Old man in London surrounded by muslim roach while reading the bible

old man in London surrounded by muslim roach while reading the bible.
In London.


rly mak u think

If those roaches tried that shit in Based New Zealand, they would get their heads kicked in.

What the fuck is wrong with eurrrrroppe? Its as though you guys are all a bunch of cowardly faggots

All of them are morons, I feel sorry for the christian because he's being so naive, there is no getting through to the sandniggers.

We are. Our entire country is filled with cowardly fucking faggots.

It's disgusting.

You should feel sorry for yourself because your capital city is under occupation by people with such savage contempt for its former culture.

You ought to fuckin migrate man, staying there and dying in a civil war is a waste of good Anglos

And nothing of value was lost

You don't know what it is to have your government constantly working to destroy your legacy, pride, religion, memory, only to give your entire country to some monkeys/sandniggers/terrorapists.
We are sorry all the time, and we don't have any weapons to fight back.

Although I'm not a Christian the fact that an Englishman in London can be surrounded and caustically mocked by a bunch of foreign trash who are guests in his land has my blood boiling. European men need to stand together and put this foreign trash in their place.

I hate Muslims so fucken much

wtf i want to be a Christian now

if you do this you'll end up in jail, that's the yuropoor way.

Even simply posting something " racist " or "anti-immigration " on a french forum can put you in trouble.

It's hell.

At first it was only like 6 or 10 muslims trying to attack him. Now its a lynching mob. holy shit

At what point do people start to question why there is so many muslim?

learn a thing from your potato niggers and form a militia. secure your own borders and enforce them with violence.

we have muslims, you have niggers.
Lets feel sorry for each other.

fuck off ahmed you will always be cancer, and we will remove you

Matt 10:32
Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

Blessed is this man, Christ has confessed his name in heaven

Three years ago I would have said that anyone critical of Muslim immigration was overreacting to a made up threat by fear mongering politicians. Something must be done now. Why are Muslims such shit?

You think they'd be grateful for the chance to live in a beautiful, wealthy and tolerant country like almost every other immigrant group but no, they come in and want to change the nation's laws to fit in with their stupid pedophile religion.

Muslims are garbage they should all be deported.

Muslims are like niggers on steroids

Spread this around like wildfire, get people to see this

rly iz a slide thread

choke on pork you filthy shitstain


Except most black people I meet here in South Carolina are nice and don't won't to convert me to their murder/rape death cult. Also, they're nothing to worry about because they have a stable birthrate.

Hillary really is recruiting the bottom of the barrel.

You abortions can't even into grammar.

If I wanted to read the Bible what edit or what particular book should I buy?
Inb4 the original Latin text

The problem is that the ethnically British population of the UK has been declining slowly for 30 years and only 15% of white British people are under the age of 18

For comparison 25% of Mexicans in Mexico are under 18 and 19% of non-Hispanic white Americans are under 18

Breaking non-Hispanic white Americans into conservative and liberal cohorts the conservatives would up to 22% under 18 while the liberals would be around 16% under 18, American liberals are roughly analogous to the white British population

When does the "water our fields with their blood" start, oh proud citoyen? When do you go to your arms, citoyen?


It was originally in Aramaic, I believe the oldest surviving copies are in Greek



i'm so fucking sorry, europe

You can stand and fight or run away until there is nowhere left to run.

King James Version if you fancy Olde English

I'm partial to the good old King James Version with the Deuterocanon.

As long as you can read at a high level the King James is beautiful English.

don't be sorry for them, they brought this upon themselves

I can't identify myself as Christian but that old man is courageous.

So what you're saying is that three years ago you were just as fucking stupid as the rest of these Muslim apologists?

I thought Turks are the roaches. These are just sandniggers.

The even more fucked up copy ?
Seriously the guys who wrote this must have read the bible then they smoked some goat shit, fucked the goat afterwards and then made a parody of the bible.
>yo, Mohammed u read this bible shit, bru ?
>yeah, Ahmed, shit is crazy, mate
>I bet ya 10 virgins you could not write shit more fucked up, bra
>watcha say, bro, challenge accepted !

This old guy is pulling more people than a Hillary rally.

Fucking disgusting.

Same difference

Oh fuck off, neither candidate is anti-black you idiot.

Jesus fucking Christ.

No, I never wanted immigration for the sake of diversity or any supposed economic benefits even when I was a leftist. However, I would have been swayed by the promise of carefully, vetted refugees. After seeing how moderate the CIA vetted rebels in Syria are I trust no one.

Doublepost but can anyone making out what they're saying to him? Can't understand their rapefugee accents.

some irish and italians are the same? they are both catholic.

lose the "some", I meant so.

They are superior to any beings who follow the prophet Muhammed

This. I am outraged by the importation of 6th century barbarians and nothing being done about it by the host countries citizens. I just wish Muslims would do this in the US to see what happens to their filthy asses.

All whites want you to do is move into your country, speak their language, act like them, talk like them, and have their religion while never accepting you as their own anyway.

Absolutely disgusting

t. burger logic

I'm surprised they didn't decapitate him and rape his body.