Anyone ever wonder what the founding fathers would say if they are brought into the future...

Anyone ever wonder what the founding fathers would say if they are brought into the future? Would they be proud of what we accomplished first and foremost? Or would they see a totalitarian America they could never imagine, thus filling them with disappointment

I think it's more the latter.

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I think the US should stop worrying so much about dead men's opinion

They would wonder how the fuck our standards for the leader of the free world has sunken so low.


Yes, we should forget our heritage, destroy our roots and learn to current year, right?

Assuming they are anything like how Americans romanticise them, they would see your government as tyrannical and corrupt which tries to destroy the constitution piece by piece, but I'm sure they would be proud of your achievements like the Lunar landing and superpower status.

It would be a mixed bag.

They're not just dead men's opinions. The opinion of these dead men aren't rooted based off of randomness. They're based off of intellectual debate. The arguments they've made hundreds of years ago are still as good as today

Conservatives don't follow what's was thought centuries ago. They follow the arguments of centuries ago

You treat it like gospel rather than opinions to consider the value of.

They would wonder who in tarnation had the bright idea to import slavery, slaves and the associated values from Africa.

They'd probably revolt and start killing us indiscriminately

We treat it like gospel because the arguments are solid and haven't been broken. Find weaknesses in the original arguments, and you'll probably change a lot of minds

And I would point to women's suffrage.


They studied past civilizations and their phases when setting up ours.
Surely these best and brightest knew the 200 year rule.

From Apathy to Dependence to Slavery

i think about this everyday as a libertarian. how far we have strayed and how much we've ignored their wise words and warnings.

i'm sorry Washington, i'm sorry Jefferson. i should do more to make america more american again.


The founding fathers wanted to overthrow everything that was the old world, so I would say, they would think you're not being aggressive enough in destroying the old world laws, morals, and religions.

>In God We Trust


>"You let a nigger in the white house?"

What would they say about the civil war?

Fuck niggers (especially Jefferson)

they would probably be amazed at how good porn is.