>Hillary says "we are going to raise taxes on the middle class," crowd cheers

>The media constantly lies about Trump's crowd sizes and just about everything else, too.

>Trump tells off the media


>Trump in Maine (8/4/16)
>Pence Rally in Phoenix, AZ (8/2/16)
>The OVERFLOW ROOM in Mechanicsburg, PA (8/1/16)

>Donald on O'Reilly: Responds To Obama and Khan, Voices 'Rigged Election' Possibility (8/2/16)
>Trump on Newsradio (8/2/16)
>Hannity interviews Trump (8/1/16)

>Did you wipe the server?
>Compilation of Liberals Predicting that Trump Will Win the Presidency - Michael Moore, MSNBC, TYT
>What a Trump Ad Should Look Like
>How Trump Trolling Hillary Clinton Emails is Genius
>Hillary calm and collected around protesters
>Hillary has something wrong with her


Other urls found in this thread: Clinton's scandals


I made a thing

How many of you are still in denial?

Fuck SJW shills

He lost, he is a loser

>Hillary Clinton Gets Flustered by Protesters at Rally - August 4, 2016

Holy fuck, Hillary has no idea how to deal with protesters. Her secret service literally had to tell her what to do. And these were fucking ANIMAL RIGHTS protesters.

Maybe some more of us should go protest at her rallys? NEVER mention Trump, just repeat a redpill or something. Maybe even pose as a Bernie supporter. I think this could actually be a valid way we could influence the election. Show how weak she is.

>Black Fashion Writer
Are white people allowed to say shit like that?

>ARIFUCKINGZONA not bright red
>NH not red
>Florida not red
This is pure fantasy, and that's not even getting into the real swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio and Michigan.

Thank you for correcting the record.

Fucking Shill.

So, now that it looks like the shilling has died down, what in the fuck caused the last few days of blatant shilling? I just gave up and spent my time getting caught up on some reading.

so is there a compilation of shillary's crimes?

Is Kek with us?

It's the title of the article

because there's still 95 days for him to redeem himself.


Obama got revealed as sending $400M in cash to fucking Iran as a payment for the hostages right before he gave a news conference and okey-doke'd his spaghetti all over the place.

Trump needs to get his shit together. He needs to get rid of Newt who is just looking for a payday. He needs to sit down with his most loyal person, Jeff Sessions, and together with Stephen Miller write several speeches and fucking deliver them via teleprompter at his rallies. These speeches need to focus on terror, the economy, jobs and calling out Crooked Hillary. He needs to stop giving interviews to commie lib reporters on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC. He needs to stop getting baited by crying babies, Purple Hearts and DNC shills.

He needs powerful, scripted speeches like the amazing convention speech that showed how good he can be. Fuck this 4D chess bullshit, he needs to go after Hillary and talk about how he's going to bring back jobs.

What's actually really terrifying is the buzzwords and shill talking points are often identical to the ones the MSM uses. Often the shills are earlier than the MSM using certain phrases first, which mean both are likely being used by the same source and being told what to say. At this point our media is as reliable as shitpoters

When is the rally in VA people?

Only down 12 points keep it up fellas

First off, this might sound like a paranoid conspiracy theory, but please hear me out.

I have a feeling that when Trump and Hillary get their secret intelligence briefings, Hillary will secretly leak the information and get people to blame Trump. The media has primed the perception that Trump is crazy and mentally unstable, so if it boils down to a he-said-she-said, everyone is going to blame Trump unfortunately. Unless the information each candidate gets is different.

Trump could avoid this if he

A) Gets different information than Hillary.
B) Or declines the intelligence briefing. If he can, he should ask them to not disclose that he declined the briefing. If Hillary leaks and afterwards they revealed that Trump didn't take the briefing, this means an automatic loss for Hillary.

Again, this sounds batshit and admittedly the chances of this are probably slim. But if Hillary has a chance like this to deal an absolute death blow to Trump's campaign, it's not impossible for her to do it.

If you know anyone in the Team Trump campaign, let them know this please. Either way, EMAIL THIS TO THE TRUMP CAMPAIGNAND HOPE THEY'LL CATCH IT.

t. conspiracy nutjob

>Maybe some more of us should go protest at her rallys? NEVER mention Trump, just repeat a redpill or something. Maybe even pose as a Bernie supporter.

This. Dress and behave like the biggest stoner hipster douchebag and chant pro-Bernie slogans

he needs to shut the fuck up and take the high road for once. tackle the economy and security issues head on and just fucking end it already

Just fuck my entire world up.

This election is going to make me a raging alcoholic. Hopefully my liver will give out and I'll die before it gets too bad.

Never, ever give up.

-Donald J. Trump

Holy fuck this thread is full of shills. Tendies with mummy break must be over at CTR HQ.

First off, I'd like to say that I'm college educated, which means that I'm smarter than 99.6% of the posters on Sup Forums.

Whether you'd like to admit it or not, Donald Trump is a fucking racist and it's very likely that he'll be the next Hitler of our time.

There's absolutely no point denying it, especially here on Sup Forums of all places.

After all, it's the sole reason why you all support him in the first place.

The scary part of the matter is that he has the potential to be even worse than Hitler.

Think of what one man can do in a country with a population of over 100 million nonwhite citizens.

The death toll could potentially be higher than any event in the history of mankind.

He says that he wants to take "OUR" country back and "make America great AGAIN", but what he really wants to do is make America white again. And when he says "we're taking OUR country back", he's talking as if America belongs strictly to white people.

One has to really wonder just what he'd be willing to do to accomplish his goal of making America a white homeland again.


That can't be the cause of the last 2 or 3 days of nonstop shilling. Its been fucking Sup Forums Harbor 2: General Election Boogaloo

Which is why the Don can't trust anyone, even a baby crying at a rally might be a manufactured event. These are globalist fucks out to destroy the biggest threat they've ever had!


as this guy saidObabo falling flat on his face with pathetic denials of ransom-payment, also Trump not endorsing Ryan may have had something to do with it

t. Nate Shillver

Stop giving them you's

They get 50 fucking cents every time you respond.

Quit paying their bills

you are all a bunch of delusional fucks

Did she really tweet that?

Essentially, Clinton's campaign is in complete freefall, and she's deflecting the issue to Trump so it seems less attention is focused on her. It didn't hold up under scrutiny.

Hes up 0.5% currently

>First off, I'd like to say that I'm college educated

stopped reading right there, go try to feed your retarded superiority complex someplace else

Sounds good to me.

Not even money makes friends for her.

>mfw I posted that exact article in TrumpGen early this morning
>mfw Melania Tweets it this evening
I'm taking responsibility for her seeing it.

CTR got a $(((6 MILLION))) budget to work with and hired a bunch of new shills. I think it was their bootcamp. Notice how there were a lot of painfully obvious shills all at once?

I'm a part native engineer with a job and a fuckload of debt and I disagree with everything you just said there

You are cancerous to society

The rigged polls, the Khan bullshit, the media offensive, all happened right at once. The online shilling is just the internet front of the offensive.

This has happened because Trump was gaining in the polls, so the DNC plotted to start a offensive against him, using the DNC Convention as a cover.

All you have to do is ask the average Trump supporter one simple question and they'll tell you all that you need to know, just ask them:
"When was America great?".

I guarantee you that most of them will tell you that they want to bring America back to somewhere around the 1950s era.

They want to bring this country back to a time where whites made up the vast majority of the population and blacks and other minorities were treated like dogs.

Well I have news for you fucking idiots, it's not happening!

You're losing all of your power; all of your privilege; your influence is waning. And you're mad about it, you're so incredibly mad -- you're fed up!

You just want to elect Trump to preserve and maintain your power and dominance in this country. But it's too fucking late!

This is payback for centuries of oppression under white colonialism.

You reap what you have sown and I have absolutely no sympathy for any of you.

In fact, I'll quite enjoy watching your timely demise.

The bottom line is that Trump will never be the president of the United States.

America will never be made "white again".

So I suggest you embrace the brown and black future that awaits each and every single one of you.

Maybe you could try to make amends with the people that you so vehemently despise and want to get rid of.

Maybe they'll decide to give you the mercy that you never cared to give them, but I wouldn't count on it.

And before one of you stupid stormfag bigots accuses me of being a racist towards white people, I suggest you do your fucking research because it's literally impossible to be racist against white people.

Reverse racism doesn't exist. If you're a fucking white male you've literally never had to deal with oppression or any other societal hardships.

So just shut the fuck up.

All of you.


>Hillarys face when The Berners want blood

behind by 1 4 ...seems great........then............ 15????? Drudge is making fun of that


So are the polls rigged? How the fuck did that kind of gap happen?

Exactly. But you say that here and people start yelling shill. I'm with Trump all the way no matter what, be he needs to get his head right because he's fucking fighting the forces of evil and they are going full out.

hes prepping for when trump drops out

A for effort.

Clinton leads Trump by 15 points nationwide: (((Poll)))


*saved* This is so awesome

Didnt they already try to say that Trump leaked information a week or so ago? Rumsfeld (iirc) said "Trump was talking about our bases in Saudi Arabia and that's classified muh treason"

I feel almost like I'm one of those people reporting a phantom trump ad but I could've sworn I saw that article shilled on here briefly

Here's a shill. I'll take your bait, enjoy your 50 cents.

I'm not even clicking that.


This thread is exclusively for PRO-TRUMP sharing memes/propaganda stuff, discussing memes, sharing on social media etc. Fight back against the shills or simply come by, save some and then share on twatter or kikebook

Yeah, but the 6 million was reported on a week or so ago, wasn't it? Why did it just suddenly get kicked into high gear for a few days? Is 6 million just enough to buy 3 days of shitposting?

>read up on advance shilling methods

Unabashedly. They changed their methodology, didn't poll 18-34, skewed the demographics, manufactured results, every single thing in the corruption handbook. All at once, they literally threw everything they had, then pitched the idea that "Trump is dropping out" hoping it'd stick.

Rigged. This website adjusts the bias and has been 100% accurate over the last 16 years

Yes. See here: Clinton's scandals

> Implying Trump did anything wrong

> Implying the recent polls are credible

Seriously. If Hillary started getting consistent protesters it would be major news and kill her ground game. She would probably just stop doing rallies.

Plus if a directed message was said, it would get some dirt into the news.

Dammit, sometimes I wish we were the ones that paid protesters.

How do you retarded faggots feel about getting BTFO in every poll?

The US was at it's true peak during the 80's and early 90's

Stop responding to shills.

what is this article hinting at?
>good blood
>bad blood?

Thanks, fampai.

There was a few days of lag for hiring, "training", and the weekend. If they started spending right when the new budget was announced that squares up with the timeline of new shills. They'll probably be back tomorrow, sadly enough.

Turn off the TalmudVision.

Trump NEEDS to focus on two things: the policies and Hillary Clinton. He should only respond to what Hillary Clinton and maybe Obama, that's it. No matter who else talks shit about him he needs to ignore it.

The media will never play fairly and he needs to stay on the road by speaking about the shit job Obama and Clinton have done because that's the only thing that matters.

Trump can totally still win this, but only if he tackles the issues and not what some literallywho says

yes. showing off how fucked the polls are

>what in the fuck caused the last few days of blatant shilling?

d e s p e r a t i o n


As in they think they've found a way to keep him down in the polls.

New poll will show Trump down by 35 points.

Literally all over twitter right now.



I know I'm dumb but what are they even implying here?

Precisely. It's a coordinated maneuver.

I'm college-educated too, and what that means is that after three semesters I learned how to convincingly phone in research papers and last-minute cram for multiple-choice tests without even buying half of my textbooks and skimming the ones I did buy, so I could spend the rest of the time smoking pot and drinking all day every day

University education is a joke, standards are ridiculously low because most nonwhites (except asians) and women would flunk out if the standards were set at an appropriate level. Grades are curved in any big class with a lot of minorities. Any class which actually teaches an important subject will have high grading standards, and shit brainwashing classes (like African-American Poetry, mandatory to fulfil "Multicultural Credit") will let you skate by with B- just for showing up every other day.

Less than half of the course material ever stuck with anyone except the 1% of autists who actually cared. 21st century degrees are nothing more than a certificate proving that you can wake up, get dressed, go somewhere you don't want to go, do something you don't want to do, and then go home, without shitting your pants or sexually assaulting anyone.

I'm watching the replay of Trump's earlier rally in Portland. Off to a great start with this protestor.

Was Pence already on too?

Thanks inexperienced nobody. I'll be sure to get this invaluable advice to Trump straightaway!

But in all seriousness, when he's asked a question directly, he answers it. If he made obvious dodges of questions or showed the slightest hint of backing down, the image he's crafted for himself starts to crack.


that's one I haven't heard in a real long time. I'm bringing it back

This is amazing. Look at how far the opposition have to take their disinfo campaigns, they control the narrative completely yet all the dirt they can dig on trump are these non-issues. Think of how much money and labour is being spent on these grand campaigns, and all it will do is have the opposite effect! It is glorious, we are witnessing the self-destruction of the establishment. They believe we are so low in intelligence, so pathetic and small that we cannot even think for ourselves. We saw the very same attempts made in my country against UKIP and it added troves of support for the euroskeptic movement because the systems have yet to forcefully dilute our intelligence enough to get away with it. All the Clinton's can do is throw money at solutions instead of provide solutions, it is embarrassing to see.





He is trying. The media is literally making up stories from "insiders" and "unnamed sources"

Trust me, he is holding the big guns for the last debate. The voter has a short term memory.

If Trump attacks Hillary dead on she'll end up like Jeb

If Trump keeps going off the road to even respond to what someone else says he'll end up like Bernie

Charlie Dent is a fucking cuck holy shit

What's with the eunuchorn (cuck) congressman from Illinois coming out endorsing Trump? This all seems so coordinated.

Nah, I was reading Why Nations Fail.

Holy shit that cuckservative is getting wrecked by Bret that was awesome