ITT: Post known shills

ITT: Post known shills

Leaf who has posted "right wing retards" almost 1000 times over his sad Sup Forums career"right wing retards"/country/ca/

Niggerspic who has posted TonaldDrump.jpg over 100 times.

"Trump is hated and despised." copypasta"trump is hated and despised"/

This guy. I was going to collect more of his posts but since you posted this I'll let everyone know

Bump, this is an important thread and I won't let shills slide it. We must know the enemy to defeat them.

Who is it one guy or many?

One guy with a proxy (to dodge bans) is standard

I shill for Hill and am not that guy, so you got atleast two. I suspect we may be legion

Whoops, thought you meant specific spammers. Yeah there are tons of different shills

There are definitely multiple shills to maintain this level of slide threads. Mods may or may not be complicit.

While we can't easily get names we may be able to find their Twitter accounts or accounts on other sites with enough analysis.

This information needs to be available for people of the board to know the identities of their enemies and not just the fact that they exists.

Twitter, Reddit, and Tumblr identities are very useful. Screen names of enemy mods and janitors is also very powerful info.

irl names are the gold standard of info, but this will be nearly impossible.

am i unbanned yet? fucking (((mods))) anglo filth just cuz i replied to a derail thread kill yourself MODS faggots

yeee boi

i think trump is a faggot and im not that guy either

What if you bait him/her maybe start a social group on popular medias and dox the suspicious one follower? It would be hard to find out here who that person is since its a anonymous board.

>We must know the enemy to defeat them
Well, the leaf shitposter is obvious as fuck, I bet he even does it for free. The number of 'muh holohaox' threads with the south African guy spamming the same copy pasta and BS infographics has stepped up noticeably in the last week. I work nights so I'm usually awake for the barrage of auzzie shitposts, but they all just seem like legit auzzies, not paid shills. The Romanian flag seems to have a cuck post daily, usually with a nigger fucking some coalburner pic. There is also the Turk who starts all the Russia BTFO, and burgers BTFO threads, but haven't seen to many in the last week, maybe he got purged.

also testin


You can't find out exact names here but general details like nation, tactics, times, and possible tripcodes can be noted so people know when they're dealing with a shill.

Other important information to find (will probably have to leave the board for these):

>shill twitter accounts
>shill reddit profiles
>shills on facebook
>shill allied mods screen names
>shill allied janitors screen names
>shill tumblr profiles

>shill twitter accounts
There are a shitload of those, every once in awhile I'll fire up my sock puppets, get drunk, and go on the offence, but the sheer volume of 100% bullshit makes countering with any facts or logic equivalent to pissing in the lake.

That's not a shill, a shill is an advertiser who's told to come to Sup Forums to sell products or politics

That's just some guy in Canada who really likes Obama, no different than any other fanboy of other politicians here (Trump, Rand, Marx, Hitler, Thatcher)

Actively identifying them (especially the ones we prove do it for money) will help to discredit them. Also it will allow us to focus our conversion efforts on non shills who will be easier to bring to our side.

>That's just some guy in Canada who really likes Obama
And the guy gets BTFO every time, because 99% of his infographics are complete lies or misinterpretation of facts, you would think even a die hard Trudeau cocksucker would get tired of playing out the same thread time after time.