This board is pure evil

You guys know that you're the bad guys, right? Please tell me you understand that. You people glorify the nazis, deny the holocuast and vilify the Jews. You hate non whites, hate women, hate the LGBTQ.

I don't know what happened to make you so hateful, but this isn't the way!

Other urls found in this thread:

We are the way

>thinking we take any of it seriously

Probably be best if you just go back to LeReddit.

it's more like embracing the people that worked and died for us to evolve from mudpeople and hate people who want us to become mudpeople again

A large contingent of posters are Jews. Israeli Jews even. Also the faggotry runs rampant, and I'm not talking gay jokes I'm talking big hairy men taking it up the ass and paying off house mortgages together.

You may be right about the women-hatin' tho

We are the way and the light of the future.

Get with the program or get lost.

Without whites, there is no future.

post-modernism taught me that everything is relative and there is no absolut good or evil. in that regard: Sieg Heil Kamerad!

If looking out for your own people's best interests and preserving their future is wrong, then I don't want to be right

"The greatest possession you have in this world is your own people." -Austrian painter


We're not evil.
We're human.

You can be too. There's always a spot open for someone who's willing to see it the way we do. I hope you DO realize it's all satire.


Consider reading the history of Hitler's rise to power objectively and without all the baggage that's been thrust upon you through media and academia. Then study and research the Holocaust.

Come back afterwards.

good and bad doesn't exist, just survival.

being good is how you end up raped by niggers.

>hate the LGBTQ
you mean LGBTQP, shitlord?

Thread theme

>not knowing Sup Forums is just satire

what's the p?

People like you made me like this

>I didn't know Sup Forums is satire
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.



Fuck off, faggot

Go back to your safe space with all your cuck friends

>Sup Forums is one person

Don't pay this board no attention. Their supposed leader Drumpf is about to be decimated at the elections, proving that America is firmly behind Hillary and progressivism. Come join us at /r/hillaryclinton for laughs that don't come at the expense of minorities.


I don't support Nazism nor do I universally hate Jews. I do believe the Holocaust is mostly bunk though, and I do believe Zionists have too much sway in our government.

I also don't hate nonwhites nor do I hate women. The views I hold on them though would probably be categorized as "hate" by the intolerant left, because they consider anything that isn't blind obedience to their doctrine to be some kind of hate.

is this satire too?

>he fell for the Sup Forums is satire meme

Just saw Triggly puff walking hhere in Northampton MA. What should I do if I see her again?

But user we are pure love

Morality is subjective.

There is no good or bad.

>1 post by this ID


I'm Ashkenazi and I love pol

kys ziotrash

Not at all, OP

Deranged cunts like you always convince themselves they're the good guys. See a doctor.


You've been told all your life people who fit a certain stereotype are "evil", just like racist were. Unbeknownst to you, by rationalizing we are "the bad guy" you delve deeper into the same things you demonize in others.

literally "le Sup Forums is one people" meme hidden under sophism.

Remember kids, niggers are subhuman!

How are any of those things bad or evil?

papa love

The jews killed jesus.

God has already passed judgement on them

No, you're the bad guys.
And you will find out that and the fact that all of your statements are lies soon, as your judgement approaches.


Shill. Remember, report, hide, delete.


t. Sephardi Jew


>inb4 israeli civil war

You sound like a buttmad Christian telling an atheist he's going to Hell.

We don't believe in your phony secular humanist post-1945 bullshit. You have literally condemned our nation states to die with your insane universalist global humanity bullshit creed and I actively wish for your death.

So too does the lord kek, lad.

It's another, you're on the wrong side of history, episode.

The real question is, who would be trying to profit off the conflict if everyone involved was Jewish? Would we ever know who was Jewing who?

Diaspora khazars probably, they never miss a chance to make a shekel.

>You guys know that you're the bad guys, right?

Fuck off, we are the good guys trying to save the world before it collapses entirely


Sup Forums is the board of peace.
Take your hate mongering elsewhere.

Don't care faggot. Saged.