>I love babies
>Get that baby out of here
>I think she really believed me
>Is he actually autistic?
I love babies
>same flag as another recent anti-trump thread
I see you, you fucking shill
yeah they pay all the way to romania. my opinion: there are no shills on pol
>there are no shills on pol
I know I shouldn't be replying but..
>there are no shills on pol
I see what your trying to do you little shit.
This doesn't just happen all of a sudden. These shills just all of sudden came here all at once. I know it's an attack of some sort, im just curious who's behind it at this first. Either it's hillary paying the technically advanced jews or a tumblr raid
>Be stupid Murifat
>Read news
>Get outraged
>Watch video
>Trump sounds like a total bro
>Smile and like Trump
It's free advertising.
Trump is a baby himself, and cant stand another baby stealing his spotlight.
>being so fucking desperate for arguments you start taking your adversary sarcasms seriously and use it to attack them
Democrats everyone
I'm a long-time pol poster and it's pretty obvious Trump is on the spectrum. It's no wonder why so many on here support him
His special interests include deportation and building walls.
>Implying he didn't connect with every human being on the planet that pretends to like other people's babies.
He only said what we're all thinking.
I don't even know what the goal of these shills is.
If anything, they're just galvanizing current Trump supporters and making anyone in the middle angry enough to support him out of spite for the rampant and shit-tier shilling.
i did the opposite.
i gave him the benefit of the doubt until i saw the video, he was a total ass in it.
t. trump supporter
I bet she's the kind of mom who does nothing with a crying baby in a restaurant or movie theater.
Don't worry about it, it's no big deal. No really, I love babies. Yeah, of course it's no problem.
Just kidding. What a stupid woman you are. Get that baby the fuck out of here, I fucking hate my supporters.
I hate veterans, I hate children, I hate america, I h.... No I never said I hate america. The media loves to put words in my mouth but I would never say I hate america.
Did I? Yeah, well, whatever.
Listen. No one likes babies. I HAVE a baby, and i fucking hate babies. Did you notice the cheers after he said "i think she actually thought i enjoy having a baby cry during my speech."
Because every fucking person was thinking the exact same thing. The same thought you have when someone has a loud kid on a bus or an airplane or in a movie theater. And that that is.
I'm sure if it's not CTR it's the jews, right?
Anyone but your own fucking self is the problem, lol
I'm responding to you to deplete CTR's coffers. Enjoy your .50c. Also enjoy the fraud charges in 12 months.
That was not clear sarcasm... He says that kind of shit all the time how was she supposed to know he wasn't serious?
Yeah he is and
Watch out, you'll cut yourself with all that (((edge)))
... But something tells me you've probably cut yourself plenty already
Honestly that kind of freaked me out.
I thought he was being completely serious in the first half, saying that it wasn't a problem. It sounded like his typical way of speaking.
Then he just kind of ripped off the sheep's clothing and revelead the wolf inside him, "lol dumb bitch I was just kidding, you actually believed me when I said I like hearing a baby cry?"
The ghost writer of the Art of the Deal claims that Trump has ADHD, so it's possible that he can't concentrate when he hears a baby cry.