Is China a paper tiger?

>no centralized joint command
>training is 30% Marxist indoctrination, 20% marching
>airforce built in the 1960s
>better nutrition means soldiers are outgrowing guns and tanks
>have to spend most of the budget on reconfiguring equipment
>communist party literally sells military office
>no combat experience to speak of
>only ally is North Korea

Could these fags even beat Taiwan? Why doesn't everyone just drive them out of the South China Sea?

Other urls found in this thread:

>unlimited amounted of $$/men

Their Industrial capacity and manpower make them a significant threat in any protracted war. Open war with china would have to be fucking swift and brutal or else they'd just zerg hard as fuck.


They have sheer numbers of soldiers on their side.

And they spend less money on the military and welfare programs, so they have more money for shit like bullet trains and buses that go over the other cars on the road. While American infrastructure crumbles because we spend too much on military and welfare.

they do have a joint command now.
if anything would cause them to fail it's the massive corruption

Well, just BTFO then sue for peace.

Chris, pls go


A lot of its economy ended up going the way ours did, too much debt and credit.

It's actually going through a 2008 moment right now, after its stock market crash last summer. The Chinese tiger is fracturing.

As for its military, yeah its big but it's not cutting edge. It's navy also leaves something to be desired.

It can't wage war abroad without a good navy and air force. Having large reserves of canon fodder at this point is irrelevant, war is much more intelligent now.

Modern air force, navy, special forces and robust intelligence and cyber warfare divisions is what will decide outcomes in the 21st century.

China is good at hacking, but the rest is woefully lacking.

So yeah, it's a paper tiger.

Surely there are enough bullets to mow down any zerg rush. These are humans and will break eventually

Their abundant natural resources, formidable industrial base, and large population is what makes China a threat. I think that the United States could still win in a conventional war, but it would be a long bloody war of attrition.

But keep in mind that China has a strategic arsenal of 260 nuclear weapons. It's estimated that as little as 100 simultaneous nuclear detonations would be enough to plunge the planet into a nuclear winter, so avoiding war would probably be a good idea.

Probably because Chinese will literally do any job to make money
All those little shits care about is making money, even their poor people

They'd drain us to death just in sheer numbers. A war with china would be a war both sides would lose.

>Their abundant natural resources, formidable industrial base, and large population is what makes China a threat.
If China was was a westernized country, that would actually be a threat, but China is more likely to collapse into feudalism again.

That's what Germany thought about Russia, What Japan thought about the USA

Manpower and production wins wars between industrial nations. The higher tech weaponry of the developed west and most of it's east asian allies will fuck up any military at the outset of a war, but if the lines stabilize the side that can roll the most tanks, artillery, helicopters and aircraft, over the line will most likely win.

Barring a number of other factors like strategic weapons like nukes and who's navy's get sunk first of course..

>if the lines stabilize

nah, their schools are all run like military training camps, they are ready as fuck to fight

west cuck children would get fucking owned

t. English teacher who worked in smelly toilet state capitalist china

wow deluded bong about to have a civil war talks shit about massive country of angry peasants. You're the paper tiger m8, with your army that is now smaller than the germans allowed vichy france

keep projecting though abdooolah

china is a filthy toilet, but they'd BTFO of anyone but the USA

I'm inclined to agree with this. China made a fatal mistake rushing to become a capitalist powerhouse. It's the same mistake both it and Russia made when they made their great leaps forward.

The problem with China now is its population is declining but it has built entire cities that are empty.

Its gone through more concrete in a few years than America did in the entire 20th century.

And most fatally, it is believed they have polluted up to 80% of their fresh water.

They won't be able to cope with the inevitable water stress of the future if that is the case. And without enough fresh water, they cannot hope to become a functional, self sufficient industrial power.

Just because I'm explaining China's situation, doesn't mean I have any delusions about ours.

Why do you assume that? Use your head.

It's one thing to have a million man army which can march over landmass like the Russians.

It's an entirely different thing to do so over water.

Furthermore China geographically is effectively an Island. It badly need a constant supply of resources to function. Any protracted war against a foe runs the risk of it being starved out.

I'd love to see how the one child policy will effect Chinese feelings about casualties. Given that their society has families relying on their sole successor to keep them alive at old age. Love to see how important some made made Islands would to the Chinese then.

China has been conquered tons of times throughout history. Whenever someone invades China, then all the chinks start bickering with other, which makes things a lot easier for the invaders.

Load of shit you sheep fucking cunt. Comparing modern military to WW1 military by manpower is exactly the level of knowledge on force projection I'd expect from a fellow kamikaze Gallipoli-zergling.

America could never win a land war....EVER. In fact they never have won a land war.

The only upper hand they have over China is air power.

America has superior air power, quality of its army and special forces, navy and intelligence operations.

China is too big to conquer, but America could win against them in a military dispute.

Nuclear winter was a hysteric exaggeration. Once scientists actually modeled the weather changes, they found that the changes in temperature were small.

Oh look a leaf that doesn't know any better

Yes but China still posses the ability to kill 40 Million Americans if it did an all out first strike. Now this would of course be at the cost of over a billion Chinese as the US poses two orders of magnitude more nuclear weapons.

I mean, we won the Civil war. And the Mexican/American war. And the Indian Wars.

Are you saying poor people shouldn't care about their financial position?

>buses that go over the other cars on the road
It's also one of the dumbest ideas ever.

I'm convinced that if they actually went to war, half their troops would desert and half of their war machines would fall apart as soon as they turn on.

There is no culture in the world quite like the Chinese when it comes to "Fuck everyone else, I'm doing everything I can to get ahead".

The factories that make their equipment are probably rife with bribed inspectors and employees who steal material to resell later.

You hear of maneating escalators and that's a fucking escalator. It's not terribly complicated.

They're paper tiger as fuck.

spotted the chink

Can you imagine what would happen if they tried to launch their nukes? At least half would probably detonate in their silos.

There is always desalination of seawater.

True, problem with that is its incredibly energy intensive.

If the Chinese are the Zerg, and the Americans are the Terrans, who are the Protoss?

They'll just buy all the water in British Columbia for something like 10 cents a gigalitre because the BC government apparently loves the taste of Chinese cock.


While China's military is largely inexperienced and outdated, they have a colossal fuckton of cannon fodder.
European militaries are shrinking to dangerously small levels.
If China can blitzkrieg a couple million through Europe and gain a strong foothold, the US will need to save their collective asses again.
Sacrificing a couple million in a country of 1.5 billion would actually help them.

China has been sprouting coal power plants like mushrooms lately. Plus they're building hydroelectric dams everywhere. If anyone's going to have a power shortage it's going to be the USA thanks to tree-hugging hippies.

Absolutely. Every libtard I know thinks China would be some big threat and Trump should watch out cuz "hes poking a hornets nest". China rocks cold war tech and our only problem would be running out of bullets to shoot them with.

>people actually voted for Bernie Sanders, who demanded a carbon taxes and to take logistics trucks off of the highways

>Centralized Joint Command

>Airforce built in the 60s
Wrong, go look up the J-10, J-11s,J-15,J-16, J-20s and Recent Russian Sukhoi Imports

>better nutrition means soldiers are outgrowing guns and tanks
Again, intellectually disingenuous

>have to spend most of the budget on reconfiguring equipment
>communist party literally sells military office
>only ally is North Korea

All BS, conjectures and American groupthink propaganda, try again when you can actually prove your claims.

>no combat experience to speak of
This is only valid point.
Russia had Chechen.
US had Iraq/Afghan/Yugoslavia.
But they are all fighting vastly inferior
opponents with obsolete equipment, instead of
near-parity opponents. Current military dogma in
America trains Troops to counter
insurgencies/guerrilla tactics, not cold war
style, Shock and Awe. So every major power is
even in this aspect of 'Cbt exp'.

Pretty weak and unsubstantiated points, as expected from a Burger

Everyone? Anyone who's anybody is making a lot of money over there. The flips and ASEAN sure as hell aren't less incapable.

you're just an angry little stormnigger who realizes that you need Trump's Pro Israel America or China is going to serve your little bitch ass in the South China Sea if you try to start shit.

Cry more, stormnigger

>China rocks cold war tech

they could stretch that pretty far though. A few Yiddish peasants with similar equipment became the most powerful military in the region with ease

Pretty sure that they are even more incompetent.
The only 'relevant' military forces in ASEAN are
Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. And even
they have their 'moments' but unlikely China,
they are not purging their corrupt generals.

>>better nutrition means soldiers are outgrowing guns and tanks
>modern china can into nutrition
this is actually fucking scary
before we only had to deal with 10000000000000s of tiny imps Zerg Rushing us with tiny guns and tanks
100000000000000s of regular sized men is actually fucking terrifying.

How exactly do they expect to live without modern civilization?

No, but it is deceiving. China controls a large portion of the global economy, so they could weaponize it to their advantage. China's military, the People's Liberation Army, is the largest military in the world. However, their military equipment is outdated and the military is filled with corruption. In the end, a war with China would be devastating.

All secondary school students are forced to do 10 days of military training when they start high school.

Their lives are heavily regimented, they are force fet shittons of propaganda (Nationalist) every single day.

They would even spontaneously sing songs in class just for the hell of it, all together. Each class had a team leader who would make sure everyone was singing.

They are just waiting for an enemy.

Its all about the fight in the dog.


>America could never win a land war....EVER.
America's wars have had one odd thing in common. Occupation. We always have had interests, something to gain, behind the significant military conflicts post-WW2. Eventually we had to stop using our own boys to set up democracies :^)

Now what if we didn't act like jews?

Wouldn't we just long-range bomb them with a good ol not-really-genocidal-but-cut-em-down-to-size-eh bloody wrath? The means we have to do so must be enormous compared to the Chinese means. We have bases around the globe. We would rule the seas. Fuck them and their land, turn them into char and glass.

they actually believe that oil will be obsolete soon and solar energy is the way of the future. I have an uncle who drives a tesla and is real preachy about that kind of shit

Nuclear is the future.
You must be high as fuck to justify current solar costs

>Its all about the fight in the dog.
Of which there is none.

In the West there's the attitude of "People only do things if they want to", so if people do things, you generally assume they want to.
But in China, you have to jump through a lot of hoops, like you've said.
But they don't give a shit.
What they do/say has little impact on what they really want.

Even considering war with China is only something Islamist Hillary would consider.

China will soon have the most Xtians in the world, and also invests heavily in Israel. They BTFO of mudslimes without giving a fuck.

Chinese are not intimidated by muslims in the least.

Its corrupt, and smelly, but its retarded to make out like China is the new Nazi Germany. It isnt

We will still be using oil 1000 years from now.

I'm not. But many deluded people here in the states do

They said the samething about Soviet Russia. In the modern world it doesn't matter how good an Army is it only matters if you can throw endless men at a problem until the other side exhauts itself and thats just the fucking truth.

Chinese military is still decades out of date, but they have enough numbers (not just of troops, but shitloads of missiles) to still be a regional power that can bully all but the strongest players.

No, he is saying they have no principles, morals, or anything really. They exist to make money, and when they stop being poor, they keep it up.

Not far enough. America has got the real toys cruising the pacific and enough of em to completely facewash the chinks. Half hoping Japan sheds US mil support (however unlikely) and raises a standing army great enough to rival China. Then wipe the floor with em. Admittedly, just dont like the Chinese in general, got a good deal of bias against em.

this. I laugh whenever someone says we're running out

another angry little stormnigger who is mad because Chinese are buying up your land, your country, are buying up Canada.

As they crack down on mudshits, your pathetic islamist PM is encouraging them.

You're really talking about canada, a north american Sweeden

as your muslim friends would say

"die in your rage"

As someone said before, mass infantry is no longer as viable as it was in the past thanks to technological advances. Don't get me wrong, infantry is and always will be a staple, but mass fodder is not what it used to be.

China is around the same level as 80s America.
Once the new shit starts spouting out, like their 'Aegis' destroyers, 'Kilo'-level Subs and J-20 Stealth Jets. it might rock the boat quite a bit.
Their focus on scramjet/hyperglide and Ballistic Missiles might even the playing field though, esp. if they are well-versed in electronic warfare.

This leaf gets it.

Leave the trolling to your more experienced neighbors, Kiwi

the chinese diaspora infests the USA, infests the Western World. If they wanted to fuck us up, they would, without having to do so much as fire a missile.

As the Art of War tells us

"Better than winning 100 battles is to win 1 battle without fighting".

China will be a most excellent ally of Israel, will be a most excellent ally of the West.

This CG is terrible, all the soldiers have the same face!

I resent that Trump always gets the "Islamophobe" label when both China and Japan discriminate against Muslims much worse than anybody in the west does

We've been gobbling up all of their best and brightest for 50 years. Their capacity for research is pretty much nonexistent. They basically cargo cult western practices and hope it'll all work out for them the same way it did for us, without ever even trying to learn anything in the process. Those huge computers they keep building? They're at under 10% utilization because they don't even know what to do with them. For reference, big non-classified machines in the US are pretty much all at 90+% utilization.

Without a proper research arm, they basically have to buy or steal any kind of real advancement. Whatever insane super weapons based on particle physics or something even stranger that the US government is sitting on with a raging boner to one day unleash, China has some guns and shitty Russian hand-me-down planes.

People really overestimate China to be honest.

cry more stormnigger.

As my last Chinese flatmate said "Youtai guy is very smart"

(youtai = Jewish).

She's right too, we are. We know our friends from our enemies, you fucking muslim shitcan.

>Australian shitposting at its finest.

shekels deposited

its always been running out since the first day it was pumped up. the trick is to get the hard to reach stuff that is expensive to drill out. Processing the heavy crude stuff is also expensive, but eventually we will move to electric cars, more likely the electricity need to charge the batteries produced by nuclear reactors.

oh and fuck china

>and buses that go over the other cars on the road
like driving in China already wasn't a hazard

China MUST be brought to heel, but once they know you mean business, they can be great friends.

There are a lot of people like this Eternal Leafposter who think that if you don't hate China, then you are a slave of China.

Trump knows that you meet Strength with Strength. He will be a fantastic president of the Free World, and will bring China and Russia to heel, and will make allies from them.

He will intimidate them into joining us in our crusade against the stormnigger mudslimes. Trump is a very smart man.

>Can't even move their army more than 200 miles
They're a paper tiger only when it comes to long range invasions; they'll never be able to invade America, but they're the powerhouse in Asia and can probably have a larger influence in the Middle East if they wanted to

Pretty sure you are talking more about the USA than China.

Nice to show your insecurity, Burger

>Whatever insane super weapons based on particle physics or something even stranger that the US government is sitting on with a raging boner to one day unleash, China has some guns and shitty Russian hand-me-down planes.

Kek, Isn't that what the Russians keep saying about their own military?

found another chink

This is a stormnigger containment board. I don't mind that at all.

Better you let off steam here rather than do anything that might be harmful to Israel or the West.

In fact, we even got some of you to shill for Trump, to shill for Israel.

some Chinese politicians think China is strong enough but not enough against america so they keep pumping money into Military more and more

China declares on War in the future but target is unknown. the nations around China should prepare for something. X day is approaching day by day

Putin already respects Trump and is ready to work with him as a president. It will be a great partnership

lel you dumb cunt if australia gets btfo by china YOU get btfo as well

new zealand is australia

The ME is a deathtrap though
Dunno why you Americans keep advocating ME policy (Prolly becuz of 'Best' Allies, Israel/Saudi)

A few hundred detonations would be a blip, a decent volcano would put that to shame.

Keep crying stormnigger, Israel grows larger each and every day.

Thanks Obama ;)

I actually hope China gets their shit together. A few generations of eugenics would fix all their problems. On the other hand, I don't think the Japanese are suited to ruling Asia at all. Too insular and quirky to manage billions of people. Their imperial age was a fluke, and it showed. Unfortunately, they got a couple of nukes for their trouble, which seems unfair in retrospect.

>China MUST be brought to heel, but once they know you mean business, they can be great friends.
Threadly reminder

Only point I would disagree with is that the US military primary training is conventional warfare not COIN. Coin is something trained later to adapt to current battlefield needs. From the MI to Cav, almost all of the battle drills are on old style conventional warfare. This at least is in the context of army and marines. I can't speak in regards to air and navy

I could easily see the North and South splitting during a war. The South is way more tied to the West and would most likely be inclined to break away and support the West. Just because it is one land mass does not mean the people really are unified.

Why would we fight our biggest trading partners?

Conversely, why would they fight us?

Doesn't make sense

Exactly. Trump knows the Art of War. The best way to defeat your opponent is to become so powerful that they join you.

>Pretty sure you are talking more about the USA than China.
My claims are pretty specific to China. It's actually kind of bewildering you could claim otherwise.

You totally owned me with that smug anime face though.

I meant it only as showing how far their military strength could reach and the countries covered in the range that they could defeat, they can't project over the ocean, but they can move across land (I suspect)

fuck off mudslime, Chinks will be helping us remove you

They don't have force projection capabilities. They have a giant Army with no means of transporting them large distances across the globe.

This, it would take thousands of nukes to do a lot. 100 would have less impact than a medium sized volcano.The earth is a very large place and in the while scheme of things a nuke is very small.

They have numbers and industry on their side. That's what won WW2 for the Allies, after all.