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Halfway through the new Harry Potter book. It's not very good at all

I too, always turn to millennials for political analysis.

This is a pretty impressive argument for a millennial. It's not too often that they reference books to move their point across. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he's referencing the written work and not the movies.

An Australian posting on Sup Forums is the biggest red flag since the Hitler starting killing the Jews.

I just started an office job and every person between the ages of 25 and 40 are "epic nerds" who just LOVE nerdy stuff like Harry Potter and superheroes!

I thought it was a play.

But stuff like sbc's is just toooooooo nerdy mayun

They are tired to compare Trump to Hitler, now they have to compare him to the villain from the only book they've read in their lifes. Good one.

epic XD

wtf i hate donald trump now

>only book they've read in ther lives
it's sad how true this is.

We're all nerds here right? Xd

I wish I could get a job at Google! That movie they made was totally relatable and made me feel like I could totally fit right in there! Haha

I mean there are no dumb questions, right? That's why they go through this process.

Obama knew just as much, if not less, going into the briefings.

I think the real question should be who the fuck sang here.

>le Presidents can nuke anyone they want meme

Obama and Hillary have been pushing this misinformation like crazy.

How idiotic is that? AFAIK, only Obama introduced the "no first strike" doctrine, and it was far from universally accepted, and this unsourced quote is not even giving context, he might as well have referred to retalitation. Also other heads of states consider using nukes, even WOMEN

Now take your children's-book-level tweets out with you and never come back.

Failed comedian without a Wikipedia page insults Trump.
Will he drop out?!

Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing. Barack Obama is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make America more like the rest of the world. That's why he passed Obamacare and the stimulus and Dodd-Frank and the deal with Iran. It is a systematic effort to change America. When I'm president of the United States, we are going to re-embrace all the things that made America the greatest nation in the world and we are going to leave our children with what they deserve: the single greatest nation in the history of the world.

What do you mean Trump is like Hitler or Voldemort? I thought he was like Palpatine

I wonder who they'll say he's like next

I read the plot summary online.

Bad fan fiction.

anyone who mentions popular media in the same breath as politics needs to be dragged behind the toolshed and shot in the head

fwiw anons, I went to CHINA a while back, and there's less propaganda in CHINA than america.

example, I recently attended harry potter land and disneyland, and te entire point of the park is to submerge you into a land of fantasy. YOU are a princess! YOU are special! wow, what a wonderful country of equality and fun and good feelings!

in china, their largest theme park is "hey you fucking bratty little shitheads. here's a fucking dolphin. DO YOU LIKE ANIMALS? DO YOU LIKE FAST FUCKING RIDES? COOL NOW GTFO (sponsored by the communist party)

the communists TELL you who built it, and built it for you to have a good fucking time. disneyland brainwashes you.


>didn't say Tom Riddle

fucking poser

wtf i hate you-know-who now

good kek had me


I think at this point we need to brace ourselves for the next outing of Trump.

They'll compare him to Gargamel.

It's over.

Trump BTFO

I'm now #DownWithTheKasichness

Cue Young Voldemort Scene:

"Tell me about... SAPs" says Hillary

"Special Access Programs? why... why would you want to know about those"

" a dark place this inquiry goes"

Hi Will