
Why aren't you taking the patrician drug yet, Sup Forums?

Seripusly I'm talking 2mg of Klonopin and it makes you so fucking relaxed it's ridiculous. It get rids 95% of your qnxiety and OCD. I am so relaxed at this point I am euphoric. Like I don't even give a shit if Trump loses. That's how relaxed and calm I am now. Benzos are god's gift to humanity.

>m-muh degeneracy

Nazis did drugs. Hitler did amphetmine all the time, drugs were issued to German troops.

>hitler did amphetamine

yeah hitler was high energy

you on the other hand are low energy, go support hillary faggot

Drink bleach faggot

If you take them every day eventually you won't really feel different and you'll be addicted to them.

Women's drug desu.

Stimulants are much better.

but I do user. I get etizolam from online pharmacies all the time. fucking GOAT tier drug. I have crazy anxiety, ocd and social anxiety. Fucking gets rid of it completely.

Also etizolqm has a reverse tolerance built into it. The effect gets more noticable the longer you take the drug

>In a study that compared the effectiveness of etizolam, alprazolam, and bromazepam for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder, all three drugs retained their effectiveness over 2 weeks, but etizolam became more effective from 2 weeks to 4 weeks, a type of reverse tolerance

low energy has never felt this good famalams

And start having Seizures when you try to quit.
this, go do cocaine off a girls tits and have the time of your life instead of sitting around being a fucking potato.

smoke dope if you wanna feel relaxed and euphoric

30mg of adderal + 250mg of caffine = counterstrike monster

one of the worst drugs to abuse

nobody will give them to me
they're fucking schiesty mother fuckers

Benzos scare the shit out of me...The withdrawal cant even be described, its not like any other withdrawal, its totally alien.

I went through a very slight withdrawal after some recreational use for 2 weeks, the dissociation and general feeling of a fucked up GABA system was scary and i cant even fathom what full blown withdrawal is like.

Patrician drug ey?
Well at least until you take too much one night and throw a brick through a gas station window in an attempt to rob the place for shits and giggles.

I spent a week in the hospital on dilaudid and got a script for some other heavy duty pain killers. Got off that shit ASAP and even then I was irritable.

I can't imagine what hell getting off those benzos will be.

>the patrician drug

the one that causes severe short-term memory loss?

you dumb fuck, benzos literally make you stupid.

The only patrician drug is stimulants, and even then you're weak willed if you get addicted to them.

>seduced by the quad jew

This. I have legit social anxiety. I stutter, shake and sweat when involved with large groups of people.

Dr.'s keep trying to put me on depression medication and every few months I see them on one of those "have you or one of your loved ones taken..." Lawer commercials.

Xanax is great though.
>having a bad day
>take a Xanax
>suddenly it's tomorrow.

>short term memory loss

citation needed

Benzos are shit. I'm prescribed lorazepam 2 mg. Generally have to use it 2-3 times a day. Some days I don't need it as much and can get away with a single use. But even at that dosage it doesn't really get rid of the anxiety and that is in conjunction with my other meds - Citalopram 40 mg, and Risperidone 2 mg.

I took benzos when I was forbidden to drink alcohol for a month. I quit them after 2 weeks because they made my eyes yellow. So they were fucking up my kidneys, after I stopped taking them, my piercing blue eyes came back.

have you never taken benzos? wtf

>tfw don't know how to get an adderall/vyvanse script from my doc without sounding like "drug seeking behaviour"

I have panic attacks were I think I'm going to die
Every time I go to the dr he ups my buspar and tells me to see how that works out
still have panic attacks
>top out at 60mg of buspar
what the fuck is he going to do next?!
>you're just going to have to get used to it user

unironically kill yourself pleb. Benzos are the devil's work. Kratom is a gift from god


Benzos turn you into Patrick Star and are for pussies and retards
Just smoke weed if you hate your life that much

Valium works best for panic attacks.

buspar is a shit
wellbutrin is better
effexor/paxil are the devil to get off of. unbelievably addictive and they never tell you.

Hitler & friends were on massive amounts of meth so they could kill their enemies 24/7. Your drug of choice is housewife tier.

>Nazis did drugs
>Hitler did drugs
Nazis lost and Hitler killed himself

>can't back up his claim
>k-kill yourself

Gas yourself faggot cunt.

Everyone was on speed in WW2 to be honest.

I do faggot. Clonazepam and no memory loss.

Unless you are a retard who pops 10mg and downs it with alcohol then sure.

I'm on wellbutrin also, like 150mg or something

Meth is a wartime drug. There is literally no reason for people to take it recreationally, unless they want to end up in prison.

Klonopin withdrawal can kill you

It really, really, really sucks. You'd better hope your supply never gets cut off without warning.

US troops smoked pot on the front lines, but hard drugs like morphine weren't handed out like candy like with the Axis

yah? I take 3 of them, can't remember the dosage. it's diminshing returns I think when they up them, in my experience anyway.

what else you tried?

just google benzo amnesia it's not that hard m8

I'm not going to ask him to put me on it though, that'd be suspicious as fuck. I'm trying to get him to do it on his own.

desu, it's not even something that needs sourcing. If you've ever taken xanax, you'd know about the blank spots in time you experience; waking up in bed not remembering how you got there.

>US troops smoked pot on the front lines
What? really?

Are you sure you're not thinking of Vietnam?

good luck as soon as you start forgetting entire days and also get addicted benzo w/d can legit kill you


how do I get my doctor to prescribe me ADD medication


>benzo amnesia

Again, no amnesia here for 30 years counting. Then again I don't pop 10mg with alcohol every day.

Stimulants are shit for anxiety and muscle relaxant. Benzos are the best in that regards.

If I take more than 2 Mg. I straight black out.
It's a thing for some people.

The Axis made a super drug, consisting of morphine, methamphetamine and cocaine combined. And they gave it to concentration camp prisoners and made them march at speed carrying 20kg. The prisoners managed to march 90km before they collapse and die.

I had panic attacks so I went to the hospital and asked for valium, and they got me some. Which then was enough to get a doctor's appointment the next day and get benzos.

Used to wash a handful of valium and Xanax down with a pint of Jack Daniel's for an interesting Friday night, but that was almost 2 decades ago.

I only take one now every few months when I get so stressed, I start glancing at my pistol wondering how many people I'd have to shoot in order to make the pain go away.

Weed, grown by white people and sold by white people, is the best option if you want to relax.

fuck, my list is too long to remember

i dunno whats for anxiety and what isnt i can't remember anything else

Then don't take over 2mg. 2mg is more than enough for klonopin. I've never taken xanax.

>patrician drug
You're a dumbass. Everyone who's ever gone to top uni knows that addy and moda are the elite-tier drugs.

>Why aren't you taking the patrician drug yet, Sup Forums?

Psychedelics are the patrician drug, chief.

>I am so relaxed at this point I am euphoric

That does sound nice, though.


>u.s. soldiers get amphetamine laced chocolate

Didn't the French have some shit too?
Im not sure about russians

and Hitler was a fucking degenerate pedophile just like you and Charlie Chaplin

>Nazis lost
They had a pretty sick K/D ratio though. They wouldn't have done half as well without the speed, especially later in the war.

Why you gotta drag Charlie Chaplin into this, famalam?

yeah get hooked on clonazepams fucking scum.

See you in jail.

Yeah in WW2. Not widely, but during the Battle of the Bulge it was provided to help them sleep.

how about abilify?
>keks internally
I see the notepads and stuff for that at my doctor's office.

Man, you got me beat! I thought with the buspar you must be a newby, but forget it, you're an old pro at the med business! I got some anti-psychotic stuff one time...I could only take it a few days, shit was unbelievably powerful. How was haldol and hydroxyzine and stuff? I haven't heard of like half your list.

Considering the Axis was outnumbered 2:1 by superior economies. They did pretty well.

>you will never charge at the enemy full speed in a tiger tank with your mates cunted on meth to the point of having overcome the fear of death itself

>being a drug addict and losing is better than being clean and losing

In the end they just wasted resources and perhaps damaged their troops unnecessarily. We don't know if they did better or worse because of all the drugs.




My psychiatrist told me buspar only works in Seattle.

Nope, my grandpa only served in WW2 and he used to tell me about smoking the devils lettuce when he was over there.

Nazis were bad boys :^)

Keep acting like that in real life and you'll be well on your way to being prescribed something alright.


Don't be rude

Some of you cucks literally get scrips thrown at you for shit like adderall and the rest of us just are S.O.L.

They objectively did better. I don't know how you even consider it drug addiction. It was a tool of war that increased performance in a fight for your own survival.

I almost died when I was going through a bender with mixing Xanax and vodka. Funnest times ever but god damn I never want to go through that withdrawal ever again.

i was actually on 30mg buspar a year ago and stopped taking it for some reason
he told me to try it again so i'm back on it

hydroxyzine is just like vistaril, but it's a liquid. i didn't really notice a difference when i would take it

haldol made me restless as fuck, i was also taking some counter-meds for it that supposedly helped that and also nauseau (which was unrelated) that started with a B i don't remember
i'm on risperidone too, but i'm thinking about getting off that because of all the mantit stories.

That shit doesn't do anything except make my dick numb just like the others as well

As a former/recovering Adderall addict, don't do it.


This. People with Xanax addictions are just hard to watch. Shits lame


>Benzos are god's gift to humanity.

You realize withdrawal from a bad addiction to benzos can kill your right? it's not something to fuck around with. Now stimulants that truly is the redpill

>Seripusly I'm talking 2mg of Klonopin
What did they start you at?
How many years you been on it?

fuck they really like to add on the drugs, don't they? I was on 3 at one time.

Good luck, user. All the best!

Yeah but everyone on Sup Forums who makes $500k/yr working at a STEM/contracting/aeronautics/legal/programming job says that they did it because they popped hella stims in college


You people should not take prescription drugs for longer than a month. I find smoking a heavy amount of dope for a week, then quitting for several months, does wonders for my mental health.

why? I get that you can have severe withdrawls, but in my experience, after a week of daily use, they weren't that bad. The upside, of finally being able to talk to other people and interact socially like a normal human being, not to mention the productivity benefits, seem like they outweigh the negatives.

this shillfuck is trying to get you guys to turn off your higher intelligence via benzos so you stop caring about TRUMP.

don't ever use that low energy bullshit, it will make you retarded and content to be so

Yeah, I'm on at least 5 now, and that's the lowest i've been on over the course of a year. I'm probably going to wean off them all though. I'm not buying into this anti-depressant thing anymore. Good luck to you too.

>using drugs to get rid of anxiety

Enjoy it while it still makes sense to do so, I suppose. You can't convince a drug addict of much.

Anxiety is caused by either a problem in perception, or a problem in ability.

Most people who have anxiety and get rid of it through drugs will never solve the problems in either their perception or ability that caused it in the first place.

Those who are anxious because they perceive themselves to be different from their ideal - when either their perception of themselves is false or because their ideal is too grandiose - will simply continue to indulge in their grandiose dreams and fantasies, or perhaps in their comically low self-esteem caused by constant flagellation due to lack of self-knowledge, but not feel the pain of anxiety which motivates you to get better. Rather than go through the pain of crafting "mental glasses" in order to see themselves and reality clearer, they simply take something to remove the pain caused by blurry vision, which is insanity when you think about it.

Those who have anxiety because they lack the ability to plan and coordinate their movements to achieve what they want will simply remove the frustration and pain which should be acting as fuel for improvement, guaranteeing they will never learn anything, because they do not perceive anything to be wrong.

Those who take it because they consume too much sugar, don't exercise enough and masturbate too often will simply learn to live with the pain through the drug, which they will panic when they cannot get, and suffer tremendously when they try to get off of it.

You are not solving your problems, you are masking them. Which seems like a solution until you become numb to the pain entirely, and walk around an empty husk with no real ambitions or direction.

Good luck,

Benzo's can be a bit much. I'm on sertraline for social anxiety and it helps a minor amount without too significant of side effects (I sleep a shitload)

>Like I don't even give a shit if Trump loses

spot the shill

After a while you will not feel anything special after taking benzos and you will need 'em to feel normal.
Benzos are no fun-shit.
Take better drugs.

>recovering Adderall addict

that's cute, I'm guessing your a teenager, right?

> Benzos are god's gift to humanity.
That's right goy.. gods gift.. Just relax and forget all your ambitions.
>m-muh degeneracy
Well, yes actually.
>Nazis did drugs. Hitler did amphetmine all the time, drugs were issued to German troops.
And, they lost iirc..

Buy them anyways.
Also there are legal RC benzos.
But don't take benzos too often.


I can take 30 1 mg tabs and I'll just forget a 3 day period. Total memory loss if I mix it with some vodka.

You'll build a tolerance, and they'll make you chubby and jaded.

My nigga kratom is the working mans drug


how did you cucks get your adderall prescriptions


darknet markets fgt.

>mixing benzos with vodka

You are just asking to die

This. I got anxiety from a problem in my perception in reality caused by musty weed. I thought it was laced with PCP. So I hung onto the weed for 6 months or more, then I got my friend to smoke it, and I drug swabbed him. It showed it was just THC. So I smoked some of his dope, and it was perfect, no panic attacks or anxiety. It was after that anxiety, paranoia, etc it all went away after making that connection.

But I wanna get a script for it that way I don't ever get in trouble just incase I run into (((Johnny Law)))

Benzos...bad idea. Buspar...made me catatonic. Any opioid makes me constipated and itchy with no euphoria or calmness of any kind.

400mg of Gabapentin with a couple cups of green tea (hello theanine and low caffeine content!) make for a pretty fucking perfect day, however. Extremely functional, happy, high energy but not manic, lot of self-confidence.

For you social anxiety people, truly, try 200-400mg of gabapentin. Just don't take it every day, since it builds tolerance quickly. Use it situationally.