when I'm done with Dahlald I'm coming for you
better to just hand over those electoral votes now if you know what's good for you
when I'm done with Dahlald I'm coming for you
better to just hand over those electoral votes now if you know what's good for you
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Tell me Hillary.
Do you bleed?
We need to stop posting this meme. This all started when everyone was going crazy Cruz-posting and its looking more and more likely that Trump will be forced to drop out and hand the nomination to the runner-up.
These threads are Sup Forums tier shit.
lol, yeah ok faggot
>a chance for me to win
Shit, maybe we've ruptured the space-time continuum, effectively destabilizing this timeline allowing the eternal witch demon to eradicate western civilization with all this Cruzposting.
Dahnald, I...
Fuck you. My faith is still in Jeb. He's playing the long game. Fucking 36 dimensional Chess.
Does voting even matter? doesn't the electoral college decide for me?
sell me the fucking potions potion seller
Ted Cruz is the best meme, I wouldn't mind if he became the nominee to be honest
Hand over the delegates, Dahnald.
I have become something more than myself. I have become sauce. It is too late to stop me.
My delegates are too strong for you Cruz. You can't handle my delegates.
My delegates are too strong for you Ted, they will kill you
If there's one thing that's guaranteed is that Sup Forums will always ruin a joke through over use.
You've been busy, huh?
So, i've got a question for ya.
Do you think even the worst nominee can change...?
That everyone can be a good nominee, if they just try?
Heh heh heh heh...
All right. well, here's a better question. Do you wanna have a bad time? Cause if you don't give me the delegates... You are REALLY not going to like what happens next. Welp. sorry, Grand Old Party. This is why i never make promises.
Yare Yare Donald you have no chance against my stand [DELEGATES]