>ow, thwat fwall weally hurt >oh, uwm... it sweems iw've wegenewated >ooh, nwew vwoice... thwat's weird >I wike it haha, very qwurky and fwunny, I gwuess twimes change, and swo do I. No mwore sewious docta' poo XD >and oh bwoy, thi' twime its gwanna bwe a wibbly wobbly woppa
Had a weird dream about PewDiePie spoiling The Doctor Falls and saying it was a timey wimey Minority Report.
Cameron Ramirez
After 3 years I still don't get what was Moffat thinking when he just decided that cybersuits just grow around buried bodies in death in heaven
Connor Cooper
Fuck this gay thread
Parker Wright
Kevin Thomas
He confirmed himself that and it's not him Can you stop this meme
Parker Parker
Reminder that canon thread: tfw off by 24 seconds
Jackson Turner
I'll take tom over clala any day thanks
Joseph Martinez
What happened?
Joseph Allen
What are you fucking gay?
Cooper Gonzalez
With tastes like that I should be asking if you are.
Ethan Miller
Man bill looks shit without her afro
Nicholas Price
>an image of an angels becomes an angel Holy fuck, Moffat. What did he mean by this? DWhy does this rule apply only to this story, and not the previous or next one? Did you think for a brief second before writing this 'twist'?
Hunter Gonzalez
> → reeeee
post Clala's here anyway tbhfam
Parker Lewis
someones salty. next time bud
Daniel Cruz
That is the cliffhanger right? Both Masters showing CyberBill to the Doctor and then zooming in on her eye to show a tear
Kevin Lee
What happened?
Ian Wilson
I want to fuck the mondas cybermans mouth hole
Camden Edwards
look at her face dude she lost weight
Adam Smith
I think the whole image thing was to make the angels more abstract beings. With their image being their power it's how they project themselves into this world, the image of a stone statue or otherwise. After all, if they are literally just stone what makes it different from any other statue? It doesn't completely land though.
Samuel Bennett
we all do
Nolan Taylor
I'd take pancakeClara over cheesecakeClara everytime
Julian Jones
Are you sure of that?
Jaxson Mitchell
ye I hate that stupid chav fake tan
Daniel Bennett
I really want Tom Rosenthal to be the Doctor. He's just perfect, he's like Matt smith with Sylvester Mccoys voice. I want to go on carefree lighthearted adventures again, and the doctor just works better when he's young and eccentric Like Tom.
Grayson Davis
post random shit from your /who/ folder
Oliver Lewis
I want it to be Rosenthal because I want to fuck Rosenthal
Leo Foster
Don't have a /who/ folder, only a Nardie folder
Levi Long
Julian Nguyen
1. Rose 2. The Happiness Patrol 3. The Beast Below 4. ????? 5. The Almost People 6. Forest of the Dead 7. The Zygon Invasion 8. Last of the Time Lords 9. Cold Blood 10.The Girl Who Died 11. World Enough and Time 12. The Doctor Falls
Elijah King
Anybody want to play a game where we try to guess what this list is ranking? Personally, I have absolutely no idea.
Owen Carter
What did he mean by this?
Nathaniel Martin
Jason Wright
Ah I've got it This is some sort of rip-off/inspiration of Series 10 episodes I don't see how the Eaters of Light is similar to the Girl Who Died tho
Cooper Wilson
I wanted to say The Fires of Pompeii,. but I haven't seen that one since it first aired. But I do remember it ending with a stone carving of the Doctor and the TARDIS.
Tyler Thomas
Gavin Myers
Wait why is Matt Smith not shopped?
Luis Scott
Oh you're right, weird they put World Enough and Time and The Doctor Falls in there.
Eaters of Light reminded me a lot more of Woman Who Lived than anything else. Tonally, at least.
Levi Reed
Alexander Flores
Adam Walker
Sebastian Diaz
Nathaniel Barnes
Jesus that looks like some cringey autistic bullshit
>I don't think anyone praises Earthshock for its Cybermen design. I do. I love that you can vaguely see their mouths moving when they talk. The best Cybermen designs and the ones that remind you that they're people, not just robots.
Christian Jackson
only 31 years late
Christopher Thomas
Clearly it's Nibiru gunna give it to you!
Jack Brooks
Connor Lewis
People have been speculating on Planet IX/X since the day we noticed perturbations in Neptune's orbit. That day was 150 years ago..
Jayden Fisher
Michael Miller
The only one I laughed at
Owen Turner
Will Bill ever know if she was right?
Dominic Price
Torchwood S5 when?
Nathaniel Wright
You mean the tv series? Never. But Big Finish is taking over the continuity and their next Torchwood project will be set after Miracle Day.
Colton Green
Sarah Jane Adventures S6 when?
Henry Edwards
user pls
Parker Perez
You mean the tv series? Never. But Big Finish is taking over the continuity and their next Sarah Jane Adventures project will be set after The Man Who Never Was with Nicholas Briggs as Sarah Jane.
Caleb Wright
Who should Big Finish cast in its ear story about the history of Big Finish?
Ryder Bennett
Luke Price
>show a tear >it's another cybermen DO have emotions episode
they're mostly shit, wait until another sale unless you were planning on pirating them
Owen Howard
What's with all the 990s?
Jace Mitchell
Would the ending to Army of Ghosts have been top kino if they hadn't shown the Cyberman earlier in the episode?
Nathaniel Russell
I wasn't here back when Matt Smith was playing the Eleventh Doctor. What did /who/ think of Matt and his time as the Doctor in general?
I really loved his first season a lot and while his second was also fun for me it just didn't compare. His last one was a disappointment but Matt and Clara made it worthwhile.
Not sure what you guys thought about Amy and Rory but I enjoyed them greatly. Same thing with Clara but she's definitely better in Capaldi's run because more time to grow.
The best part about Matt's run for me was the first season, specials and River Song.
James Adams
share more Nardies?
Hunter Bailey
No, it's right to know about the Cybermen from the start because the surprise are the Daleks. Revealing both at the same time would have been too much.
Aiden Foster
Brody Reyes
Jaxon Nguyen
Kevin Hall
nardie uprising
Connor Rodriguez
Never. They killed off most of the crew and the Americans finished it off.
Wyatt Ortiz
SJA S5 part 2 when?
Christopher Diaz
Opinions on The Doctor?
Bentley Myers
Dominic Martin
Splendid chaps, all of them.
Nathan Morris
Easton Rodriguez
I wish. Muh dick.
Alexander Rogers
Jayden Jenkins
why do they always pick ugly actors to play the doctor?
also, the 13th doctor will be female, of course. that's why they decided this season will be capaldi's last. they decided to have a female doctor.
Dylan Smith
The pilot is obviously a rip-off of the lodger.
Gabriel Murphy
Haha, what a retard
Adam Sullivan
>why do they always pick ugly actors to play the doctor What? All of the modern ones have been studs.
Blake Jenkins
>also, the 13th doctor will be female, of course. that's why they decided this season will be capaldi's last. they decided to have a female doctor. This is probably the most boardie sentence I've ever seen.
Samuel Miller
>unable to refute truth >scream retard instead
kek triggered retard detected
Colton White
Haha, cringe.
Jace Morales
Do you understand that I'm baiting you to send reports on your posts? Fucking idiot.
Luis Stewart
my dad was a die-hard doctor who fan until matt smith made him stop watching.