Sup Forums gets raided and bloodied by shitposters and shills for months

>Sup Forums gets raided and bloodied by shitposters and shills for months
>mods are nowhere to be seen
>CTR comes to start shilling on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums tries to fight back
>suddenly we have mods that start mass banning anti-CTR posts/threads for "doxxing"

why is this allowed?
what did we do to deserve this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Guys, check out my thread of correct the record:

I have info on them.

you've lost the war

get over it

It's always darkest before the Don.


>literally just move to 8ch and continue what we were doing
>this time with less moderation to stop us

wow nice victory

>suddenly we have mods that start mass banning anti-CTR posts/threads for "doxxing"

Boy you sure are a dumb motherfucker aren't you.

Fight back you faggot.


That's some rare shit right there

The mods and janitors are taking part in it as well. This boards administration is known to be anti-Trump. Fortunately I am not restricted to only one board. Learn to use multiple tabs to undertake more sensitive operations elsewhere.

They can still cry, but we are unfettered in our good works.

Not an argument.

It's not a war CTR, it's a temporary disruption. This isn't the first time it happened nor will it be the last time. We've gone through this over and over again, we've had other groups genuinely dedicated groups break themselves on Sup Forums. If you guys weren't paid, most of you wouldn't even be here and the moment you stop being paid, you'll leave.

At the end, the best you're achieving is a temporary disruption which you are very much aware of. You wont fundamentally change the board nor people's opinions, you're just trying to disrupt the information flow and anti Hillary propaganda.

Probably the same faggot mods we get from Sup Forums that "moderate" the stickies, and ban for anything, not to mention that asshat janitor.
"le Sup Forums tier post" 15min temp ban

>We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in Sup Forums, we shall fight on reddit and youtube, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the internet, we shall defend our hugbox, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight at the dinner table, we shall fight on the on the drive to school, we shall fight in the anime forums; we shall never surrender,

You've already lost, faggot.

Sup Forumslution eternally and forever btfo


I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. Hillary is looking pretty nervous right now. She might win. But being a (mostly) dem myself, for the most part, I have no inclination of voting for her. I will work with the right to get Trump in.

And many feel the same. Clinton is an ugly candidate. An orange baboon like Trump is much better in comparison.

See retards like this are why I come here. Make a single sentence remark and it triggers retards into writing an essay.


Zero tolerance policy on shilling there too.

>You wont fundamentally change the board nor people's opinions
Dubs speak truth. Hillary winning will do that. :^)

>laughs at reddit and tumblr for being anti-free speech hugboxes
>people start posting pro-Hillary threads
>chimp out and start creating dox threads which violate Sup Forums's terms of service
>based mods ban your ass for breaking the rules
>butthurt about not being being an anti-free speech hugbox
>>>>trumplets everyone

They infiltrated the mods.

Also, Kek threads are suddenly being deleted.


It was foretold long ago friend. Worry not, the shills are but the death throes of angry evil men.

fuck you OP. trump sucks

>being this cognitive dissonance
>death throes of angry evil men.
>literally describing trumps entire campaign platform

The other day i got banned for replying to a "your mother will die in her sleep" thing

Love you mom

Take heart, brother. Their numbers are a meme; they are shill bots and interns. We are here because we want to be here! And we will be here after they are gone.
Prepare yourself for the coming storm. These are the opening waves, the Olympics have not even started! The debates! Even with their shilling, the habbenings will shine through.

>People who don't share my delusions about a meme candidate and make-believe frog god are clearly paid shills.
Trumpfags think like this.

>supports killing infants
>I-I-Im totally not the bad guy

kk Hell fire totally doesnt await you whatever helps you sleep chief

Cripplechan users really are fucking cancer, you niggers cried when m00t took away the flags and fucked with words like cuck. Now youre crying about getting banned by a nazi mod. This isnt anything new, if you dont know how to evade a ban youre either fucking retarded or a summerfag, either way go to cripplechan.


I'm guessing that the mods are also being paid to have this crap on our boards.

>hurr muh infinity chan

That place is pure paranoia cancer

>that strawman argument
you claim people who are anti-trump are angry men. Isn't Trump's entire campaign platform about being angry and immigration and America losing business because of bad trade deals? I know you inbred faggots dont have the intelligence to stay on point but it won't work on me. Plus I'm not even a Hillary supporter dumbass.

>Anti Shill means pro trump

Funny how you fall into the same category of those you accuse godless heathen :)

kek stop playing games. at least have the spine to admit you support trump. i would respect you at least. spineless pussy


It's just so obvious when it's a shill though. They post horrible pro Clinton memes and we debunk them immediately. If they hear they heard a "compelling" argument for Clinton and we ask for it we get no only that but often times the posts from those ID's only have one post. We aren't delusional. We joke to the extreme about it in an ironic way but you can't deny this lmao.

>anti trump

disgusting user

>Not saying you'll vote clinton to get tit pics

Typical reddit

Kek you're a sad little girl to resort to name calling.

Prepare for Hell for you're godless ways btw.

>mfw there's barely any difference

Are all you fucking complainers shills or something? I don't see any pro hillary stuff outside the ironic shitposting (which is still shitposting). All I see are faggots crying about it all of a sudden.

>We only act like ignorant retards who support Trump.
Trumpfags believe this.