Starting November 1...

>Starting November 1, students who have borrowed money from the government will not be required to begin repaying their loan until they start earning at least $25,000 per year.

Say what you will about Canada, at least I have a government that CARES.

Other urls found in this thread:

Buy gold.

Is the joke that none of them will ever be able to find a steady job earning them $25k a year.

It's fantastic! I'm going into my first year at U of T this year and got a $1800 grant plus this!

>encouraging people to be poor

I went there too! Have fun!

>25k per year

Wtf is the point in taking a loan for school if you don't even start out making 25k a year, assuming you start in the field you want with 40 hours a week.

I started a new job in an actual good trade and start at 15$. The only expense I've had so far has been 40$ for klein nut drivers ..

Fuck any non stem degrees.

and thus the beginning of the canadian governments descent into financial ruin starts.

taking all bets on canada outrunning americas national debt by december gold to sell oil is cheap and they wont even collect student loan debt and it will increase with the new regulations

This is actually really good for me to know. Thanks OP

The more of my money Justin gives away, the clearer it becomes that he does not care about me, or any other taxpayer. That twat can't open his mouth without blowing a billion dollars.


>getting a college degree and making $25k/yr
>not getting an engineering degree and starting at >$60k in the US

Plus a lot of good universities give good money to "international students", you should go for that leafbros.

If your first job doesn't pay at least $25,000 out of college, then you are a failure at life and will always live below the poverty line.

No problem. Be careful though. You may think you're being slick by asking your boss to cap your salary at $24k, but interest still grows on the debt.

lol australias been doing that for years

When do we get our fucking weed? This cuck only had one goddamm job.

Why does he keep importing shit skins and running deficits?

>Graduate high school at 18
>work 70 hours a week until 23 to afford college and enough to get a down payment on a shit box home

Fucking shit government, I've even become friends with hard core socialists who hate this government

This. But you don't have to pay until you earn over $50k or something.
No interest either, it just adjusts with inflation.

a lot of people get tricked to going to school for worthless shit cause simply "going to school" is the expectation. it's a serious decision and you should really know what you want out of it. i know tons of people who went through school and are worse off from it. if you aren't connected and don't have a plan or drive, odds are stacked against you

>go to college in Canada
>emigrate to the USA before earning a 25,000+ yearly wage job
>never have to pay

Alternatively, college grads in Canada could just start doing freelance work for cash or use a friend's bank account for deposits and dodge Johnny Law.

He ran on a campaign of running deficits. If you voted Liberal, and I'm guessing from your first sentence that you did, you voted for deficits.

>encouraging people to be on welfare and get shit degrees that don't pay anything in actually productive dollars while others subsidize the shit out of everything
no wonder getting an old fashioned or gin and tonic costs $12-$14 with tax in montreal and an absolutely miserly portion with a giant fucking ice cube in the middle

seriously taxes, fees, prices in canada are fucking absurd

This actually strikes me as a pretty reasonable approach that helps reduce the risk of going to college.

Now, what's the extent of the loans you can get? Do you accrue interest while it is not being paid? Can I just rack up $100,000 in debt and then sit around working part-time jobs the rest of my life?

that's cool. a lot of money i make is off the books. the stem degree im in now will hopefully put me in a position where it's nbd

Are you Mallory Archer?

Is this individual or household income? This could just be another marriage tax that disuades people from getting wed.

>Say what you will about Canada, at least I have a government that CARES.

nigger, what is interest?

the only thing our government cares about is more refugees and squeezing every last tax dollar out of the Canadian worker to pay for them

That's probably the sin tax. The government of Canada wants to discourage alcohol, tobacco and gambling. You can read about it here.

what? you go to some shitty bars. are you in ndg or plateau or smth

This was also a problem in Australia.
People would get their degrees and go overseas after getting it. Since they weren't filling out Australian Tax documents they weren't paying their HECS debt.
They recently changed it though, so there isn't a loop hole anymore.

I'm hopefully becoming a master brewer and moving to the states. Brit here, lived in the states as a kid, I'm sick of moving to escape statist hell holes, the US is the last place where people have a spine

Why he's trying to make it easier for Canadians to get a university education is anyone's guess. Canada has the highest such rate in the world, and it's not graduates in general for which there is a demand, only certain types. If the government should be doing anything on grants and tuition fees, it should be making it easier for more vocationally oriented credentials to be earned, to encourage young Canadians to pursue secondary education that is in their own long-term economic interests.

>enjoying a drink makes you Archer's mom

It's not just the sin tax, it's just generally shit is expensive.

US a rental car is ~$36 a day. The price is the same in Canada but except, whoops, it's double because of an air conditioning recovery fee. Renting a car on Monday and returning it on Tuesday recently cost me $130 CAD, and most of that was mandatory bullshit upcharges not related to my rental location within Canada.

Get a price on a hotel in Canada? Don't forget to add 25% for the variety of taxes.

Go through an airport in Canada? Well, the security fee is $24 (between US and Canada), the airport improvement fee is another $25. This is before taxes, base airfare, etc.

Eating out there were okay deals but liqour was fucking ridiculous. They're also way less accommodating of dietary restrictions in Canada. In the US they'd cook something differently. In Canada they tell me they're so sooooorrrrry eh and to get fucked.


>Holding a longboard

That right there is enough reason for someone to choke the life out of that faggot.

weed man said no more interest on loans during his election campaigns tho

The government CARES
That's why they want someone who makes $25k a year to be focusing on paying back debt.

Notre Dame De Grace and Plateau are neighbourhoods of montreal. Former is an anglo zone, latter is dumb crowded and expensive. If you paid 12-14$ for a Gin and Tonic, you went to some shitty yuppie bar.

>use a friend's bank account for deposits and dodge Johnny Law.

Lol no

So this means liberal arts majors will never have to repay loans?

;__; I have 17k in student loans and I'm afraid to get a job.

Fucking FBI, I know you are recording these messages.

Fucking why u do this. I studied my whole life through the worst teachers and professors just to be morbidly afraid of my student loans never getting paid off...

You fucking sick fucks.

you didn't think our health care came out of nowhere did you? alcohol and tobacco are expensive as fuck for that reason.

Wait dudes american prolly spent his time by Crescent or some tourist hellzone

>making exemptions where people don't have to pay back money

Clearly this will work wonderfully.

$25k a year is about $12 an hour full time. Minimum wage in most provinces is $10 an hour.

>"user, you're due for a raise"
>Uhhh.. no thanks

UK's been doing that for years. You don't pay your student loans until you're earning £21,000, and if you drop below that at any point, you stop paying until you land on your feet again.

That's why I have a friend who took a computer science degree and set up his own business, doing fairly well for himself, even ended up nicknaming himself Sparky...anyway he gives his wife most of the profits and only claims £20,000 a year on his forms or whatever, and happily doesn't pay back the £27,000 plus food and lodging grants he owes the government.

It's a good time to be alive.

And a better time to be part of the Commonwealth. Take these shitholes for what they're worth, while the ship sinks.

>make $24,999 a year
>get a $1 raise
>now making $20,000 a year

Great plan.

Forgive me. Recent visitor on a few occasions under a work permit. I stay (somewhat) neav Victoria Square and McGill. Mainly go on foot within 2-3km of my hotel for dinner. Prices were like that consistently. I have less experience in other parts of the city because I work in suburbia and have to drive out/back so less time to explore.

I found one place that does homemade gin for gin and tonic and it was good but it was ~$10 CAD with a miserly portion (plus tip).

It wasn't as bad at some other places, but I think ordering an Old Fashioned was the worst, because they'd generally put about 3oz of liquid on it with a 4cm x 4cm icecube taking up most of a small glass.

So it goes. I'm trying to apply for my dual citizenship (father born in British Columbia) for maximum flexibility but the last time I did it Canada said my photo was 2mm off from ear-to-ear and kept my $75 CAD plus all the forms I paid to have notarized (more expensive than that by far and told me to do it again. This time I just did a work permit at the border and it was far easier (to keep me going).

About to enter my 3rd year abroad, does this apply to me?

my current thing is Zero interest in my home province so I max out loans invest them and I earn money while I i literally do nothing now it looks like I will be able to do this with the government of canada loans PERFECT

>Have to pay debts
>Don't want to
>Complain when you get enough money to pay debts
Do you have greek parents, by chance?

If you're a Canadian citizen and you have student loans with or through your government then obviously.

>that you didn't take on

what's it like being a communist shit

If you work 40 hours each week, at 12.5 an hour, you'll make roughly 25k before taxes. So the government is saying we don't have to pay loans, unless we work a minimum wage job. Thanks Trudeau, you truly are a saint.

There were some old british tourists in the falls earlier outside the tourism area pointing out that our chocolate bars cost twice as much as theirs for less chocolate
I think they were making fun of me for being fat but I was too nervous to turn around

$25k a year isn't enough money to be paying back debt. That's barely enough for food and a very shitty apartment in a bad part of town. You can't afford a car, a phone, or anything else if you are dependent solely on $25k/year. $1200 a month (dont forget taxes) is absolutely abhorrently low pay and I can't believe they thought this was alright.

The government is doing this because they know they'd rather just skip the hassle of missed payments and instead wait for when they can have them make the bare minimum payments.

apologies for the snark in this message . If you want cheap food and drink go further east. Like, Little Italy, Parc Extension. I moved away from montreal but lived there for a number of years, now I'm in BC myself. I -think- little italy is the new hipster vortex, possibly overtaking mile end for this distinction, but i'm not sure. there are not shit parts of it. Parc-Ex has some of my favourite food, and it's some of the cheapest in the city. i don't know anywhere else where i can get a bomb butter chicken Thali plate for $6 and BYOB. there are some cool and cheap spots around St Henri but it's rapidly gentrifying. Those are my two favorite mixed drinks as well! anyways, i can give better suggestions and specific suggestions in a bit

>tfw don't have to pay back my loans until I make £17,495 PA

In a totally unrelated story, student loan interest rates have risen overnight.

I'm hoping to cross the border in a couple weekends on Sunday afternoon and have time on Sunday to check out the city before I'm working at my customer during the week, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Australia already has that

and it's $45k here


We've had this for years now senpai. But it's interest free and we only start repayments once we hit 56k/year.

Yeah we get taxed out the ass up here.

>mfw Australians can't even keep their story straight

Not to mention that with the exchange rate you are earning less than 20k per year USD

> Say what you will about Canada, at least I have a government that CARES.
What's the worst that will happen?

i make about $2100 a month after deductions and thats on $16.50 an hour, so 25k a year is defs not $12/hour

I just realized this means "free women's studies" and "free arts majors". And whatever you subisidize, you get more.

We're gaining speed approaching that wall.

Nice meme kangaroo eater.

What province do you live in? we get paid the same per hour but I'm making less than you.


Why is Australia always the example? First it's our border policies, now this. Our education system probably explains why we invented WiFi

k so it's basically straight through for all these neighborhoods. plateau -> mile end -> "mile ex" / little italy -> parc extension

food on the cheap:

Mile End: if you're in the area st. viateur bagel is maybe an obvious suggestion as it's a local classic. near that, there's a spanakopita place called Melina's which should run you ~

16.50 is the countries median income. fuck.

Imagine all the interest they will be making on those.

This is effectively giving the poor a 0% interest rate so this actually is a prtety big progressive step as low interest rates seemed to mostly be benefiting only those rich enough to say afford to be homeowners.

I agree with it on principle, this is a good place to give people a break.

Not really. This strongly penalizes all STEM majors (because they are guaranteed to make more than that right out of the gate) while serving only to profit womyn study majors who'll never get employed anywhere.

Like the poor have major problems with access to cheap credit compared to the rich. I don't think Sup Forums is really getting that this is actually correcting an imbalance with low interest rates mostly helping people with mortgages and institutions.

I think the more pressing thing is though didn't the PBO just say that the country was going broke?

Why do SHILLS write certain words in all CAPS?

I thought when we applied for a loan it would just be added to our tax when we start making enough.

>uhh. idk. sorry for walls of text. what do you like and what do you like to do?
Music, good eats and food. I've never really explored montreal so anything cool from a history/art perspective would be nice. Arcades (video games) are fun distractions. Not so much into crazy night life (I prefer to go earlier in the night to quieter places; quiet doesn't equal pin drop, but I don't like clubs).

I'm normally not a huge landmark guy, but if there's anything "must see" in the city without getting touristy as shit that'd be cool. I'm also a museum fan if there's anything reasonable in the area.

And I'm a bit of a beer afficianado. Might take some time to visit Unibroue if I find the time.

I don't get all this hype about muh debt. 2 years diploma cost like 10-15 000, is it that big deal to pay it?

On one hand, this is another example of the government tackling the issue of student debt the wrong way, and will almost certainly result in excessive financial drain. On the other hand I'm a student, so I guess I'll have to chastise the government while using my temporarily interest free student loan money.

Ive almost paid off my loan but Im cool with this, people are suffering when they have no means to repay. Once they get decent work, then they should start, right as it should be.

10-15k for most people in Toronto alone to pay back would take almost a lifetime due to how fucking expensive this shit city is for anyone who isn't a millionaire or has outside funding/free housing.

God damn degenerates. I wonder how long canada can keep this up with the incoming wave of refugees from both isis and Mexico.

wait, i live in waterloo but go to school in ottawa

can i be part of this also?

ah kk. Montreal is very much a city of boroughs. From what I understand each borough was originally it's own city, but they became amalgamated into Montreal. As such, you can spend your entire time in a series of neighborhoods without much going "downtown" proper, and they have some cool histories to themselves.

For games there's a video game bar downtown called "foonzo," though i'm not a huge fan myself. there are proper arcades in the city but they escape me at the moment.

The large art galleries are near each other and close to McGill, worth going to. the MAC and the MMFA. maybe check out what's going on to see if anything's of interest

I can be a student at 45. So if I borrow money and do not get employed, I never have to pay it back as long as I keep my student status?

You would have to be making money at some point in order to support yourself. If you're not making over 25k at 45, you may as well fucking kill yourself.

Pretty much. They just take 1 or 2% of your earning. You an pay it off faster and they offer discounts if you do.

So you're sayin art and "studies" majors already get a free shit education in Oz?

You could be making 1m in loans that you never have to repay, or 30k (really 18k after taxes) while trying to repay your loans at the same time. Which do you think is a better option?

Same with Halifax

I live on the peninsula, AKA Halifax

QT3.14 lives up the highway about 20 mins, all connected by suburbia, but in the 60s (according to buddy I worked with) there was countryside and shit between.

The town of Richmond (now the North end of the city) was flattened by an explosion in the early 1900s.

But yeah MTL is based would like to move there.

Music scene is really popping in Montreal. I read online about little independent labels popping in Little Italy. Would like to visit someday.

All of a sudden, graduatea no longer take jobs making more than 25k. All that time, interest accrues to a ridiculous amount. What would be better, is no payments, and interest limited to the rate of inflation, until 25k.