Brit/pol/ - David Moyes Edition

>Big cat confirmed for on the loose in Cornwall

>London stabbing: Suspect is Norwegian Somali with 'no evidence' of terror

>British man dies fighting ISIS in Syria

>Second failed attempt to abduct member of British Armed Forces reported at Aldershot Garrison

>Rates to be cut as economy slows

>Steven Woolfe not in leadership race

>Paris firebomb habbening

>are nige chimes in

>Theresa May tells Lords to ‘get behind Brexit’ after threat to derail Article 50 plans

>Unelected peers start House of Lords plot to BLOCK Brexit and force a second referendum

>Police arrest 900 Syrians in England and Wales for crimes including rape and child abuse

>Ireland could join the Commonwealth post-Brexit to cement CLOSER ties with Britain

Other urls found in this thread:


>arron says emergency meeting underway tomorrow!

>looks like cameron is gonna make out alright

>diane james was told to run for ukip leadership by nigel

>There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, and the vermin of the world inhabit it
>And it's morals aren't worth what a pig can spit, and it goes by the name of London

>Disease spreaders to get their drugs for free

>May speaks to her overlord

>Corbyn supporter Owen Jones labelled 'Blairite traitor' for criticising current leadership

Naicu, my video got used.

The Only May is Up from here on out.

Fuck "Britain".

Who /green conservatism/ here

Fucking kek

im drunk and i think may is lovely women.

she is so nice and she makes me feel secure in this country.

i support her an d love her

who /moggy is my daddy/ here

Hitler did nothing wrong.

Warm welcome for a good discussion without stupidity, spam, anime and sadness.

Stop splitting the threads ffs.

Jesus christ Owen Smith is such a slimy PR cunt.

Comrade Corbyn is absolutely destroying him.

Corbyn is such a madman, brexit double agent and a hardline socialist that is taking the Labour party back to the Eurosceptic workers party of the 1970s.

can't decide who is better, Corbyn or Farage

Reminder not to post in that Russian communists thread

>can't decide who is better, Corbyn or Farage

i only like corbyn because he keeps labour down

but i like him as a man. cant dis his principles.

but Farage is based

>no anime please on a chinese cartoon board
>not a shill

>with current polls, Sadiq Khan's old seat in Tooting could narrowly go tory


>Big cat confirmed for on the loose in Cornwall

Any fellow West Countriers wanna go for a big game hunt?

Reminder that AAV is an actual Green voter and buddhist

Corbyn is utter shite mate

Did you copy and paste this from Trump general then replace the names? Or was it kikebook? If you can't decide between farage and corbyn consider this. Do you want to stop white genocide and the downfall of Western civilisation or speed it up. It's really that simple.

Forgot my flag.

Sadiq Khan is a fucking moron.
>He thought he could freeze fares
>He thought he could solve the housing crisis
>He thought he could get more funding from central government
>He thought that the job of Mayor of London was more than a PR job for business and tourism

If Sup Forumsistians could separate Sup Forums from anime and degenerate kotonk weeb shit, most would vote for such a separation. Anime = downfall of the mass motion art

There aren't enough white people in tooting ever to uncuck themselves from labour's death grip.

Anime is holding Sup Forums especially brit/pol/ from achieving imperial power over the internet


Sorry I sperged out at you in the last thread (if you are indeed what you say you are). But you will never be able to remove anime from Sup Forums. Literally no way to physically achieve it no matter how much you shill for it. Sup Forums is the biggest board by far on this site. You would have to remove them first. It's as futile as removing hitler posting. You will all grow to find them both moe af in the end. Might as well not concern yourself about it.

Really thinking a think

>tfw mementum will take over Labour in your lifetime

Lads can we stop making threads before the bump limit is reached pls?

We need a sole website modeled after Sup Forums styled with the classical European ornament and ..... That's it. Anime and nipshit free "Sup Forums: the website" styled with European symbols instead of the pastel colours.

if anyone is bored and good with photoshop, corbynov's 10 pledge list is just begging to be put on a giant stone

>Tfw you miss comfy edposting
>Tfw there will never be another high profile politician as clumsy or memetatstic as ed

Ed was an absolute disaster and had no business leading the Labour party. Good riddance.

Ahh fuck off you boring cunt, they're all shit at least we had a laugh with ed

>labour will be disbanded in your lifetime


>hehe so funny that Labour had an unelectable mong that ensured another tory government coz I love memes!

Kill yourself

>unironically not supporting the tories

How does an electable labour leader help at all?


You are right. We need to promote european culture more.

But consider what attracts and keeps people in Sup Forums. It's the humour. That's why there's only one way traffic between reddit and here. Political correctness is anti-funny. Free minds and tongues will always have the advantage in the humour stakes. That is how we lure the little children.

So on the one hand, you have hitlerposting to promote racial/national consciousness. But without anime to make it cutesy we're just a bunch of scary stormfags one truck rampage from becoming the next unabomber.

That's why shills constantly try to shut anime down.

It's like you want to kill the white race.

whats wrong with labour having rubbish leaders

Ed Miliband wanted to make 'islamophobia' a big crime.

Thank God he didn't get into power.

Still shilling the Jewish News Service.
Good work """"Canada""""

>supporting Cameron ever

Maybe May will be an improvement who knows. Doesn't change the fact Ed made the last election a farce.

>hurr durr why is having a strong opposition leader important all hail the tory dictatorship!

Yeah why even bother with democracy

Mass immigration rose under Cameron the Tories don't give a fuck about the white race they're neoliberals.

What a truly alien creature

how did you somehow miss the description immediately above it?

Corbyn is a strong leader.

>>hurr durr why is having a strong opposition leader important all hail the tory dictatorship!
>Yeah why even bother with democracy
I'd rather a UKIP or even orange booker lib dem opposition over labour.

Kek. I still Bercow shouting "ED MILLIBAND" followed by posh heckling.
Corbyn is another boring commie, a bit like Kinnock. He's incompetent but not in a fun way.

whats it like to cuddle, britpol?

don't know ;_;

girls are scary

i hope i meet a nice one in uni

>the day we star to draw level with the Tories in the polls

when the fuck was this?

Fun and comfy.
After good sex, lying naked with your girl as she affectionately climbs all over you cuddling you, wanting to be held and generally being cute. Well, it's the best feeling in the world.
Right next to the feeling of Crusading in the name of our lord.

Just before May Elections.

Pretty good when it's with a qt guy


sounds comfy

but isnt that haream

don't want to wake up


haram or not it feels good

>using my credit card to rake my nutsack

That's my way of sticking it to the man.



Sun never sets on Brit/pol/

Slow thread, guess I'll bump with some mummy












Is mummy poster a yank now?

There are two mummy posters now

>British man dies fighting ISIS in Syria

What a lad

Have the shills left brit/pol/?

Do we like May yet?


been nice threads today, appears so

I agree, mummy makes it all better :)


No, I'm not a degenerate. I respect mama



Warming up to her since she got appointed. Still worried about Brexit being done properly though


Fake, I suggest you leave.

Don't talk to me or my mummy ever again.



God bless you user