Time period doesnt matter, just has to be a decent movie.
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Battle L.A 2011
the first act of this is actually really good desu
yeah i agree
Fury is a good movie
Thin red line.
Are there any good anti-war films based around modern war in the middle east? Any anti-war films I know of are all ww1-ww2 and vietnam, while all the modern day war films are all troop worshipping
in my heart I did
Edge of tomorrow
>tfw military autism prevents me from enjoying saving private Ryan because it's impossible for that to have actually happened
Not a movie, but Band of Brothers is fucking amazing
agree, no tv show has come close to how kino this is
Come and See
No it's not
better than private ryan by a long shot. the combat scenes are all around more realistic and the show actually has moments that humanize the german soldiers to some degree.
Its literally just a mediocre Marines advertisement
>agree, no tv show has come close to how kino this is
I think the pacific comes close in terms of cinematography but the cast is so much worse than band of brothers.
Tora Tora Tora
>humanize the german soldiers
>muh innocent Nazi invaders. They dindu nuffin
Japanese hats in WW2 were the worst hats
They've got the worst uniforms of all the nations that fought
Das boot for sure. Best war movie bar none.
kill them all good goy!
>tfw Lt Spears got away with murdering a superior officer because the one guy he told got killed by artillery
It was pretty good
that scene was pretty bad ass, but rest of movie especially ending was stale
The Thin Red Line
Apocalypse Now
Das Boot
that's it. you're welcome.
Not a movie, and not in-your-face anti-war at least but check out Generation Kill (about the Iraq War, the 2003 invasion)
Thx yify
I've heard there is also a book, should I read it first?
Watch this movie and then cry yourself to sleep knowing that you'll never be as manly as Gregory Peck.
I've heard it's good but I haven't read the book myself. I imagine it would have more detail and explain more background stuff. But you don't need to read it first. Up to you.
Finnish kino
The hurt locker
FMJ, buffalo soldier, and forrest gump are the only kino army movies
t. army vet on ptsdtism bux
I just posted this in the emoji army thread too
No u
I get the hate
But it was decent warkino.
I'll allow it.
I like your gif.
Waterloo (1970)
Zulu (1964)
Cross of Iron (1977)
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
War Horse
Maybe Lawrence of Arabia, it doesn't have much battles but it still a must watch.
Fury tbqhwy senpai, before I saw it I thought it was another MUH EPIC AMERICANS WON THE WAR xD movie, but it turned out to be very good
this, then patton to make you feel better.