Do you think that they will take good care of her and continue your values? (Well most of them at least can continue to be used by latinos.)
The white man in America is shrinking in an alarming rate, I am not speculating reasons or if it was planned, I'm just stating a fact.
Do you believe America will become a shithole then? At least you don't have to worry about remaining white minorities getting killed like in Africa, I guess.
So latinos will inherit the USA when whites are gone
No. Brown majority never leads to prosperity. Every Latin country is shit. Statistically when brown people are majority, the country will be crap. We will be brazil if we become a non white majority.
bump. It could be worse whitey, we latinos like you.
no. it will be just another Latin socialist third world violent shithole.
commiefornia is already there
Whites aren't going anywhere. The indigenous people will be subsumed.
Hmm listen to me, São Paulo has a brown majority I would say, and the murder rate is pretty low compared to the rest of the country, we have been in a steady decline of crime and murder rate for 25 years now.
Not everything is lost you know.
California has a low murder rate, not of the lowest but still, could be worse.
I don't mind Latinos. But they cannot run and maintain prosperous nations. I they don't have the genetic capability too. They can be part of a larger white man's nation, but no way can they take it over and run it themselves.
Statistically here in America Latinos and blacks commit far more crimes than whites. If America was as white as Europe, we would have just as low crime rates as them.
No. Latinos marry whites and there aren't enough of them to subsume us. the good ones will join the Germanic class of America, while the inferior ones will remain with blacks and other shitskins.
I don't think whites will ever stop ruling America if they prove capable to and do not want to oppress the rest of the people. Most of us are ok with that.
It is an education problem. Even the middle-east has REALLY REALLY LOW murder/crime rates. There is something going on with us I guess, we are just not well settled still.
Yeah that is very accurate.
Brazil pls tell all your white people to move here. P.S. pls gib me qt3.14 confederados girl
I think they won't be as successful but will be ok.
Look at your shitty country you barely human scum. When browns aren't having their hand held by whites in order to run their country, it totally falls apart. It's hilarious that some of the moderately functional "people" existing in your country think you're civilized at all.
If the USA loses their whites, the USA is done
Yeah, well maybe in centuries who knows.
Lol, WE are pretty ok here.
It is not that apocaliptic, if USA loses its whites they will have their half whites/half latinos run the country. It works for middle eastern countries.
Did anyone take care of Rome after it fell
Makes u think
>........continue your values
>I don't think whites will ever stop ruling America if they prove capable to and do not want to oppress the rest of the people. Most of us are ok with that.
Nothing will get done anymore, like in other Latin American countries. Whites will be forced to play minority politics like the rest of the country. Everyone will be more concerned with their in-group, not the country because the country doesn't represent their in-group.
Also White Americans have a very clear idea of what America is (A Constitutional Republic). America is built on an ideological principle, a principle that most Latinos were never taught or simply don't agreed with. And that ideological principle is what made America rich and successful. They aren't going to give it up easily, it literally defines them as a people. If Latinos don't hold that principle, then they simply are not their people.
AZ native here, I can tell you that any area they predominantly inhabit, turns to shit. Basically like driving through a shitty neighborhood in Mexico. I know, we grew up going to Puerto Penasco. They have a shitty work ethic and our system only enables them to spread lime the cockroaches they are.
14/88 ..Something must be done.
Oh hey look it's that country that has lots of resources, lots of human capital. Yet literally fuck all influence outside its borders. He definitely isn't a butthurt mudshit though
Latinos way more white than the refugees in Syria, so it's not that bad.
>Do you think that they will take good care of her
If only we had some examples? If only there were countries where latinos are the majority, then we could have an idea of what the future holds. Guess we just dont know, user.
We may become the minority, but we will always be the ruling class.
Don't worry guys, when the white race dies and political correctness and general cuckery dies with it, I'm pretty sure the chinese will come and cleanse the entire continent so they can colonize it with asian people.
You guys seem to forget that shitty people can only survive in hotter climates without help. Things are cyclical.
I would not say ruling directly but you know, someone needs to make scientific breakthroughs.
Hmm yes that seems to be the case.