Harambe is in your chimney, what do?


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Wtf point is she even trying to make?

what did it mean by this?

What did the monkey mean by this?

Someone needs to tell this woman that random doesn't mean funny.

This is what happens when it's low on potassium.

Someone get that poor nigger a banana

Does she mean if you are tricked by a trap don't be surprised when you are anally raped?


most traps don't want to actually use their dicks though

if you are tricked by a trap don't be surprised when you harbor deep regrets about the whole experience and wonder if you're gay

What the fuck? This made me laugh because of how not funny it is.
Seriously what the fuck is she trying to say?

I don't speak niggerish. Can someone be so kind as to translate?

Thank you very much!

If you dress like a woman, big black apes will be giving you Christmas presents this year.

If you bang her she'll fist you?

get invaded by murrica and russia
>didn du nuthing wrong dis time

wtf I hate chimneys now

I think it is somehow a threat of anal rape if you try and mate with it. Unfortunately, penetrative bestiality is still illegal in Canada.

Here is the deal with that "thing" leslie jones.

In 2014 sjws criticized SNL for not having enough" women of color" in order to shut them up, they hired a gorilla that apparently is a woman. That is the whole story of how she got there. It was people who dont even watch the show deciding to get mad at it.

Anyway, her entire style is YELLING everything. She isnt a standup comic, just a person (or refrigerator box) chosen by Lorne Michaels to make the network happy. When she found out she was going to be on the show, she looked up what comedy was. She found the videos of Tracy Morgan. Part (not all because Morgan is a comic) of Tracy's bit was yelling stuff. Jones thought this was the entirety of comedy and decided her whole persona would just be YELLING SHIT WHILE LOOKING AT THE CAMERA. Watch her, her act is like a caricature of a Tracy Morgan bit.

No one says anything because if they fire her, they are racist. She is protected by the color of her skin, not teh content of her character.


What body part is a man's chimney? What does this even mean?

If you fuck her you will be burning coal. Where does smoke go?

Try to make friends I've always wanted a Gorrila/Bear bro.

Can no one give an explanation? This is driving me nuts. I'm sure she thinks she has a point.


Tell the nigger to hurry up, fucking chimney isn't going to clean itself

This makes so much sense.

If you don't let her enrich you, then she'll become Santa.

>I'm sure she thinks she has a point.
I'm sure the coon thinks it has a point too, just like the BLM faggots, don't try and figure out nigger logic user, it's not good for anyone.


Underated post

is there a source that she looked up what comedy was after she got hired?

Get my chimney brush.

>Please believe, men.

THat's not even aa fucking sentence you stupid NIGGER.

so she did nothing between that time

Who knows. It's a miracle they were able to teach it human language in the first place.

What the fuck does that even mean?

>tattoo on hand

>so she did nothing between that time
Smoking cock for crack counts for something, these days anyway.
Sopranos - So this is a crack whore
Add a bit of fat and these goliwogs could be twins

When has she ever done anything?

King Kong in my chimney?

Easy solution is to light the fire below and burn it alive

Is this some type of sick joke?

>Is this some type of sick joke?
I bet it would win this year

Poor, Harambe, he had it coming







I'll right I gotta get in on this, someone start a go fund me, I'm going to get myself shoahed for sure, I can't believe in all my twitter shitposting I've never taken aim at this ape

the fire rises up the chimney

Please believe, men, if you end up in our pants, don't be surprised if we end up in your chimney. But during the stone age...

>But during the stone age...

Is she saying that if you're a white dude and you start coal burning don't get mad when you see a white girl coal burning?

This is what a jew says when he steal your wallet.

Is she admitting to being a shemale?

Underrated post

>This is what a jew says when he steal your wallet.
Nah, jews actually make semi-coherent statements, some kike probably wrote her lines wrong

Check out this new fun sight!


What does that even mean? Is chimney a slang for something?

And you won't know when they're done or not.

> The Nigerian Institute for Gorilla Guardianship
kek, OK I laughed.
> you won't know when they're done or not.
I assume you find out in the morning when you are missing a bike and a set of bolt cutters

The nigger beast was making a joke about women obsessing with men that fuck them...sneaking into their houses...digging through their mail...etc.

Pls don't mock Harambe by comparing him to lesnigg

>I'm sure she thinks she has a point.

If your neighbor knocks up La'quandeesha, don't be surprised if their half-nigger spawn burglarizes your house.

Holy fuck. Did she even finish high school?

>end up in your chimney

It's not blacks or women that end up in my chimney...

I mean, I get it if she was Jewish

This 300 pound sheboon is literally Donkey Kong.

My buddy made it for keks..make sure you sign the guest book.

>literally Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong was a successful world wide game franchise, bush meat only has popularity in most ebola and HIV zones

It this how Gale got hired at the today show also?

this was an award winning show>? jesus christ its terrible

i...i don't get it. What is the slang?? Why do niggers continue to speak in code?

>Roscoe's house of chicken and waffles
My fucking sides, is she from fucking Detroit?

>having no taste

wew. you must be what, 8, 10, if you werent alive or old enough for the sopranos you dumb underage mother fucker

Leslie jones was hired as a cast member because Chris Rock personally spoke to Lorne Michaels and really pushed for her to get an audition and eventually a spot on snl. That quote is out of context and it's a fucking joke, she is playing a character, there is no agenda being pushed in that quote, she is being portrayed as insane. The SJWS weren't fucking responsible for her being on the show, a comic legend with a whole lot of influence was. I don't like SJWS but you dipshits just believe any image macro on Sup Forums

affirmative action nigger

the acting, dialogue, and editing in that clip are like something youd see in a made for tv movie you retarded piece of shit



im older than you retard you just have bad taste in pretty much everything i reckon and also happen to be real sensitive about it

Can someone help an user and gib brief update?
Like how badly the movie bombed?

calm down user it's just an anonymous vietnamese cave painting board

If you're ever cursed with the misfortune of seeing a nigger twat, you'll be driven into lighting the creature on fire.

>the acting, dialogue, and editing in that clip are like something youd see in a made for tv movie you retarded piece of shit
It was a TV series you idiot. Also it didn't shy from calling out the jew, or the niggers.
Can't have a show that tell's it like it is now can we Eli

>Roscoe's house of chicken and waffles

No way.

ohhh i didnt know it aligned with your political beliefs. i guess you are right, the acting and dialogue are good now. sorry

>i guess you are right, the acting and dialogue are good now
As good as you are going to get, name a movie made in the last 10 years that was not complete trash besides the visuals.If my political beliefs involve my daughter not fucking a 1/2 coon jew, guilty then. 10 cents for your hypocritical 'show suck because of muh politics' comment

i never said it sucks because of the politics, you said it was good because of its politics. fucking idiot jesus christ stop responding to me

>trying to make sense of what niggers say


She's talking about either fingering or pegging boipuci. I'm not big on Freud, but I think he was right about penis envy.

Not a single (you)

You get mine. Very funny.

>I'm am a comedian.