Donald Trump Is A Clinton Plant

do you believe it now? when ever he makes a decent jump in the polls he makes a complete ass out of himself so he goes back down, I think weve been rused lads

>inb4 u fell for the clinton plant meme
>inb4 he wasnt a politician when he donated to hillary

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if he was a clinton plant he's doing a bad job because he's still in the race

still in the race making sure hes gonna lose your comments p retarded m8

it's been obvious the entire time. anyone who shilled for trump with all their anime memes should honestly kill themselves.

>implying Hillary isn't a Trump plant

trumps losing by a fucking lot you mong

says the ever increasingly nervous man.

Hil is more plant than trump. Hil will hurt majority of businesses, no one will vote for that. CEOS and small business run America, who will also vote for Trump

shoo shoo trump shill

It would be more believable if Hillary was a Trump plant

lol what a fag

I've been saying this for months he was put in the gop to make them look bad but these idiots actually like him. I'm calling it now. In October there is going to be some big thing that "just happens" to come out about trump and discredit him then Hill will win by a land slide.

soon as he got the republican nomination was when things started going downhill.


Which is it, she's a "crony capitalist" or isn't she?

Why does she get so much money from big businesses? How has she greased the palm of virtually all of congress? It's because she's going to "hurt business"?

Why does it seem that trump's own backers are nervous and trying to soft-sell the shit he says, stopping short of blatantly apologizing?

Career politician is a plant for a fucking failure.

Like his tax returns showing a negative income?
Honestly nothing needs to 'come out' if he's truly down 10 points in the polls by that time.

Donald Trump didn't want another 8 years of Republican gridlock and filibuster tantrums, so he's handing Based Hillary a supermajority. He knows our country has to move forward and stop dragging our feet on shit like Zika. It's really quite genius. Reminds me of The Producers.

You've still failed to establish how Trump benefits from letting nearly the entire news media demonize him, or how the Democrats befit from having their corruption exposed.

Why bother fudging the polls then?


The banks back hillary. Buffet Cuban and Bloomberg most of the billionares are behinder her also. She litteraly has most of americans wealth behind her.

His unmatched stupidity is overshadowing Hillary's actual scandals. Trump is dragging his own legacy through the mud in an act of selfless philanthropy. It was the only way.

Tbh, Trump is a sociopath which I can get behind. I think one of the main reasons he's running is because Osama called him out at the president's dinner several years abo. Let's wait and see if he takes the gloves off and starts lighting shillary up after summa.

theyre not philanthropists theyre money grubbing whores for power

She dident expect the emails to be leaked. She set up the dnc so no other Democrats could beat her like sanders. Then she needed to discredit the Gop that's where trump gets in. Her old friend.


>100 days from election, before any debates
>Trump dips in polls
gee smells like CTR

There were exactly 2 times he was polling ahead of Clinton. One of those was a 0.2 point lead, and the other was a post committee bump that was lost by a huge margin right after the dems held theirs.

The polite way to phrase that is to call him the underdog. The honest way is to say he's been consistently losing the election.

All throughout the 1948 election Dewey had a 10 point lead. Who won?

All throughout the 1980 election Carter had a 5 point lead. Who won?

Polls are historically a good indicator, but with pivotal elections like these a lot can happen.

Trump is fairly obviously not a plant, but he'll benefit hugely from losing the election.

Running for president and fail can actually be profitable. Many noteworthy failed candidates go on to have successful book deals, and they increase their ability to claim speaking fees.

Beyond those basics, Trump has milked this fairly well for his own profit. He can leverage the additional fame and attention in his businesses in ways other failed candidates cannot. He's also milk the GOP campaign fund by having them pay for events using businesses he owns or affiliated with for campaign purposes.

Trump never intended to win in the beginning. He intended to go out as the most memorable loser. He probably wants to win now, but he still gains immensely if he loses.

The Reagan v. Carter image people were so fond of awhile back is now past due. Reagan overtook Carter at the start of June and never lost the lead. You can have Dewey versus Truman, but I'd like to think polling accuracy has improved a little since then.

Anything could happen before the election, sure. I can't guarantee Clinton won't be shot in the head, but I'm not going to equivocate a degree of uncertainty with irrelevance.

Except he spent millions of his own money during the primaries. The only viable explanation is that this is merely an ego trip.

I am almost sure of it

The Clintons are masterful web weavers, it's certainly possible they planned it and possibly even rigged polls so he would win.

He loaned his campaign the money. His campaign spent a fair amount at Trump affiliated businesses.

It's difficult to pin down the exact details of his finances, but evidence seems to suggest it's possible he's already above breakeven, and much of the benefit will continue to be there after the campaign is over.

bumpingmyself cause iimm gheeyyy

He hasn' t lost fucking anything. No one has voted yet, retard.

hillwhores gonna win i want don but ive lost all hope

Actually he lost the lead at one point a few weeks before the election.

Polls don't make votes appear out of thin air.

As someone who doesn't like Trump, nor am I voting for him. He's not a plant.

The guy is a businessman who's making a last ditch effort to make a lasting legacy for his family name. If he becomes the president and does a good job, imagine how the last name Trump will go down in history? All of his sons, and their sons will have wealth till the end of the United States.

The guy is a complete narcissist who only gives a shit about himself. He was a complete joke in 2012 for announcing he wanted to run and he still is. He doesn't give 2 shits about the American people, if he did he wouldn't outsource every fucking manufacturing company he owns to China and other countries.

>inb4 someone says he hasn't

He's admitted it plenty of times before and how he abuses the H1-B1 visas.

Face it, the guy's a business man and not a politician. The republican party got absolutely fucked and let a demagogue ruin their party.

The media has done a full blitzkrieg of attacking him..The US media has gone full Soviet Union. Stop watching Tv, it's brainwashing you.

Nah, I think Clinton is a trump plant. Prove me wrong.

He is a Russian plant you idiot. It's 2016, not 2015.


Damn, after serene meditation I am #Filth4GILF now.

Shit you're right, trump is a Russian plant. Clinton planted trump as a Russian plant though.

>well akshully he isn't losing because the vote hasn't happened yet :^)

Wow that's an amazing counter-argument there. Exactly how many rubles are you getting paid per post here?

>the woman who's been in politics for decades and decades is a trump plant

Do you idiots listen to yourselves?

She is you fucking idiot.

Russia planted her in the us and she planted trump in russia.


Ya, just like I planted my shlong in your mom's shithole lol faggot

Trump forgave the loan.

I think Trump's presidential ambitions are real. He simply got ADD + ODD, look it up. He can't help himself.

>trump is willing to do irreparable damage to his image, brand, and multi-billion dollar financial empire because he's friends with the Clinton's