Yeah that's believable.
Moloch > KEK
As far as I remember, they were in dead heat just before the referendum.
That's a good point actually.
>no get
Remain was 10 points above.
implying is the same shit.
implying gringos are not retarded enough to vote for the first CUNT that will dry their country clean instead of their salvation.
Another shrill thread. Consider that record corrected
build that ass hurt
>mfw Trump is going to be the Walter Mondale of the right
Landslide inbound.
It's over, you guys. I'm a hilldawg now. I don't want to embarrass myself any more by supporting Drumpf. I'm retiring the MAGA hat and the AWOOmovent t-shirts.
Drumpf is irrevocably stumpfed.
No they weren't. Jo Cox dying also made it very likely a remain victory. And the supposed bookies are never wrong and they were betting massively on a remain victory. Same with the markets and that's why it went down so bad.
I'm loving all these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.
How does it feel to have your racist idol destroyed in the polls?
I'm loving all these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.
How does it feel to have your racist idol destroyed in the polls?
I'm loving all these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.
How does it feel to have your racist idol destroyed in the polls?
>polling data
Only trust what the bookies say.
Allah (SWT) >>>>> everything fake like Kek and Molech
>unironically shilling to get people to believe CTR needs your vote
been a rough week for Trump, but the overall trend has them both headed for the mid 40s
I think we can officially call her Based Hillary now.
That's only one bookie, the other bookies predicted a remain
Three of the same posts from three different anons. Hmmm.
Three months in politics is an ETERNITY.
I'm loving all these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.
How does it feel to have your racist idol destroyed in the polls?
>look at me posting the same thing from two devices, i'm definitely going to get those (you)'s now!
Please report shill threads. If mods dont stop it then I say we fuck up all of the other boards with the message of Trump. I can take a differing views, but this is blatant shilling by people who probably dont even like hillary
I wonder how much she paid to get herself ahead in the polls.
Kek shall have vengeance, foolish shills.
i like hillary
>I can take a differing views
We did it guys we beat Sup Forums!
They're not even being subtle with their rigging anymore.
>36% dem
>27% rep
>37% ind
>25% were strong dem, highest of any cat
good unbiased poll
I'm loving all these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.
How does it feel to have your racist idol destroyed in the polls?
I'm loving all these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.
How does it feel to have your racist idol destroyed in the polls?
I'm loving all these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.
How does it feel to have your racist idol destroyed in the polls??
"haha i can post from my phone to disguise myself"
what the fuck is mcclatchy/marist
did they invent a new poll just to boost her numbers? i've never seen that in the average before ever
please clap
Oh you saw the great news on Drudge too?!! Only 1 to 4 points behind after all the hate lately!! Lmao, 15??? Who'd they poll?? Mexico??? AHAHAHA!! Trump lives!!!!
>expecting people to believe there's a new flood of support for pic related
Holy shit nigger, that's the best you've got?
I'm loving all these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.
How does it feel to have your racist idol destroyed in the polls?
Can someone explain to me how it is possible to have 15 point swings in a few days? It seems really weird.
Reminds me of polls during our presidental elections where the now ex-president had over 60% popularity while our current president less than 20%.
$0.05 has been added to your account
the polls are rigged
manipulation of polls as a last resort of a dying campaign
I'm comfy
fat virgin basement dwelling trumpfags are the best
they honestly think it's only the Hillaryfags who hate trump. Protip: it's everyone except you
this 2bh family
No they weren't. @BritainElects was tweeting out polls with Remain +9 on the day of the vote.
Convention bump plus unforced errors by Trump.
But just wait for the next Hillary leak or ISIS attack. The numbers will balance out again. It's going to be a very close election.
We need to carpetbomb this thread.
What about fit Rolex trump fags who vacation on sicily
>just using trump memes
Well, it's clear you're running out of fumes.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. Its a republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Answer: It's not really, and you have to dig into the polling methods of these various sources to see just how badly they're messing with the data
Like I know every election cycle there's accusations of bias. But this election cycle it's really, really, really bad. These polling places are pretty much destroying all their credibility. The polling aggregates are admitting new polls run by laughably politically motivated nobodies in order to tip the scales against Trump.
I really am at a loss. As bad as I thought the media was, I never thought they'd go full regime press like this. The mainstream media is literally just as bad as Soviet media was. It's surreal.
fat virgin basement dwelling trumpfags are the best
they honestly think it's only the Hillaryfags who hate trump. Protip: it's everyone except you
>Dems oversampled by 9%
Op is a faggot and a chink
wtf i hate my shillmoney now
>Correct The Record
And everybody hates Hillary besides you HillShills. Let's face it, we're 2 hated groups facing off. Let the games begin.
I don't think he is stronger, but Trump might not be correctly tapping into Kek's power. While hillary is probably sacrificing children somewhere, Trump is just getting blessed by digits such as mine
>t. hillshill
But my neighbors have Trump signs on their lawns.
Let me guess your next post.
Go outside. Nobody likes Trump in the real world. Its all your head.
>comfort suites
yeah nice fake too faggot.... that cyclops was put on pretty shitty in that chink factory
This. I'm expecting this election to have an abysmal turnout. I'm talking like 35%
Judging by that pic, it seems they're less cucks than you.
it's true
Why does he get thousands at his rally's, when she can barely get a couple fat women, blacks, or cucks like you to come support her
I'm loving all of these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.
How does it feel to have your racist idol destroye
glad she died, filthy commie
Shilling is not real. You only use that word because you can't handle a real argument.
The delegates, Hillary. You would be wise not to mistake this for a joke.
So she's only up by 6%?
Remind me again what the MoE is?
They're at their end. If they lose this, expect a massive spike in the suicide rate.
Maybe in your liberal safe space. I know multiple people voting Trump and again, have seen Trump bumper stickers and yard signs.
Because hillbillies don't have jobs and blame it on Mexicans
I'm loving all these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.
How does it feel to have your racist idol destroyed in the polls?
You remember wrong Finn kike
>Clinton +15
Ok I'm not a denialist. I've been on the Trump Train for years now. I know Trump is down, but 15? damn. Why bother even going to the polls on Election Day? I think I'll just stay home.
I'm loving all these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.
How does it feel to have your racist idol destroyed in the polls?
I'm loving all these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.
How does it feel to have your racist idol destroyed in the polls?