This is my current list of Sup Forums related readings. The Doctrine of Fascism by Mussolini, Mein Kampf by Hitler (Stalag Translation), The Prince by Machiavelli, and the Leviathan by Hobbes. Does anyone else have any good political/philosophical readings for me?
Sup Forums reading list
A whole lot of pseudo-intellectual, fringe crap is headed your way, and I don't mean the fun stuff like conspiracy books about reptilians, I mean nonsense like Juilius Evola, which you can't even begin to take seriously without having a brain injury.
So far a whole lot of nothing is headed my way
It appears that way, doesn't it. Well, make sure you add Aristotle's Politics and Nicomachean Ethics.
On a scale of 9-10, how gay are you?
Fuck off shill
What am I shilling for? I'm asking for books to read
The guy is just looking for something to read, idiot.
Fucking obvious library shill.
I'm not falling for your shit.
He is shilling for his local library. How jewish are you?
Oy vey, the goyim knows! Shut it down! Next time goy, I'll get you into reading. You can't hide forever!
You just proved my point retard.
How about the Bible, Satan? It'll set you back on the right path.
That is true. I should probably read that one more often.
Jump straight into Ecclesiastes.
Will do. Thanks leaf friend!
The jews and their lies by Martin Luther if you're into this kind of stuff, or even better 'the international jew' by Ford (especially great since he's very moderate on the question).
For more generally political themes, I can recommend "propaganda" by edward bernays (nephew of Freud) he explains concisely how to manipulate the opinion (he participated in the propaganda for the US government leading up to pearl harbor).
Good luck.
I can't find it on amazon at a reasonable price in France. Does anyone have the pdf ?
For My Legionaries by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
The Closing of the American Mind
The ebook is available where pirates get their torrents. Just be sure to go to the author's website and donate what you think it was worth when you finish. He has a link for accepting tips.
Great, that's usually what I do.
Try Reforging America by Lothrop Stoddard.
Start with the Greeks. Specifically Plato's Republic, Aristotle's Politics, then Machiavelli, then the contract theorists starting with Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau. Afterwards you'll be ready for Nietzche, Hay Digger, Hegel and Kant. Then go on to Evola, read some Burke, De Maistre and Tocqueville and now, and only now, you can read Hitler and Mussolini, Mussolini being the better theorist.
If you're religious add some medieval thinkers, especially Boethous, Dante's De Monarchia, Augustine obviously as well as Aquinas. If you're feeling adventurous, read Maimonides, al Farabi, al Kindi, and al Ghazali to round it out. If you have interest in left leaning politics. Read the pre Marxist socialist after Rousseau, Marx after Hegel and the post Marxists after reading Nietzche as well as Freud. These two latter thinkers mixed in with some Marxist critiques is obviously where most of the modern left is coming from.
Then read Rawls to see the poverty of modern political theory. Then Stauss and the Straussians specifically Allan Bloom to see its heights.
This guy knows what he's talking about.
That's quite the list there. Thank you, I hopefully will one day get around to it all lol
Yeah I'm still not done with the Greeks, I'm going more or less consecutively. It's a lifetime kid, philosophy isn't just a hobby and I'm not sure you have what it takes babby.
Although if you wany something more streamlined, just go Republic, A's Politics, Machiavelli's Prince, Hobbes Leviathan, and Second Treatise of Locke. Any good political theory course would at least teach this.
Although I have a soft spot for Rousseau, Ghazali, and Allan Bloom. Oh and I forgot to mention Thucydides, Xenophon and Shakespeare. All of these writers mentioned in this particular paragraph are encyclopedic. I also recommend reading Don Quijote for the laughs.
Don't forget to learn a few languages, at least one ancient, one Romance, and one non European.
Guns Germs and Steel.
>not epub
Fools, Frauds and Firebrands by Roger Scruton summarizes, criticizes and provides alternatives to every major leftist thinker. It's a wonderfully detailed one-volume introduction to why CultMarx is bad.
Wait. Do you think reading is a Jewish trick?
No, that was a joke
obligatory domesticated/tamed zebra picture post
This will make you despair at the world though I suggest it anyway. The beginning psuedo racial stuff I don't know how accurate it is but his overall analysis is pretty good I fear.
This is a break from his normal ancap ramblings and really digs into why democracy is shit tier. It basically turns into socialism and is a great way for a leftist revolution.
If you really are on the fence about why it is bad to take in a million brown people per year Coulter does a pretty good job explaining it and the problems of the (((Hart-Celler))) act.
Oh wow this thread is 2 hours old. Should I keep going with this list, OP?
If you wish. I probably have more than I'll get around to reading already, but maybe others will find something good to read.
Just started reading that but from what I can surmise, this goes over how the west came about and why socieities like those in the west will soon be at an end.
That is a compilation of articles on how multiculturalism has hurt the USA. I suggest that one first for it being a quick read and is filled with counter-thought to current american conservatism.
Why Nations Fail
Pretty good desu, senpai. Just started Liberal Fascism and its pretty interesting. Authors last name is (((Goldberg))) though.
Goldberg is a NRO writer. That whole book is just the argument that democrats are the real hitler when really that's kind of bullshit. If fascism is a counter movement to marxism conservatives rile up their base with such appeals though they never really follow through.
Intellectuals and society by Thomas sowell is good, Thucydides history of the Peloponnesian war is interesting but old Greek texts are kind of annoying because of all of the references to Greek place names, still good though
So far it seems like hes talking about how they use the same tactics as fascists, and then call everyone else fascist. Or am I just retarded?
Yeah I just started reading the Republic and I can barely keep the names straight. Not to mention the lack of useful grammar in my translation.
Yeah it isn't an intellectual work at all. OK at saying how modern day leftists are kind of dicks but that whole beginning section where he tries to draw parallels to nazi germany to the modern day progressive movement is just silly. Take that whole book with a grain of salt it's neocon propaganda.
I just assumed the whole nazi thing was just part of his culture.