>I always wanted a purple hearth
>Has 5 deferrals from Vietnam
>you cann't make this shit up
I always wanted a purple hearth
Good for him. Only a libcuck faggot who's never fought would say some gay shit like that. War is fucking shit, and he was more of a benefit to society staying out of it, but he's a decent enough guy to recognize others sacrifice. Like I said, only a gigantic faggot liberal would use that as an insult
Choose wisely
i support him but he does some really stupid shit sometimes
of course it's not really relevant to his policies but god damn
Muh bone spurs
Drumpf fags are truly the scum of society.
>Draft number never called
so how exactly do the deferments matter?
Why would he even want a Purple heart? It's a medal given to wounded soldiers. Who wants to get wounded?
>of course it's not really relevant to his policies but god damn
He just lies non stop. Just like when he said he liked that baby crying. He can't stop lying. Sad!
What was Hillary's draft number during Vietnam? Oh that's right, female privilege!
Four of those deferrals were student deferrals that occurred before the draft. A fifth happened when he was inspected by an Army doctor and determined to be almost worst qualified for military service (but not disqualified; the draft just never went that far).
>McCain is a loser for being wounded in battle
>I wish I got a purple heart
Just constant word vomit
At least he's not a criminal
>decent enough to realize their sacrifice
>says McCain is not a hero because he was a POW
he could have been picked, the cunt realised this and rated out. and he has the balls to say mc cain is not ahero, at least that guy fought
Why do people criticise the Vietnam war draft dodgers when it's a Jewish war that only hurt the US?
>confusing criminal with convicted criminal
>He could have been picked
With 1-Y classification after an army doctor inspected him? Yeah, technically, if the Vietcong were trying to storm the white house. Other than that, nope, which is why when the Army discontinued 1-Y classifications in 1971 they dropped all of them to disqualified for service.
Deferring for education was common at the time. Religious deferrals, somewhat. Physical deferrals were not that common.
>"I watch the late show"
Is that what it's about, him dodging the draft?
Are you too dense to see his hypocrisy?
lol facts only come from lubruls amirite?
>mfw never realized I'm whitepilled
>mfw no time for face
Man I'm starting to regret voting for Trump. I really should have voted for a strong, principled conservative candidate instead.
"look dad he means me"
lyin Trump
You spelled Mudslimes wrong
I said a strong conservative, not a RINO who wants to cave in to Iran.
>painting your hearth
Enjoy your poisonous vapors retard.