> The only options are a globalist shrew and a literal retard
We could have had, you know, an actual PRESIDENT. But you fucking memelords wanted everything to be a joke, just like your lives.
Fuck the lot of you.
> The only options are a globalist shrew and a literal retard
We could have had, you know, an actual PRESIDENT. But you fucking memelords wanted everything to be a joke, just like your lives.
Fuck the lot of you.
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying pol skewed the election
>implying romney was even a choice this year
shill thread
> Hi guys my mom just let me on the computer a month ago i'm new here
Kill yourself.
Trump is not far right enough, he'll gladly suck the establishment's dick when he becomes President, and then Clinton is a fucking cuck, let's not get started on her
Why are you blaming us for Romney's globalist ordered forfeiture in 2012?
I agree. I am voting for Gary Johnson the Libertarian Party candidate for President. Drumpf is too dangerous and unpredictable.
>I'm a #cruzmissle now.
Fuck off nigger.
Sadly, he can't possibly win, of course. I'll eat a hat if third parties ever get any power in the US; it's simply not possible outside of a parliamentary system.
You're on the wrong site, it's spelled AlexJones.com
He's the most RINO there ever was, but because he acts like a dick and talks like an asshole people think he's Clint Eastwood.
>implying Romney ran this year
>implying anyone here supported Obama, who beat the fucking pants off of Romney
>implying Romney isn't a fucking worthless RINO
> comparing creepy faggot Cruz to a decent human being like Romney
Come back to Sup Forums once you learn who your real father was.
Trump joined the Bar Mitzvah a long time ago I dunno why Sup Forums fell for the trump meme.
turned out the jew was the actual one they should have supported, ironic that he was the least kiked of all 3
> Implying Trump isn't a million times more of a RINO than Romney, an actual social conservative, ever was
This board is 18+, faggot.
Literally repeating DNC memes. You laugh at Trump, but you were actually afraid of Romney. Just admit it.
Romney would've been fucking awful. I was actually rooting for Obama to beat him, even though I hate Obama.
Get fucked, Romniggers.
Mittens was a gobalist, trump is not.
damn guess i'll be #eatingthehilldog
This is what nigger liberals look like on Sup Forums when they stop memeing for a second. Screenshot it.
fuck off faggot, you lost. vote either Trump, Hillary, 3rd parties, don't vote at all, or move out the country
Romney literally invented Obamacare
Dont forget mittens was a gobalist corporate raider, also a mormon aka jew cocksucker
imblying this isn't a CTR shill. sage in all fields
Yeah because Ted Cruz (evangelical nutter) or Mitt Romney (Mormon retard) are any better. Every American candidate for decades has been a joke.
Just remember, when Hillary wins and you're crying into your tendies, that your candidate was a faggot and Jeb, guac memes and all, could have won.
> Maplefaggot repeating memes
Hey, Alberta's economy is crashing and burning, don't you have better things to do?
Not memes. All true.
Especially the last one. His chief financial advisor literally made his fortune hawking quack supplements because the FDA is too crooked to stop modern-day patent medicine.
Oh, and his pyramid scheme company is protected by his army of attorneys that he will use on journalists who write about him unfavorably.
Corporations are people.
So is Soylent Green.
Romney isn't one.
> Mormon retard
> retard
> incredibly rich and successful businessman who's legacy outlived garbage accusations of "he plundered them!!11"
> large, loving family
> gives insane amount to charity
Comparing him to Cruz is almost as funny as your idiotic comment.
How much did you waste donating to Bernie? Go suck Hillary's cock.
>You're on the wrong site, it's spelled AlexJones.com
Did you even watch his debate performances?
I'm a Nationalist, I wouldn't ever dare vote for a Mormon half-kike that wants to sell my country to non-Americans.
Fuck Romney, and fuck anyone who wanted him over Trump or McCain. Even though McCain was fucking crazy and a semi-globalist shill too, he was at least better than Romney.
>Sadly, he can't possibly win
no open borders and just make the cake :(
This is a nationalist board.
Eminent Domain is necessary for society to function.
What does that image have to do with Romney obliterating Obama and immediately morphing into a helpless retard that can't even handle a bitchy moderator or hammer Obama on Benghazi correctly?
Shilling aside, Johnson takes equally from both camps.
Benghazi was messy and the Clintonians successfully made it a quicksand pit to even debate. Romney made the smart call to avoid it. But by all means, if you think Trump's rhetoric is working, I'm waiting with baiting breath come November!
This. The good thing is that it doesn't matter if he wins or loses, he already opened the door for better, younger, more intelligent right-wing candidates. McCain and Bush type cuckservatives are literally a dying breed.
>an actual PRESIDENT
yeah his name is Donald Trump
>Romney made the smart call to avoid it.
If it was the smart call he wouldn't have lost.
>I'm waiting with baiting breath come November!
People like you are why I'll never regret not voting Romney regardless of what Obama does from now on.
Romney would have done much better this year, in the general, than trump is.
(e.g. He would have done well enough that the schism in the democratic party may have cost clinton the election.)
He wouldn't have been nominated though, because the media loves stupid one-liners and people have no attention span. So to the anti-PC crowd, taking jabs at veterans, women, disabled people, muslims, it's all so so funny! How edgy he is!
Alright King Retardo, it's time to lose a fucking election!
weren't you tripfagging over true conservatives last week? is this our gimmick?
>make thread
>make 100+ posts in thread screaming nothing but "RINO" and "muh true conservatives"
you might want to learn from our √CTR friends
> better, younger, more intelligent *right-wing* candidates
So, you mean right-wing candidates that are for
> higher taxes
> social liberalism
> disparaging American exceptionalism
> reducing American influence abroad
Please, tell me more about this new "conservatism"! It sounds fascinating!
>He's the most RINO there ever was
>The only Republican that was willing to go all the way on border security.
Romney is a literal cuck raising his wife's boyfriend's black son. If GOPe cucks want to shill their dying ideology, El Rato Cruz is a better conservative than Mitt "BBC cumslave" Romney.
> from now on
> 4 months
Enjoy Hillary, I know I won't.
There's more freedom in chaos than in tyrannical order.
>> social liberalism
>> disparaging American exceptionalism
>> reducing American influence abroad
Oh, you mean what the (((NEOCONS))) already did during the Bush era?
Romney would've been a one-term president anyway.
He would have done much better, because he was a principled candidate who knows how to run a campaign, and has the intelligence to beat the Clinton machine.
But like you said, people just want a funny memeing edgelord as a candidate now, so yeah, that's what we got.
There's a reason New Yorkers like myself are fucking sick of this idiot.
lol yeah those great young conservatives like degenerate Milo. He surely is someone I'd vote for lmao
>You have to be Democrat to hate Romney
NewsFlash establishment shill. The Base has fucking hated the corporately ordained choice for years now and complained about it, but the elites never heard a word, and just took the vote for granted. Now the bitches are getting a taste of their own fucking medicine, and have the fucking gall to complain when they don't get their way.
I've never used a trip in my life, but if it makes you feel better about jumping on the tard train that is Trump's fanbase, sure, that was me. Consider me allowing you to pretend as a present, merry Christmas, faggot.
That's a joke, You mean the promises he IMMEDIATELY retracted upon winning the primary? You want border security, vote Tancredo. Oh, wait, you faggots didn't even give him a chance.
I know Mexicans are bad at religion, considering they're ruled by a Satanic cult (Catholicism), but adopting children from all over the globe is a Mormon thing. Not that you would be educated enough to know, Pablo.
yep that was definitely (you). same posting style and all. it's already stale and I've only seen you twice lol. git gud fag
>Benghazi was messy and the Clintonians successfully made it a quicksand pit to even debate.
Because the dumbass didn't strike early enough, hard enough, and just plain enough, and let the fucking Democrats take control of the narrative.
The fuckwit thought that shit would just collapse on Hillary and Obama of its own dead weight, and ended up having it TURNED AROUND AGAINST THE REPUBLICANS.
I have said it once, and a thousand times. I would rather LOSE the election for something we did, than because WE FAILED TO TAKE CONTROL.
If you DO something, you can always walk it back with good PR, and still keep the focus on you. If you let the enemy run with the narrative and just sit around waiting for the enemy to die, you going to get fucked sideways.
It's funny how Bush made you spics madder than anyone, including Trump, by supporting a realistic proposal about border control. You laugh at Trump and his dumbass spoutings, but Bush's rational proposals regarding wetback control made you piss your pants.
Maybe. So what?
>but adopting children from all over the globe is a Mormon thing
No it's not. Niggers were banned from the Mormon church as recently as the 1980s, this far-left liberal adopt-a-nigglet poz is recent. Sad to see how Mormons went from hardcore frontiersmen building their utopia in hostile wilderness to lame self-hating white guilt cucks.
> a fucking leaf
the 2012 republican debates were so much better imo. at least the standard line of argument didnt resort to memes
>a fucking cuck
Fuck off kike. How much did Crooked Hillary pay you? Which (((media))) company are you working for?
Fuck off globalist scum.
>You laugh at Trump and his dumbass spoutings, but Bush's rational proposals regarding wetback control made you piss your pants.
lol, you don't know shit about even your own politics. During the early Bush era, he was getting close with our president Fox and they were discussing definitive amnesty, a more open border and visas. Then 9/11 happened and you got the PNAC kikes focusing the agenda into nation building.
Well, given what you've written, you can't possibly be for Trump, Hillary or Johnson. So...Stein? Or are you waiting for Alex to beat Trump for title of "most retarded candidate of all time"?
Considering that the Mormon church's most rapid growth is from South America - just Google it, faggot - yeah, adopting niglets/spiclets is absolutely a Mormon thing. 1980 was 36 years ago, at least 20 years before you were born.
He would have been fucking slaughtered in the election. Romney, the fool, would have supported TPP, been as hard on the social issues, and still be labelled as a complete racist, sexist, and bigot by the media pundits and Clinton surrogates. And he would have rolled over and let them fucking do it. You think saying HA HA MEXICANS, AMNESTY FOR YOU, would have broken the conditioning? Hillary needed only to have her super pacs spam the airwaves with repeated statements about his opinions on enforcing border security.
>You mean the promises he IMMEDIATELY retracted upon winning the primary?
What retracted promises. As far as I know, he has repeatedly stated he intends to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it.
That'll be a long walk back on Trump's PR. Be sure to bring a CamelPak.
Did you really expect Romney's team to jump on shit as early as, say, Mark Levin did? You know, the GOP has...or HAD, an organization too, and it's not bad to have an organization. If you don't think so, just take an unbiased look at Trump's pathetic floundering with his undisciplined idiot staff and campaign advisors.
But hey, Trump certainly doesn't let the DNC run with the narrative! He creates the news all on his own! Wait, who else said that, right before they lost in a landslide...hmm...
>people actually believe that list of embellished quarter truths
fucking keke
build the wall !!! jajajajjajaj
pinches gringos si para pendejo no se estudia
Is Mitt the globalist shrew?
>Mormon church's most rapid growth is from South America
No shit, I know tons of people who joined their cult just to get USA citizenship and white bimbo girls. Loads of Mormon missionaries went to recruit in my city in the 90s.
Protip: No one who is recruited from here believes in the retarded Joseph Smith muh golden tablets in a hat fairytale crap, lol. It's all about the benefits that come with it.
>Well, given what you've written, you can't possibly be for Trump
>Or are you waiting for Alex to beat Trump for title of "most retarded candidate of all time
I don't even know what your point is, but I fully support Donald and every policy he has.
> wetback says he knows American politics better than an American
>positively references political positions of bottom-caste candidates decades ago in reference to current events
Have you guys gotten DSL yet, or are you still waiting on that 56k modem?
it only gets better my man. i just want this man elected already. i couldnt care if he only serves one term, the liberal tears would be worth it
> I think Trump is an idiot, so I must love Hillary!
I think I might know why you're so bad at math, user.
>reflecting this much
>brings Bush's proposals
>hurrdurr why u reference Bush era political positions? :^)
quads of truth
>realistic proposal
Rear Admiral Christopher Tomney: Tackling the priority networks
Rear Admiral Christopher Tomney is director of Joint Interagency Task Force South for the US Coast Guard.
"We cover over 40 million square nautical miles, and reach well out into the Atlantic, throughout north, central and south America as well as all the way out into the eastern Pacific.
"The number one drug we see moving is cocaine. Last year we were able to successfully take out of the pipeline 191 metric tonnes of cocaine. Around 20 to 25% of cocaine around the globe is interdicted.
"The cartels are very innovative. Due to their large profits, they have a lot of money they can throw at technology.
"In the early days of this task force - and we've been around for 26 years - we saw much higher movement using non-commercial aircraft to fly the drugs northwards.
"[Now] well over 95% of the drugs are moving on the water via container ships, non-commercial vessels, pleasure boats, sail boats, fishing boats. They also have fast boats which try to outrun our law enforcement assets.
fuck off faggot, just kill yourself tonight and stream it please
Except Romney's wasn't designed to fail...
> M-muh TPP!
Literally - LITERALLY - white-dreadlocks-and-no-showering-tier Bernie Sanders garbage. And, if you have no faith in the staying power of social conservatives, why not just lay down and die? Why are you here? Furthermore, Romney's failure coupled with Jeb's imploding is EXACTLY what broke the conservative Superpac machine, Do you not remember how liberals were FURIOUS about Superpacs - Stewart and Colbert were APOPLECTIC - until the GOP's ones' died? Now they don't say a word. Karl Rove was a slimeball, but he was a CONSERVATIVE slimeball. Now the Koch brothers et al are all staying out of it, and all you have is Soros.
But no, go ahead, keep rolling the die on Trump dropping serious loot come closer to November. I'll take those odds. Ya'll fucks don't know how the game is played.
ppl that know nothing about romney
the guy is a freak, he should at least be shunned by normal human beings
Of course you do. You're a cuck who will never breed, will never have a wife, so you will never have a daughter you will worry about being molested by a transgender faggot in a bathroom.
>Did you really expect Romney's team
>Romney's team
He could have called up news folks HIMSELF, and given his opinion on TV and BLASTED THEM, for their incompetence. At the very LEAST, once Hillary came out with that retarded MUSLIM VIDEO excuse, he could have started hammering home that. No one in their right mind beleived that garbage, and even if they did, what the fuck does it say about the people that we were fighting for that they blew up our embassy BECAUSE OF A YOUTUBE VIDEO. Romney had a gold mine to use and could have changed the course of the election, but he chickened out.
>But hey, Trump certainly doesn't let the DNC run with the narrative!
He's letting them get away with it a lot less than Romney. He HAMMERS the ads, HE HAMMERS against the word manipulation, and HE HAMMERS against their attacks.
Great, more proof that wetbacks are conniving, untrustworthy opportunists who hate this country. Not that I needed more proof, but thanks, screenshotted.
Pretty sure I deserve a Purple Heart for making taco niggers THIS mad tonight. Do you think Trump will give me his?
We don't hate the USA. If you didn't wanted Mexicans maybe you shouldn't have stolen our land in the first place. :^)
>literal billionare is a retard
> being this proud of an entire sub-continent being entirely dependent on the drug trade
There are no words for your degeneracy. You are lower than furries.
For extra butthurt look at some of the comments closely. You will see some of the same exact things posted here today in Trump threads.
>average educated racist gringo
why do you personally hate mexicans that much? i just always wonder if is your education system or just your fucked up parents that the education that you recive un home you wont get it back never, if you are a little shit you will be a little shit your whole life, so dont blame your parents just blame yourself for being less than a human being.
its not cool to be racist, its actually the saddest thing, and a racist without a reason is just a fucking reatrd who hate himself.
so annon, how was it? how did you become this person than you are right now?
ppl like you make me sick, and this is why you have all that shit in the usa, just enjoy it.
Not some bad points, I'll give you that. Romney played it cautious in several instances. But a torrent of dumb shit does not a campaign make. There's no evidence that Trump is thinking even for a moment before making a comment. It's super disingenuous to fault Romney for being overly cautious without also faulting Trump for having no control over his campaign whatsoever.