

>>brace yourself


Welcome to the ashlands, if you do not reply to this post, then you will forever be n'wah

Good news! If all those red states become a wasteland, they will guarantee that a Democrat wins the presidency each time. Then we'll be able to have a true socialist utopia.

Workers of the world, unite!

Mormons were almost our only hope for white birthrates. Now all we have are the amish

Good thing it wont destroy anything important

Says who?


Stop getting my hopes up, UP.

nothing will happen and kek isnt real

something is going to happen on august 14th but it's not yellowstone 2 b h f a m

>California remains untouched
We are we here, just to suffer?

No, they have a monitoring station and have current condition normal. But it will erupt one day.


it only counts if you Kek when you check. Not after.

>tfw heavily armed refugees take all your stuff and the cops/military are too busy to save your liberal ass.

Kill yourself desu

Don't worry the big quake will get us, that will probably active the volcanoes here too, we will get a triple threat. Quake, followed by possible Tsu, and maybe waking up dormant volcanoes.

Hopefully it happens where all the globalists are, they usually gather in central cali around SF.

Yeah nah just a bunch of fertile land no biggie.

Stupid S'wit.

>the big quake will get us
Hey thanks for the optimism user

That's where White Nationalists want to build a White homeland after the US balkanizes due to ethnic conflict.

and nothing of value was lost


God I miss that game

I've always wondered why we cant drill down to the caldera and slowly release the pressure so it doesn't build up into an ultra eruption.

Because the geysers around it already do that.

California will have millions of new republican voters

Why can't it hit Commiefornia?

i wish this was real

the world needs a new ice age to reset things

But conservatives don't believe in science. They're the ones who deny global warming and believe in creationism. What makes you think they'd listen to the warnings from geologists?

Thank goodness California will be untouched except for Modoc county.

Good, I hope it fucking kills ben garrison

Wealth beyond measure, outlander.

Im at Yellowstone now and if it goes it's going to wipe out 1/6 of the Chinese population. The whole park is over run with these nondriving motherfuckers. Christ what's with these people, I'm more worried about getting killed by their driving then the place blowing up

No, it's not.

Based chink

What is his name?

Ah, yes.

>Literally destroys all the non important states


Speak quickly outlander or go away.

Fuck off shills. That's where white America is

Mournhold. City of light. City of magic!

Wow, it would be a paradise. No more White privilege. No more senseless police shootings. A society in which black lives DO matter. In other words, paradise.

>A society in which black lives DO matter
It's not ripping a hole in space and revealing a new dimension.

Something else is going to happen on that date

Luckily I'm out of the zone.

Oh look, another prophetic video from a schizophrenic who knows secrets nobody else does.

These videos are posted constantly with pretty much the exact same content but a different soundtrack. They do it for views and subscribers and dumbasses like OP keep falling for it.

>tfw dying to super volcano is your worst fear

So if I'm in the secondary ash zone, does that mean that I can haul ass to safety?

Good, hurry up and fuck off America.

where did you get that picture from

You realize the ash well make it all around the world, right?


it will happen

I will listen, Outlander, but be quick.

Being in Denver I sincerely hope so.


Pick one


blow it out your ass, faggot.

Sup Forums has been promising me Happenings for years and nothing ever fucking happens.

Why walk when you can ride?

Its time Yellowstone.

Let it all out.

>mfw live on the very coast of SC

I win

patience. happenings only come to those that wait.

>Country's breadbasket gets rekt.

Lol nope. Ever read/seen The Road?

We're watching you, scum

I imagine yellowstone blowing would seriously fuck up the san andreas fault. You will get some, trust me. California will be destroyed most likely.

>Just out of range
>Get to watch a lot of chaos first hand without being in actual dangers.

Just gotta worry about the chimp outs.

ashland pls, I'm in Wales.

it will happen

>chimp outs
>when the effected area of yelllowstone is 95% white

this is the 2012 meme all over again

they should make a movie about it

Yellow stone blowing could trigger a major earthquake on the San an fault

how the fuck is alaska not in the killzone. this is bullshit

Dear god I'd hate to be a scaleslave or snow nigger. Praise Vivek

Seen any elves?



Breadbasket is a meme. The vast majority of food grown in flyover states is used for animal feed. The produce that's eaten by people is grown in coastal states.

>Sup Forums butthurt trump is losing more than ever
>yellowstone erupt guise
>to fucking dumb to know it would rekt the conservative areas the most

Goddamn you fags are pathetic.

Oh please. Last year you idiots had the same stupid predictions about a financial collapse in September and NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED.



The whites will survive, the dindus will starve. From the ashes will arise a new and stronger white America

>whites will survive meme

Pick one

Any secondaries? assuming the energy released from yellowstone is enough to kill a whole state, whats stopping it from triggering massive earthquakes, especially here in california along the san andreas fault?


I hear this every year and you know what's going to happen? The same thing that happened last year. NOTHING.

Could san andreas also happen so cali would go up too?

>The whitest part of the country will be affected the most

Count only the happy hours, outlander.

Of course it isn't.

>imports /k/ threads
well memed boys

I just wish if the volcano happens it takes most of Commifornia with it and perhaps Arizona and New Mexico. Texas and Chicago are long shots.


>whites won't survive meme
Obviously a lot of us will die however I'd put my money on small rural white communities or even larger ones over inner cities full of dindus that don't have more than a weeks worth of food on hand at any time. Once the food runs out after a month or two and the growing seasons are so short that crop yields can't sustain the rest of the country, the white farmers and hunters will far out last the inner city nigs and spics

and nothing of value was lost

Fuck you

It would devastate the entire nation.

Like a phoenix rising from ashes. It'd also be fertile soil.

Be nice

>tfw you didn't live during mt st helens eruption

Fuck you the volcano will blow August 14th

906 ftw