Where Are the old-school Sup Forums fighters? We are being heavily brigaded by shills and all of you faggots take the bait to all shill posts, you have to FIGHT BACK.

Where is the Sup Forums that fucking hates SJWism and hippies?
Where is the Sup Forums that redpilled me and got me all hyped up for Western/white culture?
Where is the Sup Forums that I was once proud to be a part?
Where is the Sup Forums that would raid normie pages?

Our enemies have entered our territory, they are trying to infiltrate and bring us down with their concern trolling, we must get rid of this cancer

DONT YOU SEE, this is the chance that all of you NEET faggots have to actually fight back. Actually stand up for something YOU believe in! Or are you just going to be a hypocritical piece of shit and do NOTHING?




Thread theme: youtu.be/9D4QIf4Ot7o

Unleash your worse theme:

Other urls found in this thread:


Every time it's been tried like posting information and sending shit to them and spam emailing them spam calling all that happens is the mods ban those who stand up for Sup Forums
The mods have abandoned us and have been corrupted by the shills

I think most are just going straight to catalog and scrolling down to the good stuff.

Anyway, it is sad. Today #HillaryAccomplishments was trending on Twatter and it was the perfect hashtag to troll. I had to go to crippled chan to discuss it, since no one was talking about it here even made new friends there...

>against obscene porn
>not a SJW

too many fucking dipshits here, you just gotta ignore it

>Where is the Sup Forums that fucking hates SJWism and hippies?
>Where is the Sup Forums that redpilled me and got me all hyped up for Western/white culture?
>Where is the Sup Forums that I was once proud to be a part?
>Where is the Sup Forums that would raid normie pages?
dead, I stopped comming here for a year or so, when it started to become shit, the old Sup Forums died and now is full of edgy teenagers and sjw

Shit that sucks, your only true home is a web-page? And it won't even conform to your ignorant beliefs after your idol keeps banging his head against his cell phone?

I'm surprised Clint Eastwood didn't come out of the basement sooner, they're both weak old men yelling at random people walking by their house.

Shill detetected

Send me some meth and I'll battle the libtards all night

We've always had shills daily

It's just some new Hill-billy ones the past few days

Nothing new

Ignoring works the best

Its because even Sup Forums can't resist this

Yet another one of these posts

The amount of these threads are worse than shills

Please, I am going to ask you kindly, hand over /pol









>Where Are the old-school Sup Forums fighters?
We migrated to 8ch

I was on Sup Forums's side till they ran me off with constant "POO" now I'm happy to see you fuckers get burned down.


Trying to redpill people out in the real world. Sup Forums talked about people getting into local politics to help out their community and I'm doing just that.

/threaded !!!

Who is pic related, the newfag who got trolled IRL by an FBI snitch and caught a case? Interesting thread you've got going here, to say the least...



The point of shadowbanning is so that trolls give up because people are ignoring them. That's the best way to fight this shit. The problem is the summertards have come and they want to fight for Sup Forums but they are friendly firing because they don't understand when you respond it bumps the thread and then we have to wade through cuckshit


old Sup Forums is out and about, rarely do we get time anymore to sit down in front of computers and redpill that way - we know the best way to convey a message is in real life

old/pol/ is out making white children too

GTFO shill. This is reverse subversion.

>We migrated to cripplechan

He says while still on Sup Forums.

Have to admit though this place is better since Swamii migrated.

Your friends have fled or are too scared to speak out.

Now hand us over /pol

we're still here
we stay in the only threads with actual discussion

It's been going on for a few months now.I've tried warning you guys but you wouldn't listen.

have a bump

I'm loving all these DELICIOUS Trumpet tears.

How does it feel to have your racist idol destroyed in the polls?

They burned down our board in Sup Forums harbour. We'll burn down their world with Trump. It's the long game my friend. Let them shill, it will only make their tears that much sweeter.

>Mom I posted it again!!!

Thank you for correcting the record! 20 schekels have been deposited into your account.

You mean these polls that show an upward trend for Trump and a downward one for the Shilldog?

JIDF posting has increased deffo

You fight back by not posting in shill threads and ignoring them, you dumb fuck

>Where Are the old-school Sup Forums fighters?
They spent all of yesterday raiding us, they admitted in on Fullchin: archive.is/sm0oY
>We are being heavily brigaded by shills and all of you faggots take the bait to all shill posts
That's why fullchin did it, apparently, to "make us immune to Hillary shills". They did something like this a few months ago. Seems like every couple months they work themselves into a paranoid fit and decide "halfchin must be made immune to X". It's kind of bizarre, if we're supposed to assume that they're too good for us, and no longer hang out here. imo, I think it's just nostalgia raiding, because they miss being here and their board gets slow and feels more like an echo chamber.

They're on fulllllchan