Hillary Clinton PANIC ATTACK on stage


Am I the only one weirded out by her reaction? Pay especially attention to her face from 7sec onward. There's something wrong going on, recently every time we've seen Hillary in public she's always done something very unnatural. Serious illness?

Noticed how the security agent told her, twice, to keep going with her speech, that she was alright, and that they weren't going anywhere. It was very... they spoke to her like a child or an old person in the grips of dementia.

Other urls found in this thread:


PJW put out a video about it as well


Thanks for the link.

How is this weird? She saw protestors, was startled by them, got over it, and kept talking.

Good work, well earned 0.22 cents, shill.

It's odd that, regardless of your opinion of her, the single most seasoned politician currently in the game had to have a group of men come console and coach her on stage because some upset children were stomping their feet in front of her.

Any way you spin it, that does not align with who she is.

Clinton does terrible under pressure. Info Wars brought it up too. She surrounds herself 24/7 by people who give her nothing but praise, but wjen she's faced with real adversity she'll cave. Probably why she skipped out on Bernie cause he was 'being too mean'. How bad is it going to be when Trump ignores the moderators and just ass blasts Hillary during the debates? I expect major REEEEEEEEEEE from her.

>panic attack
She was pissed. Even the ss guy had to step and calm her down before she lost her shit. She has a history off being short tempered.

It's odd that a big nigger had to run up on the stage and tell her she's ok

she made a face like she's sucking on something sour

Explains the hole in her tongue

>those comments

"Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals?" Wait, is this bitch talking about hunting? OLD SLICK WILL CAN REALLY SLAY THE PUSSY, AMIRITE?

I can't wait for the debates, i honestly dont see clinton do nothing but pull the race card while trump exposes all of her dirty deeds on prine time tv

>and tell her she's ok
This is the part that convinces me the most. It's like a doctor consoling a patient.
>you're okay, it's all in your head, you're in control

Exactly. That and Uncle Don's October Surprises.

That is absolutely fucked, giving this woman power over the US military is suicidal for the human race. Kiss your sons and daughters goodbye if she gets elected because we won't get to see the year 2020.

>The late stages of syphilis can develop in about 15% of people who have not been treated for syphilis, and can appear 10–20 years after infection was first acquired. In the late stages of syphilis, the disease may damage the internal organs, including the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and joints. Symptoms of the late stage of syphilis include difficulty coordinating muscle movements, paralysis, numbness, gradual blindness, and dementia. This damage may be serious enough to cause death.

someone tried to rush the stage and she thought she was about to die. i don't blame her


>Syphilis can invade the nervous system at any stage of infection, and causes a wide range of symptoms varying from no symptoms at all, to headache, altered behavior, and movement problems that look like other neurologic diseases, such as Parkinson’s or Huntington’s disease. 7 This invasion of the nervous system is called “neurosyphilis.”

What's really damming is that she needed consolation because of a few fucking protestors.
True, she is nuts, but that's not it this time.

You left out a critical step here let me help you

>see protestors
>get startled
>get over it
>continue speech

Wow it's almost like your disingenuous, shilling ass left out the only truly strange part!

>y would u do thi$

Gratz on the 20 cents.

Have you seen her tongue? There's a hole in it, which is one of the symptoms.

Holy fuck they're like service dogs licking an asspie's hand.

Shes so fucking weak.

seriously... someone from france is calling me a shill? go get plowed by a truck

That's not very politically correct of you my lefty friend. Looks like I'll have to Correct the Record you.

This. Those are snake eyes. Straight out temper tantrum.

the bull is always prepped

Holy fuck this is bizarre

Chancres don't recur after 3 months after infection, if you're going off that weird thing on her tongue.


i love how we never have threads about the donald making dumbass faces

great narrative

feel free and make one, shill

After watching this, i get a morbid curiosity of what the world would turn into with her as POTUS.
I think it's worse than just being evil, she is completely incompetent and weak.

WW3... Complete collapse and balkanisation of the usa... Civil war...
So many things could happen with her at the helm.

Whoever win, lulz will be had.

And this woman wants to be in charge of a country when she can't take the chanting of a few hundred people. The pressure took a lot out of Obama just visually (just an example) so how will this unstable old hag will do then?

this will be the end of her campaign

shill for what exactly

because he never has literal seizures on camera retard

Oh look, more wild speculations from right wing conspiracy theorists.

Some things never change. Go back to denying math.

its called kikebook
it seems its all you got

Isn't this the second time today? The other one with another heckler shouting "bought by the banks" or something and she fumbles her words

except he has, at least twice

This is pretty spooky

Go watch CNN you fucking beta Twink shill


Hillary will be the second Weekend at Bernies president. Awful, avoidable, tragic things will happen at home and abroad.

fuck the sliders, bakc to top!!!

trump himself isnt into hunting and has never killed an animal

What I don't get about that sentence is that, what the fuck does it matter? Is he hunting endangered species only or something? Don't think so, everyone has a hobby, if it's hunting for sport at given days of a month big deal, has nothing to do with a political campaign.

Then link it schlomo

She has that "I'll have you killed" look on her face.

Its ALMOST like she's expecting to get whacked herself for some demonic reason.

*tips tinfoil*

*tips tinfoil*

I've never wanted to be the guy helping Trump prepare for the debates more.

My chosen line of attack to blow hillary the fuck out permanently and completely would be to come back with every statement from her with

>"Why should the American people believe you? You -insert lie or underhanded shit she's done here-.

Every. Fucking. Time. There should be no comeback to this, and just drag her into the mud and then dance over her weeping secret service handlers as she seizes up by calling her crooked hillary. They may need to bring Jeb out to take her place by the third one, just to give Trump someone to beat up.


the donald loves the jews

She is a really fucked up """""person."""""

Doesn't she have some kind of faggot mouth cancer she's hiding from public view to not hurt her chances of fucking history up by being the first shitty female President? Like she's had coughing fits and all that bullshit, and claimed she was just thirsty or tired.

She needs this. She doesn't give a shit about reasons, she just wants the reputation. Afterwards she'll announce the cancer and ride the next four years on free and tiptop healthcare then walk out of the whitehouse a hated, but healthy woman. On the taxpayers dime.

It's actually a flat fifty for a three month contract.

You retards are making a big deal out of nothing, as usual.

.02 has been deposited in your account

These people literally never leave the gauntlet of yes-men and then they presume to call the internet an echo chamber.

Seems very strange
I bet something is wrong with her medically
Basically she cant get startled at all or she faints.
I bet this is why she has not had a news conference in 2016

Watch her reaction around 9-10 seconds when her big ol nignog security guard puts his hand on the podium, you just know she wanted to lay into him and call him a mongoloid nigger.

Really cause when someone rushed Trump the SS had to stop him from pulling his 1911 and blowing the faggot away. Hillary's no strength, no stamina. Sad!

>Whoever win, lulz will be had.

Poor Bill no wonder he's a walking corpse now
>the autism part

And yet she wants one of the most stressful positions possible.
Anyone seeing the disaster that'd come from this?

>it was real in my mind

Digits confirm, that dude is based. I need to get a hot sauce holster.

>She has autism

>1 post by this ID

I hate linking to that site, but here you go.


It would appear that any confrontation sends her into some sort of panic.

Having the USSS rush on stage because someone held up a flag, then patting her on the back, telling her its ok and to keep talking. Something must be seriously wrong.

The more videos I see lately, the more convinced I am that she's not going ti debate Trump. He took on a dozen men on stage, who were all united against him, and completely eviscerated them. He'd make Hillary cry, or have a seizure, or leave the stage.

Does anyone know what the protocol for the general debates is? Are the party candidates obligated to debate? Trump is 100% guaranteed victory if she has to face him.

She's just like Dubya. The guilt started to catch on



>(((Info Wars)))

>Trump exposes his power level to Hillary
>it's Super Effective

Good find Deutschbro.

hey lay off her shes under a lot of stress. obama just released HUNDREDS of criminals who had years to serve for his BLM terrorist agenda

she knows she has to pander more to BLM and they will storm the stage

Thanks for correcting the record.

Might want to delete one of these. Your CTR is showing

Jimmy Carter refused to debate Reagan in 1980 because he didn't like that there was a third party candidate who was going to be there and Reagan began shooting up in the polls, then when they finally did debate Reagan crushed limpdicked Carter and the election was over

If Hillary skips out in the debates no amount of media shilling will change the fact that people will see her as weak. It's possible the media may even try to force Johnson on stage so Hillary can pull a Carter. Or maybe she'll have the excuse that "such an islamophobic person is not worth being debated".

Trump wanted to ensure she couldn't run from the debates and that as many people as possible watched them. She's scared because she knows the polls are rigged to favor her and that Trump will shit all over her in the debates. Clinton was expecting someone vanilla like Jeb Bush that she could shit on with canned responses about how the Bush family fucked America up and shit, now she has to fight a non-cuck.


you failed again pajeet

fuck ctr isn't even able to shitpost

worthless fuck you must be

alex jones strikes again.

>phone faggots

She is frightened because she knows damn well those delegates don't belong to her.

But would using such a shitty excuse further prove her weakness then? Then again, either way she'd end up failing.

she won't make it

i swear she sounds like jerry seinfeld if he were a woman ay



She froze. If Mr. Big did not show up, she would still be standing there, staring.

She had a Petit Mal Seizure. They last about 15 seconds. They are often caused by strokes, hemorrhage, concussion, and clots.

She also likely does have some STD, but Bill has them all.

I agree isn't this typical? I mean trump shouldn't have been expected to continuing talking when that guy bolted out of the crowd. Isn't this kinda the same thing? Except no one was rushing her. I hate the bitch but come on guys you're actually steeping to SJW levels.
