Why do you little bitches want a politician who can't into dirty politics?

Why do you little bitches want a politician who can't into dirty politics?

The real world is a tough place kids, its not all bravado and bluster

Sure, Clinton is a snake, and a cheat, and a murderer, but she is YOUR snake, cheat and murderer

Why do you want some pussy like trump representing you, instead of this cold as ice bitch? Don't get it.

I hate you so much kiwifaggot.


but she is YOUR snake, cheat and murderer
That's where you're wrong, friendo.

hillary isnt good at it. you see people who can play dirty dont get caught. they dont need to kill people who are going to testify against them because they dont get caught

its more embarrassing that she is even running

Can I ask how much do you get paid and were so I sign up I mean I'll still support trump I just want to waste Democratic sheqels

oh dear, poor little stormweenie has his hugbox disrupted by an opinion he doesn't want to hear. Would you like to call the police?

>Sure, Clinton is a snake, and a cheat, and a murderer, but she is YOUR snake, cheat and murderer
i don't care if the president is immoral but they have to do immoral shit for my benefit not to get themselves rich.

>hating Hillary makes you a stormfaggot
Holy fuck, we gotta step up the shit posting, they're gaining fast. Do something about your retarded cousin Australia.

Well you just outed yourself as a tumblerina.
I don't even care about your opinion, you're kind of right, Hillary winning guarantees the deaths of hundreds of thousands of shitskins in the Middle East when her wahhabi masters decide iran has to go.

So with Trump you'll have an Isolationist and relitive peace.
With Hillary you'll have more of the same as Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama:
Death and destruction of shitskin countries on the whim of thier funders.

>he doesnt know what Trump has in store

I don't know Trump's dirty secrets.

Hillary is a sloppy bitch and kek will Kill her. Trump has kek's favor.

Change of tactic I see

I do think that trump and hillary have vastly different motivations for wanting that office.

Kiwis are a lot cooler than our hat.

No. Trump is OUR greedy fuck.
Hillary is greedy all for herself and has been for her whole political career.
She's going to help her and her friends make money while selling our rights away with things like the TPP.
Btw, if you're not worried about the TPP you need to take a good look at it. A foreign court could force us to change our laws under that bullshit.


>Why do you little bitches want a politician who can't into dirty politics?
In what fucking world do you live in where Trump isn't an extremely dirty bastard?
Even ignoring his checkered past with disasters like Trump uni, you have a candidate who can throw slanderous, Molotov cocktails over the fence with little to no consequence. The Democrats are trying to play at having the moral high ground in comparison to him (while failing miserably), and it's just giving him more room with which he can sling mud.

I respect him and want him to win, but still, fucker does NOT fight fair. He goes straight for the eyes and groin.


Top kek

I am done paying for welfare niggers. I'm poor as fuck but somehow I still had to pay 11k in taxes to feed clothe and house Sheniquas 4 kids.

Why? Why does a hard working man need to pay for all the leaches?

Then they fucking call me racist.? Fuck you.