Oh fuck

Oh fuck..




(((Jeffrey Goldberg)))

pure coincidence, user




Its G-d. Who is this fucking apostate?

(((Goldberg))) (((God)))


If only all Americans could display such (((valor)))...



>Atheists will defend this


>1 post by this ID

Jeffrey goldberg is a filthy jew that belongs in the oven.


I fucking hate Trump now. I'm for the #Hillacost now


Do these leftists jews not get that these same muslims hate jews and israel.



Unironically supporting the candidate that supported the war your son was killed in. He would still be alive if Trump had his way.

These kikes are creating conditions for a new holocaust. A victory here will mean public support for something evil later.


>give speech that will result in the demonization of anyone who even slightly criticizes
>uncommon valor




The lefty jews want to wipeout christianity at any cost even if they have to use muslims and niggers as weapons.



I do not understand the arguement? He was a supporter of sharia law, Trump didn't say his son died for nothing he was just pointing it out.

I am always amazed by the fact that jews dont even try to hide that they are in control of money, i mean goldberg literally means pile of gold



Quiet leaf. The shills have no real dirt on Trump so they have to manufacture it themselves.

>uncommon valor

Kek, not wrong on that one


nigs and sandnigs are literally bioweapons being used by jews to assault western civilization

>heathen savages
>sent by God


That's the BASED Goldberg




>when you about to school someone on twitter but their name ends in (((-berg)))

Is he a jew?

Heebie Kikeberger

ooo a actor who could only get a role after 20 years because his jew buddies made a sequel to a old movie has a opinion. and the world holds its breath waiting for jewymcjewrsteinrothschild to finish his sentence

wow who knew this thread would go the way it did

>of uncommon valor

What is so valorous about them? They weren't the ones that went to Iraq...


Do you mean Allah?

more like some mudshit Pakistani who has written in support of Shariah Law and is on Saudi Arabia's payroll may help the kikes and neocons bring down the last hope to save America

The father is a member of the Muslim brotherhood for chrissakes