Trump keeps dipping lower and lower. I don't know if I can take the stress for another three months.
I might just hop on the Hillary train if this keeps up. We need a winner in office this time around, or this country is straight up doomed. If Hillary is the winner, then I guess we have to roll with it.
I've done quite a bit thinking over the past week. Trying to rationalize Trump's plummeting poll numbers. And I honestly don't think Clinton could be that bad. Sure she isn't ideal, but no one is perfect. I don't think she is anywhere near the evil super villain Sup Forums tries to paint her to be, but I chalk that up to Sup Forums's natural bias against her.
From the current poll numbers I have come up with a conclusion. The reality is, America is not ready for an outsider. People with real jobs in the real world don't want to risk the potential damage that could result from bringing in someone without political experience to run the most powerful country in the world. This country is already under tremendous stress and fracturing under issues like racial tensions and police killings. If an inflammatory and bombastic candidate like Trump becomes POTUS then that could send things boiling over with disastrous consequences.
At this point, I would rather be safe than sorry. The current polling numbers have opened my eyes and showed me that we are not ready for change. And I'm ok with that.
Julian Hernandez
>trump spikes >better tweak the polls >trump falls
Joseph Bell
>Polls hurt my feeling; I'm going to abandon all hope and vote for the further destruction of the status quo >I can't handle the risk of losing
Kill yourself you fucking shill.
Levi Bennett
It's not about feelings. I'm objectively rationalizing why Trump's polls number are dropping lower and lower. Trump's temperament and ill judgment over the past week (Khan situation specifically) has deterred a lot of Americans away from Trump. He could have just kept his mouth shut, but instead had got baited and subsequently eviscerated by the media. I like Trump and think he has a good heart. But his hotheaded temperament might get us in diplomatic got water down the road. What's next, Trump gonna start badmouthing important political leaders over Twitter? America already looks like a joke to the rest of the world, and a Trump presidency could make our reputation unrecoverable.
Ethan Gutierrez
Take a shot of vodka for every post calling you a shill
Brody Hughes
Cooking the polls like this doesn't make any sense unless they completely control the voting machines. They'd just turn people off from voting towards the election because 'hillary has it in the bag' and they wouldn't see an urgent need to get out and vote.
The reality is that they're inflating poll numbers so that when the votes come around and hillary has only won by a few % people won't question where all the votes came from. If things look suspect later, they'll just point at all these polls and say 'look, the polls said she was winning even better than she won!'
Hunter Gutierrez
>this desperation
Is it really that hard to think that a country with a 40% minority population really doesn't want to vote in a person who consistently badmouths minorities and threatens their quality of life.
When you factor in women, are you really surprised most women aren't interested in voting for a thrice-married playboy with a history of saying horrible, denigrating things about them?
Sup Forums is an echochamber. You don't know how most people think in our democracy.
Caleb White
I never thought Trump had a slightest chance when he started blaming all our problems on oppressed minorities. These people are already discriminated on a daily basis, do you think they would ever accept a president who does it too?
America has a changing demographic, and that demographic is not white. The democrats know this and therefore have a proper platform that is appealing to ALL americans. Not just to white people.
Trump has some good ideas, but in the end his platform is divisive. This country doesn't need division right now, we need to come together and solve our problems in unity. Clinton made this clear in her speech at the DNC and that's why she is surging in the polls while Trump is falling deeper and deeper into the abyss.
Colton Wright
Sage goes in all fields. Shill thread ignore and carry on POL
Colton Bailey
You don't agree so you cry "shill! shill! shill! shill!". Typical pol. You're as bad as liberals when it comes to facing opposing views. There really is no difference between the alt-white and progressives is there?
Jonathan Allen
Man, if I was so easily turned on a dime that I started to side with a fucking murderer I'd kill myself.
Seriously, Hillary is a criminal. Any person I talk to who is a Hillary supporter, I ask them why they support a fucking criminal. Generally, they can't give a response.
Michael Green
Vote for Johnson
Thomas Lee
She was investigated and cleared by the FBI. The literal FBI said she wasn't a criminal. What more evidence do you want?
Dominic Cooper
The FBI literally detailed actions that they fully admitted that she did, and those actions are very, very clearly criminal actions. Negligence in such a high position would have carried an indictment with anyone else, but because it's Hillary she got off for no fucking reason.
What do I want? I want justice, I want there to be a fucking standard, I want my president to not be described by the FBI as "extremely careless". I want the leader of our country to know how to do their job. I want them to not have a million dirty dealings going on behind the scenes. There's been so much shit on her coming out, the donations from foreign countries, the fact that she even hid emails, Jane Lynch meeting her in secret, the constant media blackouts on things that should at the very least be looked at by mainstream media while they're busy talking about how he ate fried chicken with a fork and a knife.
As an american, she pisses me off taking money from foreign countries and acting like she's going to get money out of politics. As a tranny, she pisses me off, pretending to be an LGBTQLMNOP ally and taking money from foreign countries who execute gays. She's a monster, a certified monster, who used her political power to ruin the lives of the women that claimed Bill was sexually harassing them.
The fact that the DNC rallies behind a killer, a monster, a criminal is fucking sickening. The fact that she's likely going to win is even more sickening. The fact that a single person, after we've seen everything that she's done, and how much more shit we'd be at risk for if she becomes the leader of our nation is something I just don't want to believe, but at least now I'm no longer struggling with the idea that the DNC is an entirely amoral party that doesn't care about any set of standards or the welfare of the people. They're all disgusting pieces of filth, and nothing is more clear to me now.
James Murphy
>I don't think she is anywhere near the evil super villain Sup Forums tries to paint her to be
Yes she fucking is, fuck off cunt you don't know shit. They're all fucking villians you shill cunt. I hope they kidnap a child relative of yours for their cannibal rape parties
Thomas Jones
God damn the shilling is so intolerable
Adam Price
Nothing will. Their lives will be exactly the same, as always, if not worse, with little chance at any improvement for them, their kids, or their grandkids. No change for the better. And it will be back to business as usual in Washington. So, still think Donald Trump is some “God-sent” Savior of the average American Joe and Jane? I think time and reality will prove he is not. And all those who trust in him will be left once again holding the bag. By every measure of human well-being, today is the best time to be alive on Earth. More nations are freer, the trend Is toward a less violent world with fewer wars, people overall are wealthier, healthier, have more access to health care, are better educated, teen birth rates are at record lows, unemployment is under 5%, and technology is truly amazing. All this talk of gloom and doom is simply wrong. It is time to be upbeat about America, for there is nothing wrong with our nation that cannot be cured by what is right with our nation. We already are great and have been for 240 straight years. America headed in the wrong direction?
Very Respectfully,
Michael Schumacher (202) 523-6267 Correct The Record 13908 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99216
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Evan Price
Adrian Collins
Xavier Nguyen
>switching sides because one is losing.
The sign of a cuck.
Ethan Hernandez
>waaaah my shitpost isnt getting baited responses waaah
Shill cuck
Carter Roberts
>having to go back to october when JEB! was the favorite to find a slope high enough to make the trend negative for hillary AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Mason Cox
Turns out political correctness is A Thing.
Benjamin Gonzalez
>I am willing to comprimise on my principles and goals for the election cycle because the media told me too >Also I'm voting for a criminal
At least vote for an honest idiot, like Jill Stein, Mickey Mouse. Hillary is a criminal.
Christopher Murphy
Christopher Torres
Under this kind of logic the KKK never lynched anyone during Jim Crow.