Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about
I prefer my white interest news tastefully filtered
Why are they still around even? Even the mass media doesn't cite them as the 'premier white nationalist website' anymore.
Retards, anything White Pride, White supremacists are kike slaves.
of all things... you realize that stormfront hates jews?
stormfront : vodka :: breitbart : smirnoff ice
>dust has settled
They've been around longer than this piece of shit site, you stupid fuck, have some respect.
>hates jews
>follows their interests
I hate niggers but I prefer to hate niggers on a website not developed in the 15th century with grandpas who think facebook memes are funny
I never encountered a neonazi who wasen't a full blown degenerate. They all act like niggers and yet they claim to be the masterrace. They need to get an education and start looking like normal people, otherwise you will only recruit misguided edgy teenagers. But hey I partly agree with them, fuck the kikes.
Almost as bad as the regressive left.
Think about it. Stromfront is a "safe space" in which you will get banned for going against the narrative. Victim mentality, just like blacks, when they blame everything on someone else, but instead of Whitey it is the Jews. And it's so ironic to me that when stormfags see a poor Black they think that he's just a lazy low-IQ nigger, but they see a poor trailer-trash White and he is just a poor fella who is disenchanted because he knows he stands in life due to Jews and affirmative action.
I believe that White trash, ghetto blacks, and cholo Hispanics are all just a different side of the same coin which is : victim mentality, lack of work ethic, and degenerate tendencies.
FBI agents say they hate Jews, indentifying yourself with "white pride" means pride in your race is not default but chosen, it is beneficial to Jews.
Fuck off JIDF.
Fuck off JIDF.
You wont chain us to the doings of your Jewish agents.
The site looks like shit
Also this
Way too edgy and just plain retarded at times. Nothing angers me more than Slavic Stormfags walking around in hoodies and holding knives to random people and calling themselves protectors of the white race.
You sound like a jealous nigger.
I like stormfront but I prefer daily stormer
Although I don't think it's the stormfaggots fault. Their too stupid to realize the jews immediately spot and begin wishing for the same dumb shit as them.
what dust?
What's wrong. Did I strike a chord there?
They're fine but a bit too much try-hard if I may say.
He just recognizes you for what you are, an obviously butthurt shitskin whos upset that you're not apart of the white secret club. The fact that you believe "white trash" are the equivalent to cholos and gangbanging niggers says a lot about you.
They have many good stickies and threads which is how i became aware of the jewish problem i dont see why they get hate from people here... well actually they ban non whites and race and people who are like 1/16 black so i can see why you degenrates on here hate the site you probably fit into that category
Anything not purely National Socialist is exterminated, this includes neonazis, white pride, skinheads etc..
Useless faggots. They're a liability and ammo for the liberal press. They've done nothing good.
Himmler4Lyfe88 plz go
Like how?
I have to give them credit for standing up for such an unfavorable opinion in the public eye.
ONE political power only, National Socialism.
Rename Stormfront National Socialism and exterminate everything related to post war Jewish subversion and it will be nice.
>The fact that you believe "white trash" are the equivalent to cholos and gangbanging niggers says a lot about you.
>Implying Sup Forums would let their children date White trash.
Cletus, ain't no one here going to give up their daughter for trash like you
The place where older white nationalists go. It's not a bad place. I used to go there a lot 10 years ago.
Protip: He disagrees with them, and believes he can "change their ways" by appealing to their interest in Anti-Semitism
Voluntarism is the only way family, socialist nations breed corruption ad degeneracy
White trash are a very small segment of the population. Look at the bigger picture, kike shill.
Anything not purely National Socialist does not represent us, anything added breaks them from the order.
retard like all supremacists
Would have been classified as retarded, thus gassed
Almost as retarded as dying in the desert for the merchants.
t. Goy
t. Jewish Internet Defense Force
they stink and I dont like them
national socialism is, despite it's name, a fascist ideology
fuck yo trips nikkah
old fashioned with no good memes
Kike tools to reinforce muh 6 gorillion rhetoric.
Literally niggers.
>literally accept the Holocaust
>believe in gas chamber meme
>hurhur muh master race lol 14/88 sig hil
Modern neo nazis are degenerate and ironically completely against what hitler wanted
Pretty funny if you don't take them seriously.
Saw an old thread in which a dude kept capitalising pronouns when he was referring to Hitler.
There's actually very strong evidence that a White underclass (White trash) is growing. Out of wedlock births, drug abuse, guys dropping out of the work force, all these things that we associate with ghetto blacks are growing very quickly with the White underclass. Read "Coming Apart" by Charles Murray, the same guy who wrote the Bell Curve, arguably the most red-pilled book in recent history.
And let's be honest, white trash, with the exception of killing each other in droves in the inner cities, are becoming very much like ghetto blacks. It's the same shit.
I would say the same for BLM, faggot.