Trump is hell bent on thermonuclear war

Trump is hell bent on thermonuclear war.

Hillary is pro fracking, is essentially a founding member of ISIS, and is all about sending weapons to Israel.

Johnson is pro TPP and wants to completely deregulate business until we have child labor and Beijing level smog.

How the fuck are you not voting Jill Stein?

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>Trump is hell bent on thermonuclear war.
Citation needed, you overpaid kike shill. You fags criticize him for getting along with Russia.


Jill (((Stein)))

Do you even pay attention?

She wants by-rights national work programs for lazy fucks who can't find a job, she wants to open and de-militarize the mexico border, wants executive boards to be required to hire women, and wants healthcare providers to offer free birth-control. She's a social lefty who runs on feel-good.

>sourceL Joe Scarborough
Oh look, it's fucking nothing.

The source is Drumpf himself. It's on video, dumbass.

CNN is obviously pro hilary, which is why they are shilling the libertarian party by hosting a SECOND town hall for the party, whilst completely ignoring the green party. This is why pol has to start shilling for stein, to simulate a grassroots movement against the establishment media in favor of stein in order to siphen votes away from clinton.

Do explain how free birth control is bad

nobody wants to admit it's a crime prevention measure

They have a town hall for the Green Party coming up on the 15th or 16th


I will vote for Trump. Anyone else will get rolled over by the globalist crime syndicate and continue the demographic and cultural destruction of the entire western world which will lead to eventual collapse, war, and genocide

I'll vote for her if I get to totally bonk her puss afterward.

>Green party was pro Homeopathic "alternative" medicine until just this April

Why the fuck would I vote for an anti-vaxer who opposes GMO and panders to people who use homeopathic contraceptives? She's the next worst thing to Dr. Oz running.

Because I don't want to throw my vote away to a third party candidate who at best will cause the election to be decided by the Senate. Fix the electoral system first.

Jill Stein believes we should waste government spending on alternative medicine. That alone should disqualify anyone from running for president.

Stein is a Jew and her VP wants to kill all white people.

because a) its probably only pills for wymyn, and b) why should the government determine what private healthcare providers have to provide? birth control isn't necessary, and someone has to pay for it if its "free"

Post the video then.

She wants to abolish national borders faggot


She's kinda hot. I'd bang her.

Because she isn't an anti vaxxer or anti GMO.

But by all means, keep shilling for killary.

Are you aware that we subsidize the construction of NFL stadiums?

But by all means, complain about the immediate cost of population control while ignoring the long term benefits.


Not publicly an anti-vaxer, but #1 with anti-vaxers.

She uses the same kind of "something's going on!" scare phrasing Trump uses to rile up his own conspiracy nuts.

Her complaint is that lobbyist play a part in drug approval.

She wants them out of Washington all together.

>Are you aware that we subsidize the construction of NFL stadiums?
What does that have to do with Jill Stein?

I'm with (((her)))

Jill Stein supports reparations.

Four parties and I have nobody vote for.

Nice shill Thread. Get the Trumpkins to vote third party hehehe those dumb goys.

Saged btw