Women "Humor"

Is it out of hand?
Has science gone too far?
Are they ever funny?

Good examples welcome! (If they exist)

Facts and science are sexist and racist.

i don't get it

If I set myself on fire, how will I be able to call fatties on the internet fat?

Looks like the Canadians took her advice



"You fat fuck" is probably the first insult she goes for when she rages out.

Fastest way to burn those calories fat fuck


i was literally thinking the same thing

>Before u use social media to tell a stranger he's a sexist, ask yourself instead: "could my time be better spent lighting myself on fire?"

>Men: we actually don't exist to pay for everything
>Women: literally what is this white supremacist capitalist patriarchal bullshit

I have no idea what this picture is even trying to convey.

one could argue it could be better spent lighting her on fire since the high fat content would make the task take a fraction of the time.

Obesity if unhealthy, and objectively kills more people than anorexia by two orders of magnitude.

Feminists are only bringing more harm to society by glorifying fat fucks.

this is some `good` shit right here. Prime humor, verY FUNNY HAH

That chick that does the Oglaf internet comic is usually pretty funny.


No, women will never be funny

what did he mean by this

Why are feminists so damn violent minded?

the joke is that its a woman trying to be funny.

get it now?

I know women are shit comedians but that was pretty decent.

She really told him with that one!!! LOL ladies amiright

I don't get it

if that pic is real i wanna put my thumb up her butt

misogyny is always justified, misandry is blaming a group of people who collectively created the first world for you

>open your rice eater




There. I just showed you every form of woman humour

Feminist are trash and I hope people will finally wake up and see their bullshit for what it is. They bring nothing but despair


damn even creepy guys are universally funnier than all this stuck up hoes

Oh great #gamergate propaganda

comic should have stopped before last panel

No they are not. Look at Ghostbuster.

They will copy, they will make vagina jokes but they can't make something original or even remotely cleverly funny Their humor is based on group consent and ostracizing with the power of their collective vagina again. Yadda, yadda, yadda, Arthur Schopenhauer.

oh man that cute lil pudge i'd wreck that 2D gook shut in and make her little pets watch


"fuckboy" is just means "that asshole that I fuck" that she talks about to her nice guy orbiter.

the duplicity of female words.

She thinks she can get away with sounding edgy because she's a woman. It's a shit test, don't you know?

I think women forcing their way into games and trying to censor the shit talking we throw at each other is the biggest thing I hate about them.

stay mad nigger

The man quoted in that tweet presents a valid point though

Well what the fuck does that mean?


Such a weird question to ask a little kid. Fucking degenerates, man.

>stay mad nigger
Not even mad just tired of hearing it. Also do you kiss your mother with that mouth of yours?

She's showing her pals your picture. If you've ever sent nudes chances are she's passed it about her pals and laughed


Fucking hot desu

>nobody notices my double dubs. sometimes i feel as a white male on an anonymous anime nazi site like i'm invisible and marginalized. #yesalldubs

The fact that she bothered to even reply makes me feel like she's interested but doesn't want to come off as a slut

But he then fucking spaghettied all over the place by going ragemode instead of being playful

Women are all psychopathic. It's why they feel no guilt or remorse.

We are lucky that they are so weak and small because a lot of them would be as violent as snackbars if they were able.

yeah for sure. She also cared enough about it to screenshot and submit to some fem"humour" site.

still their oneliners are just outrageously pathetic, like grade-school shit. This is top banters according to women

Why are millenials such edgelords then complain about 'problematic' shit like namecalling?

The worst part is that they don't even say anything, they just keep it on their small brains


I like Difficult People.


Universally men are way funnier since they have more relatable scenarios and have way more original content and push the envolope on what people find offensive and make jokes about it. (and also evolved to be more funny due to evolutional pressures).

Women on the other hand their comedy really only relates to their own gender. I dont know if you have seen alot of their "comedy" op but its mainly all about " OMG IM A LAZY FUCK. LIKE DUDE IM SO SOCIALLY AWKWARD. MUH VAGINAH. ARENT I FUNNY?!"

They have no relatable scenarios and thus cant be original they also tip toe around so much that its impossible for them to joke about tragedies or racial matters etc.


I do much worse to my mother with my mouth, fampai.

This is borderline schizophrenia

Dude fucking kill yourself you pathetic autistic


wewww women are fucking obsessed with their sexuality. like guys don't even really put that much effort into their sexual escapade I don't think. Atleast they don't go around making comics about "loose" vaginas or saggy tits or something.

it's just fucking weird, another example of female duplicity. Say you hate thing, but keep obsessing about thing

So what is this huggleap, some sort of dating app that insults men?

This doesn't even make sense.

Is that supposed to be a shit bomb? Is fucking Jim Lahey making comics for SJWs now?

they're shit

>You got a license for that rear?

Who says that?


the joke is that women are passive aggressive

But the answer to her question is always no....

>Proof women can have autism

Like guys care if a woman is socially awkward. She could still get laid by 20 guys in one night no problem.

Is that Five guys and le gaymur grill supposed to be a reference to that Quinn slag?

Asking myself right now...


Too bad, fatty.

it's like a group of twitter/instagram accounts that shame men for pick-up lines and share female "humor"

She's Indian, so after the smoke bomb she shat in the designated shitting street


Why would I show a girl a picture of my willy? Girls smell.

damn this is actually funny now. I bet a guy did this edit

She's right.

No, boys smell
>and god do they smell good

now that's actually funny. Also half of womens comedy isn't even comedy, it's just them making some fucking statement of their opinions without any fucking jokes

all the time in the world to come up with a reply and this is what you say

The five guys is. Vivian was created by Sup Forums. I forgot the exact reason why. She's supposed to have small tits though, not those fucking melons.

That is funny though. Before mocking someone make sure your not a pathetic manbaby.

This person has a lot of issues. That is not the reaction of a healthy person.

Thanks for the laugh, my ameribro

>puts hand on shoulder
Nice digits

virtue signalling is never funny #sorrynotsorry

I'm not going to lie, this was fucking hilarious

I guess the woman in the comic was wrong

Literally who? Literally what?

Hitchens was right. Woman are biologically incapable of being funny.

this one is so mundane but I gaurentee you she screenshotted and shared this because she thought she was so clever

The heartiest of keks.

Amy Pohler is the only funny female comedian. Have you ever seen parks and recreation?

I think only a friend once and my sister made me laugh irl. Former due to her orbiter being btfo and my sister because of her tantrums



she's ok, she's not the only writer tho