If you are white how could you not want Trump to be President?

The West is dying.

Everything you know is dying.

Europe has successfully been destroyed by kikes bringing in their favorite go-to army- Muslims. Look up how the kikes opened the gates of Spain and Constantinople to mudslimes.

Hillary will surely hasten this and worsen it. There is no denying that her presidency spells doom and civil war for the US and the world.

But still you listen to the kike media and their lies.

Where we are in human history is so sad at this point that a major catastrophe is inevitable and necessary. Nothing short of complete financial collapse and subsequent war will change anything.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because he's not a Christian
He's married to a whore
He supports gay and tranny rights
He doesn't support abolishing income taxes

My white penis enjoys porn.

Hillary is not a Christian and most likely a Satanist.

She is married to a confirmed man-whore.

She supports gay and tranny rights.

She supports a 1.3 trillion dollar tax on the FUCKING MIDDLE CLASS.


Because brain cells?

Thanks for the record thing.

Hilary is a satanist she needs to be in prison for this

Her husband is an adulterer he needs to be in prison for this

She supports mentally deranged freaks roaming our streets targeting young boys

I don't support Hilary or Trump, I support Jesus

Well God supports Trump over Shillary, who has attended Bilderberg meetings and has referenced sacrificing to Moloch.

Trump is not much of a Christian, but at least he is A FUCKING WHITE MALE.

Keep telling yourself that, we need a head of state who will uphold the bible and use this as the basis for the laws of our nation.

Is the American president also the president of Canada now?

Keep shilling, kike Canadian.

Oxymoron at this point.

We as in every country needs a head of state who will uphold the bible. This is why I specifically said head of state, we have a queen, you have a president so it's neutral and applies to every country.

I'm not shilling I'm preaching

Now thats one angry redneck here

Because he is in general a poor choice. Success in the private sector does not always translate to success in the political arena and the man seems to be more talk than action

That being said he is still better than the soulless she-demon he is up against and unlike her I doubt he would throw us into another war in the middle east

Get off this board.

I think the world would be a better place if America wasn't.

The middle east is the last thing you should worry about with Hillary as president. War with russia is almost guaranteed if she is elected.

We are honorary whites. Therefore I support trump.


Well some whites like to correct the record.

Not even funny anymore.

That too. There is far more to be concerned about with Hillary in the White House than with Trump

Trump is a massive faggot who has flip-flopped multiple times, tells constant lies because apparently he doesn't know how to fact-check anything he watches on television. His children are douche bags, his wife is a whore, and he himself is a degenerate by every definition you faggots here have.

He is an intellectual buffoon, a moron who hides his tax returns (what's in them that he wants hidden so desperately?). The fact that so many edgelord contrarians, who themselves are likely intellectual children is not a surprise to me.

This is by far the absolute worst presidential election in the history of this country. The two-party system needs to be put down and executed. No other previous election has been this divisive, or had candidates as unqualified as Clinton / Trump. Clinton is a corrupt liar and in general a dishonest, power-hungry person.

Trump is disingenuous, but worse he is a complete idiot with no understanding of geopolitics. He clearly isn't up to snuff on current events, your typical Sup Forums shitposter is better informed than he is on global affairs. He offers no real strategies or plan to accomplish any of the moronic plans he has. He probably is only against TPP because its a popular thing to be against, and he knows little to nothing about the specifics of opposition to the deal.

His positions on immigration are simply retarded. He uses buzzwords and repetition with zero substance, zero facts to back up his words to support his claims. Building a wall to stop illegal immigration will accomplish nothing, as there are multiple ways to enter this country illegally aside from a border crossing. Most immigrants come in on vehicles, on boats through Cuba, and other means rather than running the border.

It's either him or ultimate evil.

Thanks for correcting the record, btw.

>His positions on immigration are simply retarded. He uses buzzwords and repetition with zero substance, zero facts to back up his words to support his claims. Building a wall to stop illegal immigration will accomplish nothing, as there are multiple ways to enter this country illegally aside from a border crossing. Most immigrants come in on vehicles, on boats through Cuba, and other means rather than running the border.

Oh okay. So go ahead and choose the alternative, which will end any dissent against illegal immigration and which is pro 100% amnesty and open borders.

But Trump is retarded, but Trump is the buffoon for his policy, Despite the fact that you are going to choose the absolute worse and most destructive one.

Yeah okay.

Keep telling yourself that cunt. I've been posting on Sup Forums for over 10 fucking years now, not everyone who is anti-Trump supports Shillary or is a shill for CTR, though I no doubt believe they are shilling here.

Based leaf for once.


Trump is your guy.

Leaves outside of Toronto are fucking bro tier. Don't let the shitposters convince you otherwise, actual Canadians are our best friends


Why would anyone want a person with the intellectual capacity of a jungle tribe nigger as president?

How is this in any way helping to promote white supremacy?

Thanks for the video, I would imagine the Communist Broadcasting Corporation would have reported this to show how evil Trump is, surprising they didn't.
It's true, I live in Toronto its a mess. I wouldn't recommend anyone come near this city unless you absolutely have to.

Happily, jews are race mixing at a 60% rate now. They wont exist in the 22nd century. If we genocide them again they'll start mating with each other again to run up their numbers. Instead we must buyout their media, banking, and legal firms.

He's against child porn, which is the most Jewish of Jewish vices.

I believe this.

The other day a Canadian called into Rush and was going on and on about he hated leftism and that Trump was our last hope.

I know they based Canadians exist, but they need to be more vocal.

Trump isn't far right enough. 8 years of Hillary will produce the political environment and the candidate that we want. I get that it's exciting to see the first glimpse of nationalism in American politics in who knows how long, but don't jump the gun. If you elect Trump with his bullshit 50s tier civic nationalism, Trump who only opposes illegal immigration and sings the praises of "legal" immigrants, Trump who will give the lefties years of propaganda fuel with which they can indoctrinate today's youth just like what happened with Bush, you're wasting a golden opportunity. Let Clinton and leftist leaders across the West keep ruining the world, give white people another decade of identity politics, mass immigration, and terrorism, let the anger that's just starting to show up during this election boil up until finally we get the candidate that actually has a chance to save us. Trump will not save us.


Cruz missile detected. Sometimes in politics you need to choose between a shit sandwich and one that is slightly stale. You can vote 3rd party for your filet mignon, but you may starve. Besides Trump is the most anti-globalist candidate.

He's against obscene porn. That's a different category. Look it up. We already enforce CP laws and obviously will under any candidate.

I'd vote Trump too if I were American, I get what you're saying I wanted to vote Christian heritage but I had to settle for conservative

All porn needs to be banned

Not white but I'd still vote Trump if I were American. I don't trust the man as far as I could throw him and I'm not in the least bit optimistic that he's any kind of savior, but Hillary must be defeated at all cost. The Supreme Court would be my biggest concern. It's a write-off if Hillary wins and you can say goodbye to all sane judicial rulings if it's a left-leaning Court.

I just want to see the world burn, the funny part ist, it is completly irrelevant if trumpbots or hillarybots are going to win the election.
The world will burn, because idiots decided so.
I don't have any hope for humanity, you are all a bunch of fucking idiots, so is the rest of the world.

Spoken like a true defeatist.

Just because Germans have given up even the pretension of being in possession of even one set of balls between your entire population doesn't mean everyone else on the planet is in the same boat. Whether Trump knows it or not he's tapping into the beginning of a very serious rebellion against modernity. This isn't just American, it's a spirit that is quickly taking root in the west, particularly among the youth. Things will change.

>wanting educated people to follow the along the footsteps of poor trailer trash who get excited by the words "wall" and "Muslim"

Kys Cletus


Holy fuck go away.

Enjoy the decline. Live a good life for yourself and those you care about. Protect them, fight for them and for not anyone else. I guess we will maybe see a revival of tribalism. Shrug it off, western world is not your burden. Be a good man.

plan B is to take out a student loan after a small business loan then if you have a house do a reverse mortgage and move to another country first as a "tourist" and apply for citizen ship.

poland would be pretty bad ass with a couple mil white nationalist with maybe $90k america each. when you get there marry a polish girl

What year was it that Germany turned into a bunch of whiny faggots? Why don't you take charge of your country a shoot a couple slimes or something?

> Leaf

It's Ted Cruz!

I'd blow that boat up if it was in my waters. Fuck those people.

A hundred years ago Europeans would have, too.

I'm Hungarian
