what do you think of the country of the user posting above you?
What do you think of the country of the user posting above you?
shitty teeth
Always get you confused with Russia
cloggs and gay accent, everyone is has weird sexual perversion
uk teeth are good btw
shitty teeth, food, weather, architecture, people, cars, roads, traditions, history, future
>uk teeth are good btw
sure they are buddy
we don't clogs, retard
>gay accent
coming from a fucking brit lmao, the brittish accent is the gayest thing in the world
Everything (¿)?
always gets confused with Russia
Losing at every sport you've invented. Pommy wanker. Vegemite hater.
Muslims with small dicks
Best posters
Fat. Stupid. Lazy.
Love you finbro.
Based exclusively on one youtube I watch, you are all funny and cool alcoholics
Australia, you're the greatest at bantz and there's literally nobody else on the planet that understands bantz like you do. I love you, you upside-down kangaroo fuckers.
U guys like my tattoo??
Master shitposters
Our embarrassing friend to the north, faggoty sense of superiority.
Still superpower but on a downhill for some time now.
butthurt belt, better army than germany
Once great nation now being fucked by subhumans
Multicultural cucks. Literally who.
Was never a great nation, now even more fucked by subhumans.
his sandnigger neighbors invited him over for dinner and then gangraped his mother, giving birth to a disgusting half breed brother that he has to give a blowjob to every night before bed or face that wrath of being incarcerated for a hate crime in race jail
should come back to isolation, something like before first world war
Best friend irl is Polish and had many Polish friends abroad. Were cool af
So, I have a nice impression of Poland though I hear it is quite shitty living there.
they gave us ed,edd n eddy, atomic betty and barbar so thank you leaf
brotier arabs
Awesome military, good neighbors if it weren't for liberals and niggers.
Chink colony shitposters.
hockey, syrup, moose, bears, horrid shit posting
pretty good
I like it
This is too easy, I'll pass
biggest cucks on the planet watching their women get raped will be all muslim by 2025
We have something together. We shouldnt exist.
I believe you are misinformed
Best ally
A bit too much wrong focus on religion, seem obsessed with satan (lovers and haters)
Politics are shady as hell, but they dont show it as much as other countries. Also, votes are mostly based on emotions, not braincells. The whole election process is one big circus.
Otherwise theyre fine, people are friendly as hell,whole country is very lively. Ah, and stay the hell away from florida.
Mixed opinions.
Love their innovative culture but hate their eating habits.
I want us to stay together forever
Burgers... lots n' lots of burgers
tfw ruskies copied dutch flag
I love you to daddy america
The Mexico of Germany
if it weren't for you amricobros my family side who live in kuwait would probably have died in the gulf war/ dessert storm. so from deepest parts of my fefes thank you
too many faggot niggers in this one
too many faggot niggers in this one
too many faggot niggers in this one
Awesome country. Great culture and landscapes.
Sure, most of my ancestors are from Germany but in this day and age you are living in a country not even worth thinking about unless you happen to be in EU.