When the fuck are the debates gonna start?

When the fuck are the debates gonna start?

How many will there be?

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three scheduled in september, october

There'll be one. Hillary's campaign will be suspended after she cries like a bitch during the first one

I don't know, but it's going to be so one sided most likely, I suspect hillary won't have a chance against Trump, same with her VP pick, Pence is going to make that guy run and squirm for help on all fours. It's going to be a slaughter, especially with Hillary's wacky behavior under pressure.

The debates will be the only way trump can win now. I hope he gives it his all.

No, we may get more leaks, Assange says he has proof hillary armed Isis. I mean she is the Teflon Con, but seriously, it's one scandal after another every week with her, it's going to catch up, then when she'll most likely get manhandled in the debates by Trump.

They'll start never.

There will be two, so they don't have to suffer too much media rigging. (Brought you by the League of Women, actually, if you look it up.)

I wouldn't be surprised if she weasels her way out of the debates somehow. How the fuck will she react to Assange's leaks showing she armed Isis and Trump brings it up during the debate? There's too much in Trump's arsenal that he can throw at her during a debate, and imagine her using THE RUSSIANS are helping Trump! He's a traitor!

Now, prior to holding official debates, the standard practice was to just tour the country giving stump speeches and letting the media convey it into the public discourse, like a proxy duel.

But, no, the banker-driven communists fucked it up again and turned it into a national spectacle of a few non-debates where they could control the debate by controlling the questions. So then it fell out of favor. Could be better, could be worse.

>capable of crying
Nah. She's too much of a sociopath.

More realistically though, she might have a complete anger tantrum and break down. This is what I'm banking on.

All trump has to do is dismiss the questions and accusations in the first 1/3 or 1/2 of his time, or whatever, and then use the rest hammer it down.

His teleprompter speeches lately have been all about rehearsing the 10 point plans. This can be so, so good if it turns out well.

And the best part is he (and Mike Pence) are just going to keep the rallies going before and after, so they can say whatever they want to say.

It's such a brilliant strategy if they pull it off right.

He just needs to discuss stuff with Republican leaders, relax and not answer to every attack against him, prepare his arguments, and he will be set.
Just coast through this month doing rallies and fundraising without constantly bringing the lying media's attention and then once he arrives to the debate, she will have nowhere to hide.

Yea, I'm betting on her breaking down and losing it with Trump, just yelling and screaming, maybe even turning physical if possible, throwing something at him, along those lines, there's no way she doesn't lose it during the debate with Trump, he's going to eat her up.
I'm pretty sure she'll have a game plan to try and tie him down with nonsense. He just needs a game plan strategy and plan it correctly whichever route she takes, then just lay it all out on her to trigger her and then make it escalate where she has a full blown meltdown.

Well Trump publicly aired out his emotional grief about the DNC the other week, but he took it on balance with some advice from one governor or other. Trump needs to be Trump to make it work but it seems like he's getting good advice on how he needs to play it.

She will be coached before hand.

All she is going to do is pander to minorities and ignore the questions.

>What's your opinion on immigration?
>The Latino people are good people and Donald Trump hates them.

If you believe all the "inside sources," she's basically uncoachable.

She's dead without a teleprompter in front of her.
I mean for fuck's sake, even IF IF IF IF beat her in 2008. That's how terrible she is about debating.

The only way she can hope to not become a trainwreck is if her and the mods agree on a script before hand.
But that will fail because Trump will pull a Christie and say "THERE IT IS."

She's fucked from pretty much every angle you look at it. The only winning move she has is not to play.

Maybe none. Both Clinton and Trump want to avoid them.

Trump because of ADHD, Clinton because of health issues.

All it Takes for Trump to trigger her in the debates is to be Trump and it's game over for her. Look how she flies off the handle in the vid, she has some type of disorder.


I will probably cum if he does some variation on the classic "Having a hard time tonight?" line.
I think that will be finally what sends her over the edge into an anger meltdown while he just stands there with a smug Pepe grin.

Well she's going to play the under dog, so all Trump needs to do is play the easy hand and only bring it out briefly when he knows it's the right moment.

She is such an unbelievably bad public speaker. Watching her speech at the DNC was...fucking atrocious.

The lovely thing is they can't over-medicate her to keep the rage away, otherwise she'd look like a wooden puppet up there.
Anyway she plays it, he needs to have a game plan going in, then strike and trigger her, then keep at it and again do that smug look to show she's not presidential material or right in the head.

The leaks doesn't matter anymore, user. The left is going to say it's a propaganda against them and Russia is actively trying to fuck the US election. Everyone forgot about the DNC leaks already and Hillary supporters STILL think that there wasn't anything bad in them ( even though heads of DNC have resigned).

>have a game plan going in
yes 100%. She's all over the place while he's circling in and nailing down his points.

Keep the ball in her court.

Senpai I don't want to come off as contrarian but I think king nignog is a pretty damn good orator, if anything.
Agree with the rest of your post though

ITT: Echo chamber

there will be a happening very close to the debates

screencap this

He was at first. Now he speaks nothing but platitudes.

>The underdog

That's how psychopaths work, user. You can call me a psychopath if you want. I don't care. But that's how they work.

They're going to be so fucking weird. I really have no idea what to expect, if they even happen.

She's the poor woman, user. The big bad patriarchy has led this country into 19 trillion in debt, and it's going to take 5th wave feminism to dig it back out. Stand With Her

Your plans are in opposition to each other. Hillary can't melt down unless Donald heckles her constantly, and if Donald remains poised, he can't heckle her constantly.

here's a schedule for hillary's speeches and hillary-related speeches (debate dates included). i'm gonna try to watch what i can. spread this around

That's only after a very long conceited effort by Sander to nail her on that stuff. Donald needs to start building up these allegations against her now, to ensure maximum rage potential.

>yfw sparks fly out of her ears as the silicone face plate falls to the ground revealing the circuitboard underneath

Nice try shill, try again.

September 26th

I don't think it will take much to make her go off the script and negate whatever meds it is anchoring her down. Her best bet would be to avoid debating somehow.

Will she be able to do that many speeches? I know she's in bad health, I hope she doesn't die. That would suck.

Wait... people still support Trump after what happened this week? Do you guys just not follow the news at all?

if you look at the "speaker" section, you'll see she's only speaking at a couple of them

>0.02$ deposited to your account

After Hillary's mess, nothing will change people's minds. Trump just sitting there for 4 years doing nothing would be better than Hillary. She caused he migration crisis when she helped the Sunnis take out Gaddafi.

Not to mention her husband's executive order HR4655... and NAFTA and her back in of TPP.

All Donald needs to do is keep hammering home that Hillary is, in the absolute best case scenario, an extremely careless person who despite being Secretary of State simply didn't realize the importance and meaning of the words "Classified information". In the absolute best case scenario she had no idea that her own party was conspiring to hand her the nomination no matter what. Worst case scenario she knew what was going on, knew it was wrong, and did it anyway.

Oh okay, good. I would hate to see her die before the election. I seriously don't think she will make it.

But! But you're a white MALE!

September 26th during Monday Night Football with a long time rivals Falcons vs Saints. Purposely set up that way.
Also on another debate on Sunday Oct 9th, theres also a Sunday Night Football game and season 7 of the walking dead season premiere. Again purposely set up this way

In a bunker. After Hilary gets rapes on live T.V. Oboma is going to press the button and blow up Oklahoma, declare martial law, kill trump, and turn full apenigger. I won't give a fuck. Because I'm in my bunker.

People who watch football are voting for Trump anyway.

I actually think the walking dead will lose a lot of viewers because of the debate... they might Ben bitch about it.

Who thinks Clinton will have a seizure/stroke while debating?

Pro trump but Hillary will win the debates, she's debated her whole life, and knows how to pander

I'll tell you what, something is happening, I am almost sure of it. No way the meds work and keep her calm, they can't pump her with enough of them and then put her to debate coherently. She'll get triggered and rage badly, there's no way she keeps her cool and looks sober at the same time debating Trump.
Nice try shill, try again.

It's not about "who can debate better"... it's about exposing Hillary's positions to moderate voters. There's NO WAY Hillary will win the election after she exposed in the debates.

The robo without her teleprompter will be a delight to watch.


Most of them are fundraisers. All that she needs to do there is pander and gibsmedat.

You guys really believe Hillary is going to cry and scream and possibly get physical wifh Trump?

Kek. Shs will just avoid all questions and pander, pander, pander. The debate will be a snooze fest. And Hillary will win because she will be seen as less "radical" then Trump.

count the amount of fingers they're holding up, OP

He might drop out first.

Who would Sup Forums like to see Hillary get destroyed by once the asshat is gone?

Check out the video bro, she loses her shit all the time and zones out, the bitch on pills'n cracra.

Nah... Paul Manafort knows how to win this election. Once the moderate voters and even working class voters find out about Hillary raising taxes, she's toast. Hillary will have to raise taxes on the poor and Middleclass while Trump wants a 0/10/25 tax plan. Who they hell won't vote for that? Trump is the jobs president too. This is going to be easy.... Trump will be a 10 point favorite by the end of the fiscal year, September 30th.

That's only going to happen if trump changed his old ways. By that I mean talking over others. That's his, and I don't think she'll enjoy that. He has to keep being himself. Drop all types of pills etc..

I really want Trump to win but he revealed his power level too early. He ostracized virtually every demographic besides working class straight white males.

>Had to listen to NPR on the radio to hear the debate during work
>mfw they called it a far better speech than Trump's
they don't even try to hide it anymore

Calling it now, Hillary's campaign is going to try and bow out of the debates and the media will spin it as her taking the high road by refusing to debate with a 'racist.' Either that or they'll try to pack the audience with shills in Hillary's favor. We know the debate moderators are already compromised and are on the Clinton payroll.

Ideas to counteract any of this?

here's my debate predictions:

>moderators ask trump the most biased questions they can think of
>video of illegal 9 year old asking trump if he's going to deport her
>trump tries to answer and complains that they're being unfair
>any mention of clinton scandals are cut off
>hillary only gets easy questions biased towards her positions
>crowd 100% clinton shills
>next day every media outlet reporting that trump was a loud crybaby who avoided the issues while hillary was focused and calm

I don't see how people can be so positive when it's obvious the media is basically on clinton payroll.
