You know what it feels like to be judged simply because of how you look?

>You know what it feels like to be judged simply because of how you look?

'Course I do..........

I'm part robot.

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as much guff as this gets. Being a giant obvious robot has to be more ostrasizing than being black. Atleast when you're black you have a community.

idgaf what anyone says, that line lightened the mood just enough to ease the tension in a kid's cartoon without detracting from the message

I honestly couldn't tell if stuff like that was a wink to the audience or just them trying to be as uncontroversial as possible.


>Atleast when you're black you have a community.

Hey now. I've been attending the Cyber-African Methodist Episcopal Church for years. The Cyber-Afro-American community is alive and thriving.

>That episode where Cyborg fought against the segregation of showers he could hit

This is one of the reasons Teen Titans is better than TTG! because it can touch on subjects of racism like this. Episodes like this are so sorely needed nowadays.

Star: You know what it feels like to be judged simply because of how you look?

Cyborg: 'Course I do. Happens all the time here on Earth.

Star: I see. Is it because you are part robot?

Cyborg: ... yeah.

I kind of wanted to see how TT would progress post Japan movie.

Did anyone actually think this was a race thing? It was kind of obvious he was referring to the gross attachments he has.

More like part black.

He had enough experience being both that either could have worked, although the robot part is probably much more relatable to Starfire.

It was probably mostly the way that line was delivered that makes everyone point it out anyway. Because we don't live in a world of crazy beast men and sexy citrus cat aliens, it we anticipate him saying "I'm black" because that's most natural to us.

I may be half a robot, but at least I'm not black

I remind you that the team got onto a space ship with a massive racist and attacked a planet full of bug people on his say so even after it was clear he'd been calling one of their team mates a blunt racial slur to her face.

5 gets you ten they slaughtered a bunch of innocents because they looked different,

I kind of wish they hadn't stopped showing the Titans interacting with normies so we could actually SEE Cyborg get judged for being a robot.

>Its the Boondocks crossover episode where Uncle Ruckus accidentally lands in the TT universe

I swear, I remember seeing a scene at the end of that episode where Cyborg got kidnapped that showed the main villain of the episode playing Football

you're probably thinking of "The Sum of Its Parts"

Decided to reword the original reply. Anyways, yeah, that was that episode. Did I hallucinate that ending?

Yeah, I don't recall Fixit actually playing football then. Maybe it was a TTG episode?

Is being a cyborg really that bad? Do people really point at a cyborg and laugh and shit?

I, for one, think cyborg people are cool as fuck

Now lets hit those showers!!!

Being different from the norm leads to people being treated differently.

And yeah, I could see people making jokes like wondering if he still has a real dick

Keep in mind that he doesn't have a penis.

People don't have to point and laugh in order to ostracize someone

Well if TT was real life, it'd be pretty disgusting and revolting.
Not fun having your skin permanently infused with machinery of any kind.

Damn black people getting all the good cybernetics. Some punk teen from the hood transforming gun-arms, and my war-vet dad gets a metal stick for a leg.

*his birth penis
his dad swapped it out for the PussyCrusher600™ with penile extension matrices

that's not because he's black, it's because people don't respect war vets

Have you seen Zone's Cyborg and Jinx hentai?

I thought they recalled the 600 series after all the internal bleeding accidents.

That was only the ones produced in China, Chinese girls are smaller and tighter so the recall was more necessary for them than anyone else
The American produced 600 series were more flexible due to production standards being higher in the states
And besides, the 700+ series really didn't add anything in extra functionality or speed

That's what you get for outsourcing the robot penis factory to China. Donald Trump was right.

Just wait for them to put out the 800, it's gonna have bluetooth.

Sure itd be cool if you were ghost in the shell type.

the chinese robot penises work fine for anyone with an accommodating vaginal girth

But Cyborg is already blue

I don't trust Chinese labor. I want my robot penises made by honest, hardworking Americans.

But your robot penises are almost undoubtedly made by immigrants in sweat shops

American Immigrants in American Sweat Shops using American Materials.

What about cyborg vaginas? We can all agree the Russians are leading the industry with the Knob Gnasher 9000, right?

Not anymore. From now on, my robodicks will only have been touched by American hands!

Why does he have issue with his dad again? The man saved you from near death, made you a super hero and toss in a robot cock in the package.That's just good parenting

I reckon yes.
I mean, in reality it wouldn't be so clean cut. There would be major scarring, near constant maintenance, various antibiotics to prevent infections, the rejection issue and so on.

But this is a cartoon.

But you can't use them together. It's trying to plug into those weird European outlets.

So does being part robot add or subtract years to/from his life?

...holy shit, did the point of this line actually go over all of your heads?

I'm... almost a little impressed. Good... good job, I guess?

But his teeth aren't.

I think you have the amputee community. And who really looks at them like 'oh no what's an amputee doing here'. If anything they're probably jealous of his awesome prosthetics.

Yeah yeah, i get that being a cyborg is far more traumatizing than simply being black, but damn, as a black kid, that was a hell of a double-take moment.

I was just so fucking sure he was gonna say black.

Well that is kind of what they were going for too.
They just can't say black.

Although it would have had more of an effect if it were like this.

>'Course I do, I'm... part robot

time to hit the showers

pretty much the point. You're used to him being a cyborg, then you remember. "Oh wait, that shit's kinda weird" it would kind of make him weird even among black people and if there's one thing I've seen in the ghetto is black people are weirdly entitled about fucking with each other. If a black guy is weird somehow it's alright to fuck with him even if you barely know him because he's black. Like he's part of a community or something and people who are part of that community get to fuck with him because he's got nowhere to go otherwise.

Addressing racism is completely out of the scope of TTG.

it would have worked better had he said nothing more than 'Of course I do"

The audience would know and it would have felt more poignant.

well yeah but it would make people feel more sorry for cyborg then anything else.

he's trying to bring up the mood that won't happen if you use your dialog.

Nah, without them reminding us that becoming a robot against your will is probably a real bummer, the scene would've been diminished.

The way they did it, you definitely get both meanings.

It would be mostly a bitter pill reminder for the audience and a reminder starfire as an alien can't see the race lines people draw amongst themselves.

NO that's to fucking dark for my white child. DON*T YOU PUSH YOUR AGENDA ON ME.

That isn't what I got from the scene at all. i got like they we're going to imply the fact he was black, a fact Obvious to Starfire, but not the audience, but pussied out and stuck to the part robot shit almost eveyr arc he ever got focused on.

i'm sorry user but i've been slipping your white child HRT, he's a tumblr lesbian now.

jesus, it's especially apparent when you have the whole dialogue exchange. It's been a while since I've watched an episode, that's pretty intense for a kids cartoon.

But amputees aren't covered in laser cannons and bombs and shit. As well as have the ability to hack into all of my electronics and look at my porn with a thought.
I'd be a little nervous around cyborg. But still find him cool as hell.

>a fact Obvious to Starfire, but not the audience
There's no way Star even understands human race relations.

This. even though it's replaceable losing you actual genitalia is a big mental thing for guys to have to deal with. Ernest Hemingway even wrote a story on this sort of thing.

with how much of our culture has gender and Sex stuff, being changed to what is basically a Eunuch will fuck with you on some level.

I don't think he had issue with his dad, he knows the procedure saved his life and his dad was working under a desperate time window. it more just 'what is a man, and am I a man when i'm more machine' pondering doubt.

think how much society associates the penis with being defining of you 'being a man' then imagine suddenly you survived a horrific accident, but no longer have that. yeah it sounds tumblr as fuck to say but having gone through that kind fo trauma, especially when he's now partly an 'object/thing' because he's machine, it fucks with you a bit.

i will never understand the hate that this gets. being part robot easily takes priority over being a fucking black person. what would you rather him say? "yeah i'm part robot AND black! that's double the discrimination!"

I meant oblivious it's 3 am here.

>I'd be a little nervous around cyborg. But still find him cool as hell.

OH, so just like a black guy.

Actually human culture is more likely to put Black above being robot, unless he's enough of a robot he stops looking human in the face region. once he loses a human face then he becomes more likely to be viewed as 'just' an object like robots tend to be regarded.

>black guys
Maybe if I was a tumblrina.

I know that feel cyborg cause im a green

>implying that's the "racism" episode
Wasn't there an alien that kept calling Starfire "nothing" in one episode?

That's where its from.

Yes, "Troq".

Oh, for some reason I thought that was from the episode where a kid in the park had a prosthetic and was all "hey we're so similiar :)" to Cyborg

Those two shows are absolutely nothing alike and only retards would compare them in a way like you just did

So he's half Asian?

You could've just likened it to Sup Forums.

but hey you hang out with batman


Sometime i alway thought if Cybord is Human with robot part or the robot part with the memory of human part


>show uses exact same characters and setting
>gets pissed when comparisons are made
Not arguing with the fact that they are so differeny and far off from eachother, but that's what pisses people off. You can't even compare them.

There was a whole episode about that

Yea he probably doesn't have a penis




Doesn't sound so bad



If he had said he understood what she was going through because he was black,people on Sup Forums would be whining about reverse racism and white guilt.


That was pretty funny, and callback to the previous episode where he struggled with that issue.


Play Deus Ex games and find out good reasons why.
Not all people will be understanding, even if said modifications improve your quality of life.

That's actually worse.
The original has Cyborg acknowledge what he feels sets him apart. Your version has Starfire prompt him, implying that *she* sees his robot nature before his humanity. His sheepish agreement implies not only that he did not think of himself that way before, but that now he has yet another shameful minority status imposed on him.
Functionally, star might have well called him "the ugly".

Does Cyborg still have a BBC?