Sup Forums breed racism
fuck Sup Forums
will post this everyday until Sup Forums gets who they are.
Sup Forums breed racism
fuck Sup Forums
will post this everyday until Sup Forums gets who they are.
Your shilling will do nothing.
Give your 2 year old a choice between a white doll and a black doll. Why do they choose the white doll? Why do even black children choose the white doll?
No one cares (((OP)))
Yeah it's taught when niggers who grew up in a well off neighborhood decide to be thugs and shit up my block.
Two year olds also shit themselves so maybe they aren't good role models
Saged, kill yourself
Racism is only an effect from having to experience niggers in your life. Niggers don't have a large impact on you when you're two.
>goes on Sup Forums
>to its politically incorrect board
>complains about racism
I became racist by living around other races. If you would like less racism, then the only way to go about it is to keep the races seperate instead of forcing them to interact with each other.
>being wary of those who look different from you is unnatural and totally not a result of evolution, goy.
Before 1930's child labor laws used cameras to popularize hard work & suffering as victimism, a kid could be supporting their un employed parents. During the great depression many parents had no choice but to hand their kids over to orphanages that put the kids to work in factories & farms. Farmers need for child labor is the reason we don't have year round schooling. Sure, some kids came out with a tortured victim complex & taught it to their kids. While others realized they had choice between hard work & starving on the street. Children are their parents "property", where some parents are "stricter" then others, if you know what I mean.
1 year later...
>Why do even black children choose the white doll?
I have a not so interesting interesting story about this: when I was in berlin I noticed that white kids had black dolls but black kids had white dolls. I think it's just human to strive for the unattainable, especially if we're talking about females
I took some pictures of said dolls, too, but I can't find them atm
Swimming and CPR are taught too, and they may just save your life. Plus I don't buy the skin color only meme, there are genetic differences that lead to preference of one's own race much of the time.
Clint Eastwood teachs how to speak to people
>It's taught
No, it's learned.
>Be 3
>Black kid hits me
>Learn that Black people = Bad
>Fast forward 16 years
If you aren't a racist you're a sheltered idiot.
Babies aren't racist because they're fucking stupid. Duh.
Fuck you nigger.
Shut the fuck up nigger.
Well if Denis "stole my entire act from Bill Hicks" Leary says it then it must be true. Fuck me running.
>Be 4
>Nigger baby kid has gigantic belly button
>Think wow, that niglet is ugly
Anyone that says they're "not racist" is a fucking liar, what does that even mean?
Racism is learned. Go live around a bunch of niggers for a year you fucking coward. If you make it out alive come back here and post that shit again.
Taught by life experiences mostly. Try living in a poor majority nigger neighborhood for a while. Kind of doubt Leary or his kid have to worry about much inside his gated rich white community.
Most hardcore leftist I know grew up not having any of these sort of experiences. When it comes down to it ghetto blacks are by far the most racist subgroup in the US.
What modern society refers to as "racism" is really just the logical response to the facts of reality.
You'd have to be an ethnomasochist to be anti-racist.
Isn't that the guy who steals jokes?
You're talking out your ass and acting like it means anything
Who let the nigger in here?
And like anything, racism is just something that can be learned correctly or incorrectly. You get beat up by black kids in a certain neighborhood, like OP here, you learn not to go into that neighborhood and not to socialize with people in that neighborhood.
Or if you're a minority and some old white lady crosses the street, you might take it as "avoiding" you and go on telling yourself "old white ladies are racist because they avoid me on the street." without possibly considering any other options.
if the Alt Right were to cede pol to CTR and shills what would change?
Answer: nothing, it would remain irrelevant and a great source for bullshit
We know
Racism is awesome
Kill niggers
Shil shill shill im right you are not shill lol
Yeah he also shits his pants and would taste his own shit if left to his own Devices.
Things that are also taught
>Science. Any science
>Any skill.
>Any art
>Anything that society values
>Good manners
Nobody is born afraid of snakes. But eventually you learn that they can be dangerous and some can even kill you
I'm pretty sure other races are the ones that ultimately teach racism. If you want black/white relations in the US to improve, you should probably tell black people to stop making whites hate them.
k nigger
My wife has a 2-year old son.
You know what he hates?
You realize that the goal of Sup Forums is to make as many racists as possible, right?
We aren't claiming we were born this way, we are proud to have made ourselves this way.
you're right
growing up and seeing how niggers act taught me to hate them.
Somebody change the picture to say nips.
I've seen a video of the test, re re
I hope this faggots son becomes the next Dylan Roof now.
They are born "racist" according to your definition fucknut
Racism always was and always will be, it's natural, it's with us from the very beginning. Mistrust, fear of other tribes and cultures, disrespect for the weak, stupid and lazy.
And at the current stage of our evolution racism is a rather healthy thing.
get a job nigger
Dumb nigger
Would an ape make a human doll that TALKED?
Is this an argument against learning?
You're right. It's learned. It's learned by being around niggers
....I'm lost. Is this an argument AGAINST racism?
That people aren't racist until they actually experience niggers?
This sounds like a defense of racism to me. That it's not just some primitive tribal mentality. It's based on experience and knowledge.
wtf I hate chuck norris now.
>will post this everyday until Sup Forums gets who they are.
Please do negro.
Same old out of touch white baby boomer 1960's 'one liners'. I've heard their garbage all my life. Guess what, you're wrong... GenX, Millennials and GenZ were never "taught" racism. They were forced into it for survival due to racist 'minorities'.
Everyone hates White Baby Boomers, and cannot wait for them to die.
Nice false dichotomy, A-S-S. H-O, L-E!
I'm sure that exposure to blacks will change all of that, there's hope for the lad!
It's such a shame having kids changes men in such the wrong ways.
Leary would have been proud to be an asshole but, fucking ends up having kids and what does he do? Turns beta cuck.
racism was taught to me by blacks growing up in my 50% black town
>"By News agencies"
You aren't even trying anymore.
Right, because he turns on his $10,000 dollar security system every night before he goes to sleep to keep other white people away from his kid.
I would agree with Leary. Anyone who has ever spent any time around American blacks grows to hate them.
Actually, I taught my parents racism. Checkmate, cucks.
it certainly is learned.
I thought blacks were fine when I was young because I wasnt around any until i started school and immediately learned not to trust most of them and that a large bunch of them are nothing but trash and trouble
>its another hurr my single digit age child doesn't understand the hardships and prejudices in life yet because he's a fucking child that cant critically think but you should listen to meeeeeeeee
Wow you uh
Really made me uh
It isn't taught, it's learned. Where do these people think racism came from in the first place? Do they really believe some council of white guys got together one day and said "Alright guys, let's manufacture some stereotypes we can apply to each race and propagate them blindly and hope they stick"
How, then, did the first racist come to be.
Of course it's taught. All science is taught.
Sort of like how you learn that bears, chimps, tigers etc. are dangerous animals right?
This is the same guy that sung a song called "I'm an asshole"
My step dad loved blacks, loved rap and had many black friends. My mom didn't give a fuck. My sister is married to a black thug. But because I got my ass kicked by swarms of niggers in my elementary school years and seeing how they act on the streets I became racist. Its learned. Not taught.
its 4:30 in the morning and i want cookies now
Post some sexy pics of you and those cookies for me to fap too darling
You greasy nigger, go back to Sweden.
>select all images with cookies
I was talking about the cookies Eurofag ._.
Is being a cheap, plagiarizing knockoff of a better comedian taught as well?
>no one posted the Greg Giraldo video
Sup Forums is a board of peace, no one is actually racist here
One letter change makes this hilarious. Someone get on it
How did Denis Leary teach his 2 year old son to hate naps?
Denis Leary has always been nothing but a shitty Bill Hicks impersonator.
Scumbag joke thief. Fuck off.
I want this guy to go and live in a ghetto.
>Racism is bad m'kay
He called his "lap" a nap.
holy shit, he just dismantled the whole concept that different ethnic groups tend to behave differently
...along with Just For Men dye jobs not being wildly noticeable.
>niggers are more violent
>warrior gene confirms this
>statistics confirm this
>people avoid niggers because of this
>/p-pol/ breads r-racism
But misogyny is innate. Men can't help but hate women.
I was racist when I was in 1st grade. The public schools fixed my wrongthink, and now that I've left public schools, I'm back here.
It all comes full circle m8s. Keep schemin
Experience also breeds hate.
I hate bees, because being around bees causes me harm....
>if a baby is beat by one black guy after another, it won't recoil when a black guy walks by
sure thing DENIS, fucking 1 N mick faggot, close cousin of Conan "White People Are Bad" O'Brien
here you go
>racism is taught
No faggot.
Racism is learned. Racism is based on the aggregated encounters of a race that were consistently negative.
I was not born a racist, but continuous negative experiences with black people created racism within me.
I was not born a racist, but learning about jewish subversion and information manipulation built it in me.