for both male and female including further self understanding in the process.. it's nonsense to argue against it. Takes the cloud of sexuality out of the picture that obviously becomes part of a coupling eventually and lets you evaluate what truly brings joy to you better and more elaborately.for the benefit of both.

It also undoctrinates the "whore" syndrome of women where they think they need to be whores to catch a mans attention. trust me honey.. be as pure and good and you will have much better attention..

On day four. I'm trying to go through september.

It's better than man and woman have healthy relationships than many other things. the best of things are built from a firm wholesome and solid foundation.. not the other way around.. and that they nurture their children with the respect and dignity that the child deserves..

give a man a fish and tell him where it is at.. and he may go catch a few fishes.. teach a man to fish and it endureth for a lifetime :)

As much benefit as possible is what i would like to have as my legacy..

You're far from alone brother :) hahaha.. but i appreciate the sentiment. Rest assured that you aren't!


Beta virgin losers who blame all their shortcomings on jacking off.

After 1 week of nofap I just fapped to a regular image of a woman in bikini, which is very soft in comparison to what I was fapping before.

Gamma or below shill trying to be edgy urging for public approval for some social value aspirations of the bottom of the brainstem... next please don't make me engage you...

you're such a cunt though of all the threads you could be tryining this on you do it in a nofap thread... what's your malfunction do you want to get hurt? go away before you do..

Don't make me get pissed off just go away i'm in such a good mood... if you fuck me over here you'll regret it.. a little mood to brighten your day/night..

Honestly i blame the fucking jews. And i normally despise this fucking blame the jew meme. But in this situation. Yes i entirely blame the fucking jews.

Think about it. Nothing on this planet is more profitable than sex. Literally the one thing embedded in our DNA is manipualted and abused by fucking jews through porno and constant sex ads.

You wonder why your daughters lose their virginity so young? all their life if you put them in front of T.V and phones all they get are ads that subtly or openly try to promote sex and saying sex is great or awesome and that you need it. So they go and do it.

Meanwhile they teach kids that masturbating is normal. You don't need to go outside. you don't need to socialize. dont believe in christian or orthodox values they are stupid. Jerking off all day is new and "modern" and those fools from the past are all idiots trying to brainwash you.

Even this website is bad for you. I see some fucking image of hot girls ass and it makes me start looking at porno. Also you are told that only "normies" go out. again fucking jews / losers who have given up are mostly doing this. Its like crabs in a bucket dragging each other down.

Sadly this is also the only site i like to watch for news. because i dont like CNN or fox and their fucking blatant bullshit.

look a lena dunham were she not promoted by the ((media)) where would she be '''

They tell you indulge indulge by a woman that takes 5 pars of makeup and still is like a pig dressedup in human garments promoting decay and disgusting behaviour..

the false jews you should not be afraid to mention them the true judah would be embarrased otherwise.. this blanket of shame that you now feel for saying both.. oh little child :D when you know how true it is you will not be unashamed but all things for their time..

"if trump gets elected i'll move to canada" if trump gets elected i'll move to an even white country with a clueless prime minister :D do they move to a nation in africa, ofcourse not.. when you see emotional rethoric for what it is.. you'll almost throw up.. live and learn..

what do they do.. promote slutlike behaviour among women.. where before women were noble..
OH beloved if i told you the unfiltered thing you would think you had your hat on wrong :D

some truths can only be found..

they think their ill understanding will help them in the conflict between the muslims and the christians, poor souls they might have a fucking heart attack..