TRUMP MEME FACTORY: Let's make some OC edition!

TRUMP MEME FACTORY: A place to share PRO-TRUMP memes, discuss PRO-TRUMP meme production, share information, share background templates for people to use etc.

Supporting Trump is an obvious choice to all of us who like him, but we need to make the case to non-supporters and convince them to vote for him. Imagine you are a non-supporter, what type of information or images could help to convince you?

/cfg/meme is making brilliant images pointing out how shit Hillary clinton is. Their images are spreading and now getting shared by 100% normies on social media!

We MUST make the case to normies FOR Trump with infographics and other dank memes.

-His best policies and the positive effects they will have,
-His good character aspects,
-Nice things he's done in the past for people in need.
-Show that he CARES about people like them.
-How he cares for his family,
-How he's been very successful etc.
-How he cares for America and all American people
-How he's way cooler than Hillary
-Has loads of famous and cool friends in sports, music etc.

What can you do?

>Make dank pro-Trump infographics and memes
>Reply to this post, show your support for the idea.
>Suggest a name for the meme thread if you have a better one,
>Make a social media account to spread memes
>recruit other people to join in
>share your favorite PRO-TRUMP memes

Remember, try to imagine you are a non-supporter. What kinds of images would help to convince you to vote Trump?

This is a productive thing to be helping with and absolutely the BEST way to BTFO hillary shills. They can shill all they want, but seeing us churn out awesome pro-Trump stuff will demotivate them. there's nothing they can do to stop us using our talents to make dank pro Trump memes and MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!


Old thread

Other urls found in this thread:!VsgS1AIS!MnnHu31bdlYzZgDyN0XnoSAfJMAKnmRmFRju8efhS7o!410SxAxK!xtAMHV1Nyi9SP6Tn8isd8g




i had a dream that trump touched me sexually, what does this mean?




he's touched us all user, maybe not in that way though.


Fresh off the presses


template to make your own.


this is awesome but it needs to be updated

looks good! Nice work. saved

Can I just suggest - square images work best as they don;t get cropped on social media.

Have you got the font pack? You might find it useful

official fonts used by hillary and trump campaign in .ttf format. Use for making authentic looking images!VsgS1AIS!MnnHu31bdlYzZgDyN0XnoSAfJMAKnmRmFRju8efhS7o







dumping templates and backgrounds to use for memes

Fresh off the presses. Feel free to improve on it lads.

Original to fiddle around with:

Change the part about buying war bonds to voting for Trump.

Here's my OC. Its God Emperor Trump and Manafort the Sigillite.

My first OC please no bully.

Got the idea from pic related. The blessed digits inspired me.

thanks user!

make sure to make a social media account as discussed in dumping templates and backgrounds for OC production

Dumping some memorable WWII propaganda. Keep the meme presses running boys!

meant for

Meant memeable



Shillary, Soros and I can't think of a third but whatever.






>She's watching you

I posted this earlier in /tg/ but I figured I'd post it again since this is a thread about everyday anons making a difference:

>Hillary Clinton Gets Flustered by Protesters at Rally - August 4, 2016

Holy fuck, Hillary has no idea how to deal with protesters. Her secret service literally had to tell her what to do. And these were fucking ANIMAL RIGHTS protesters.

Maybe some more of us should go protest at her rallys? NEVER mention Trump, just repeat a redpill or something. Maybe even pose as a Bernie supporter. I think this could actually be a valid way we could influence the election. Show how weak she is.

Can't upload this last one because it's too big [spoiler]for you[/spoiler] so here is the imgur link

what should it say at the bottom exactly?
i'm retarded.

>Make America Great Again.
>Vote for Donald J. Trump this November


>tfw had a Baneposting version of this but can't find it anywhere

ready to have text added to it!

>Donald J. Trump On
>Tuesday, 8th of November 2016
>For Donald J. Trump
>Make America Great Again

That's what I think at least

Also forgot this, but don't forget to put the MAGA lion or some other recognizable Trump (or Trump-Pence) symbol somewhere. Hell, maybe give the people in the boat and Lady Liberty MAGA hats if you want to go all the way.

you ( ) do the text, my guy. i won't speedcuck you again.

ps: i'll tell you how i hid the text on mine if you have photoshop and are interested

I've an hour or so to make templates of your image. Please post here. Pic typical result.


can someone photoshop a MAGA hat on pepe for me?






Hi friends, some OC coming for you



What font would look good or at the very least close to the original?

It's summer, relax. Most people here are cummy teens with aspergers flaunting their alt-right, "anti-establishment" views on politics.



Replace the swastika and replace it with Hillary's logo. To not offend the fedoras, put an American flag on the church and use it as a metaphor for America in general instead of traditional christian values.

not OC but watch out, shills are RAIDING US

Excellent work. Do you have any high res?

Just needs some MAGA caps and MAGA Lion patches here and there.

lol! more like stump yourself. He'll never have influence like that.

Any good free video editing software? The kind that I can use to put faces over people.

of course, even if he DID somehow win he'll never have shit like this.

kid, all i know is that at least hillary would be taking the win, not him

the opportunity for him to shine has long gone.

did you guise ever notice
>ucle adolf made poland great again by killing ~90% of the jews there
>2016, Poland only country in the world not accepting kebobs

Just you watch us!

looks like the original is 'little sunshine open'

will work on one sure

Can someone give me a link to anti-Hillary meme albums? I've spent most of mine today all over Twatter.

long gone, as in he'll be destroyed in the general election for sure. Count on it!

nice one user. here's one a bit similar.

Square works best for sharing on social media.

yes. hold on.

Hillary-bots are easily the meanest, nastiest motherfuckers on the internet right now. They swarm fakebook and tweeter and say nothing but horribly mean-spirited shit about everyone else. They literally don't ever even have anything nice to say about Killary, they just say 'but she's better than Donald Trump' in reply to any factual evidence or logical argument. We should use this against them by pointing out how horribly mean-spirited Hillary Clinton and her supporters are. Anyone got any ideas? Maybe Hillary-bot quotes across her screeching face or just direct-point memes about how they act? We should definitely appeal to the prog-base that they don't want to be associated with that kind of hate, which is why they became libs in the first place.


i'm wrong, it's 'printing set jnl regular'

She IS better than donald trump you idiot


christ, finally someone said it.

Trump comes in with no experience in any political position. Hillary would kill him in the debates.

>She IS better than donald trump you idiot

Thus hur es eggzakly wat i mehn.




Awooo! fucking idiot... did you forgot that id's are on?

This image of the Operation Frantic shuttle bombing but with /r/The_Donald, 4+Sup Forums and Sup Forums's logos in GB, Italy and Russia and Hillary's logo in Germany.

mfw CTR spends millions on shills that dont know what an ID is.

kek. the guy even just replied to himself!!!

Someone doesn't know what an ID is.




This is as big as I can get with the base I have

if hillary rigs the election, it will lead to a bloody revolution, which is the biggest fear of the CIA and the FBI, which is why they will probably kill her before the election :D i'm pretty sure James Comey doesn't like being held hostage while he is the fucking fbi director. do you think he enjoyed having to sit that and read out a 30 minute essay on how guilt KKKillary was before saying 'i recommend no charges because she is just too fucking stupid to have known what she was doing'.. how much are you faggots getting paid to sell this bullshit?

Thanks user. Looking real nice.


how can trump b racist when he was on fresh prince??