Be me at Trump rally last night

>be me at Trump rally last night
>fighting between anarchists, BLM, and Trump supporters breaks out
>me and gf want nothing to do with it
>can't escape it, surrounded, we're awkward white kids
>black panthers see me, take me and GF in, keep us safe during the scuff. They even gave us food and water.
Why should I support Trump when the other side is like this? Every Trump supporter was violent, rude, old, and out of shape. The black panthers were nothing but young, educated, black youth.

>things that never happened.
Unless you got some proofs.

last sentence was redundant, but the point still stands.

they will protect you

I have my snap videos if I figure out how to upload them.

>gave us food and water

what are you a fucking starving homless guy

Who's got the pic of the guy who tried to help BLM and got hit with a hammer?

thanks for Correcting the Record (TM)

Youtube you dumb nigger...

i bet they kept ur gf reallll safe