Other Canada Bros can we please have a thread about how much Ontario fucking sucks?

Other Canada Bros can we please have a thread about how much Ontario fucking sucks?
I used to live in Alberta, but I am currently moving to Nova Scotia. I'm staying at a hotel in North Bay and this place is the fucking worst.
>shitty highway that lasts forever
>dumb retards that don't know how to drive everywhere
>gas is expensive as fuck
>shitty signage
>no privatized liquor stores just some dumb LCBO shit that closes at 6
FUCK Ontario.

Outside of the GTA

Ontario is okay, nice even

Oh, also there was some dumbass with a Dodge Dart in the parking lot with a "Billionaires Can't Buy Bernie" bumper sticker. Absolutely disgusting.

I heard Northern Ontario is nice. I might move up there for schooling, since college in BC costs you an arm and a leg.

>nice even

Yeah, until some greasy fuckin' skid tries to ruin your friend's super soft birthday.


I wasn't in Northern Ontario.
I drove through the southern part on the 11. I'm almost out of this shit hole thank god. I can't say anything for Northern Ontario but this shit fucking sucks man.

Ontario is great you're just incapable of adapting to a more demanding urban environment.

I hate cities but I'm afraid that if I leave the city I'll get kidnapped by a bunch of rednecks and raped, then cut into pieces and fed to pigs.

The entire toilet of a country was enough to make me a 7th generation Canadian jump ship. Beautiful country and it had so much potential. But then choice to go full on Sweden 2.0.

Canada, you will not be missed.

urban environments are less demanding you idiot

I live north of Toronto and it's starting to spread to us.


Theres your problem.

Do you still use the Hi Friends series of textbooks?

I work in IT. But I would literally work at 7-11 if it meant leaving a country that is run by a former substitute drama teacher.

>An Albertan accusing others of not knowing how to drive
Brah I dunno if you noticed while you were here... but Albertans are terrible fucking drivers. We're aggressive to the point of retardation. We treat the QE2 like it was the fucking Autobahn, highway 63 is literally known as the Highway of Death, and driving anywhere in Calgary or Edmonton is a goddamn nightmare. I know they're not so shit hot out east either but we're living in a big goddamn glass house over here.

Thunder Bay reporting in

I like it in ontario, minus torontoistan

>I work in IT

No shame in being a classroom tape-recorder, bud. Plenty of us have done it, so there's not much point in fibbing.

From Ontario, fucking sucks. I only stay because I feel obligated to make it a better place.

Wynnetards don't make it easy though.

Quebec here.

Tbh, fuck Toronto. Fucking leafers cucks. They are the worst in all of Canada. Montreal is a progressive cucked shithole yet Toronto is worse and these assholes are proud of it. Rest of the Ontarian, albeit boring are okay.

Personally I've got no problems with other parts of Canada.

ah yes, onterrible. many shithole towns in that province, lots of regressive hicks too. idk what it is but being too center in the country with massive landmasses to all ends end makes me uncomfortable. i really liked living in nova scotia, hope you find it well op. i'm on the other coast now, which is fine, if dull at times. at least there's countless things to explore.

Dude I was born in North Bay, yeah it does suck but you cant judge the whole of Ontario by North fucking Bay. Come on, thats like me going to Drayton Valley and saying Albert is shit and boring as fuck

i suppose lake superior is like a small sea. i don't have much experience with "coastal" ontario towns but i feel drawn to coasts in any case. it was really pretty to drive past, at least, considering the drive out of ontario takes days and is massively boring.

What would some mountain hick know about Ontario anyway? Fuck off bud.

hope you like black flies

>implying Wynnetards exist

The one and only reason that Wynne has any power in government is that she somehow weaseled her way into the liberal party. I have never met anyone that likes her and despite being an openly lesbian politician nobody treats it as ground breaking because she's so despicable