Friendly reminder that unless you live in the highlighted states, your vote is irrelevant and doesn't matter.
Friendly reminder that unless you live in the highlighted states, your vote is irrelevant and doesn't matter
Friendly reminder that Canada will exterminate you sub humans and the world will finally know peace under the Canadian empire
I live in NC, and my vote does matter. North Carolina is very important for he candidates to win. It could go either way right now.
Good job....
I, for one, welcome our new leaf shitposter overlords.
I'm from Pennsylvania, which this election could be quite the swing state believe it or not. My vote counts. Stop with the shill posting, this is to get trump voters to not vote on a mostly trump board. Gtfo Shillbot
>voting for the porn ban guy
That's a lot of work, eh
We've have to import a WHOLE buncha new Canadians to get all that done.
>nc usually a rather easy red state now purple
>that's how bad trump is doing
what next? fucking georgia has her up
Get a load of this guy
Friendly reminder I'm still voting for Trump
>Determining the future of the country based on whether you can watch your cuck porn or not
I fucking hate liberals
We will breed with every white race and breed with them for each generation until they are pure Canadian we will even breed with the Asian species until they have normal eyes
What about PA, MI, WI, IA, NC, CO?
This. You cannot stop us.
AZ also might flip due to mexicans this year
Mormons also dont like trump but will probably vote for him over $hillary
North Carolina went for Obama in 2008 and Romney only won it by 2% in 2012. What happened? College students, especially black ones.
>imma fuck the gook right off your face
a noble ambition.
friendly reminder that my states 100% guaranteed for decades to come blue vote is the only path to "freedom." wouldn't it be nice if those "battleground" states all voted independent?
>tfw your state has voted red every time since 1968
I was talking to a bernout the other day and he literally told everybody "Don't even bother voting, we're gunna be red anyways"
Feels great to know their spirits are so crushed
I live in michigan and all i see is trump stickers and yard posters
How about we just come at you from two sides, fuck you in the ass and make Canada part of the US would you like that? Pro tip you couldn't stop us if you wanted to. So stfu leaf before we set you on fire and watch you burn
>Sweden is blacked
Fucking kek
watching porn: every day
being attacked by Muslims or spree shooters or whatever authoritarians want me to be afraid of this week: most likely never
Luckily the polls say differently. Michigan is a good blue state and will remain so. So is Pennsylvania.
Thanks for validating my existence guys :^ )
Virginfag here
VA votes don't matter. We're going for Clinton. There's no hope.
Victorian era porn is where it's at my brother
Thanks for crushing me :^ (
SwVA fag here. My vote for Trump doesn't matter because of all the faggots in NoVA and the Eastern Shore.
If you're not in a swing state, you can still vote for Johnson and demonstrate the demand for libertarian candidates.
But my my vote does count. I am a single red drop in a vast Crimson TideĀ®.
I'm from California and this could be a swing state this year believe it or not. Remember that this is where Hollywood is and Trump is a celebrity. A few of my coworkers have already told me they'll be voting for Trump.
VA votes sure as fuck don't matter because with Kaine as her running mate, Clinton's secured the whole state.
That and fucking Loudon County is full of degenerate commies to begin with.
You're welcome. Fuck around at the ballot box and Shill for Jill. It'll make things seem a little more meaningful.
West Michigan? Nice and cozy with almost everyone white.
Has a Republican won MI at any time in the last 40 years?
>I'm from California and this could be a swing state this year believe it or not
Yeah and Kansas is also going to be swept by Hillary.
Bump because every post above me isn't about Canada and irrelevant to the conversation
Guess I matter! I kinda got this whole ball rolling anyways ;)