Rejoice, Sup Forums, we are winning!

Hopefully most of you understand the sheer desperation of the American left right now in their quest to stump the Trump.

They're so low on ammo, they have to start getting "experts" to say how Trump is mentally unstable, they dissect how he eats his fast food, etc. - all pointing toward the end of the Hillary campaign's ability to even REMOTELY compete for the months ahead.

They're almost out of ammo, no longer are they firing at us with .45 cal. shots, this is pure BB gun action going on, and it's glorious.

Yes, we have do deal with CTR shills constantly, but isn't it nice to know that they are focusing ALL their resources on us right now and it's doing no good at all?

I hear next week, they're getting Koko the Gorilla for a CNN interview to show in sign language why Trump is an evil Nazi who wants to nuke the planet. Maybe that'll be the final stumping they've been after.

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NIce Dubs
Funny how you claimed they were shooting with .45 calibers yet they wouldn't have the slightest idea what that i guess let's ban it?

Remember this though Doubs master...Bill Clinton's death is their final card...lets hope it has the same little effect Joe Commie Cox's death was to the Brexit Campaign

TRUMP 2016

I still hold true to the belief that Hillary might even croak before Bill. So many signs that something's wrong with her physically for serious ailments (see hole in tongue pic related), I just wonder who will take the lead if she dies before November. Does her VP pick go for it when nobody knows him? Or, do the dems re-roll on their loser chart for the next failure to prop up?


All the shilling they did here was just a minor annoyance against months of pure memetic power

Reminder that Tongue Biospies are last resort when a round of antibitocs fail to treat the cause and the doctor is stumped over the cause behind the tongue problem whether it be viral, bacterial, fungi, or cancerous in nature.

>they have to start getting "experts" to say how Trump is mentally unstable

That's how they destroyed Barry Goldwater back in 1964.


Exactly. Why would they even bother covering how awful Trump is and how unfit he is of he was really losing by 15 points? They'd just laugh at him and say it's over.


>Why would they even bother



If a candidate is getting crushed, the other party typically just rolls on the momentum and doesn't need to focus all efforts on demoralization and such.

I just want to make sure the troops always keep this in mind - I'm sure most of the "G-guys, is he really losing?" stuff of late has just been more shilling, but for anyone who has been on this train since it left the station, there's no getting off of it now, full steam ahead!


I guess doctors can't detect demonic possession.

I'll just leave this here.

Who's this "we"? Nigger, if this was a "we" I'd be getting paid too.

Cuck the Record doxxed
And stalked
Not to mention their utter failure to win any converts, and the ones that accidentally the whole red pill

Call CTR for your deposits, if that's what you're after. I ain't got nothin' for you, man.

>That's how (((they))) destroyed Barry (((Goldwater))) back in 1964.
No, Jew Barry Goldwater destroyed himself when he co-opted papist Bill Buckley to marginalize the role of protestant goyim, like the John Birch society, in the Republican party. Goldwater was a jobber, just like McCain or Romney, plain and simple.

Delete your Sup Forums pass.

Hahahaha the trumptards STILL think they can win.

I guess they really wont realize their stupidity until its all over.

Even then they will claim "sh-s-she cheated!!!"



If this is winning I'd sure hate to see losing

meme all you want. your memes wont save you in november.

tell me, what will you do when he loses?

O̲n̲l̲y̲ ̲u̲s̲e̲r̲s̲ ̲w̲i̲t̲h̲ ̲a̲ ̲4̲c̲h̲a̲n̲ ̲G̲o̲l̲d̲™̲ ̲p̲a̲s̲s̲ ̲c̲a̲n̲ ̲r̲e̲a̲d̲ ̲t̲h̲i̲s̲ ̲p̲o̲s̲t̲.̲

How do I get a gold pass?


>O̲n̲l̲y̲ ̲u̲s̲e̲r̲s̲ ̲w̲i̲t̲h̲ ̲a̲ ̲4̲c̲h̲a̲n̲ ̲G̲o̲l̲d̲™̲ ̲p̲a̲s̲s̲ ̲c̲a̲n̲ ̲r̲e̲a̲d̲ ̲t̲h̲i̲s̲ ̲p̲o̲s̲t̲.̲

Spot the circles.

Tell me please?

O̲n̲l̲y̲ ̲u̲s̲e̲r̲s̲ ̲w̲i̲t̲h̲ ̲a̲ ̲4̲c̲h̲a̲n̲ ̲G̲o̲l̲d̲™̲ ̲p̲a̲s̲s̲ ̲c̲a̲n̲ ̲r̲e̲a̲d̲ ̲t̲h̲i̲s̲ ̲p̲o̲s̲t̲.̲


dang, son (of God)

>this post is only visible by gold users. buy gold to be able to see it


What always puzzles me is that they're willing to "psychoanalyze" Trump based on his speeches.

Any clinical psychologist would lost their license for diagnosing someone they have not met and spent an adequate time with based on the standard code of ethics. It's literally enough to result in not being able to practice anymore, but of course it's journalists... People who don't even have a rudimentary understanding of either psychology or ethics.

Are people just not ready for the Donald?

Kind of sad that the only reason you get all the CTR related insults is because the candidate you like actually caused the insult in the first place. She's the only one who literally hired shills. Don't get mad at anyone here, get mad at the fact your ideology supports this shit that results in you getting called out for "correcting the record."



>Trump down in the polls and trending down further
>we are winning!

trumpcucks in the denial and self-delusion phase

fug looks like I'm #AutisticLikeHillary

she got the autistic community vote now

i just want to find a pretty girl who hates niggers as much as i do, is that too much to ask for?

Watch it fgts

Excellent thread OP, and checked
Hillary is throwing all she has at Trump and so far nothing has worked except with the #NeverTrump kids
Nobody is even talking about Pizr Khan anymore
Hillary has endless scandals and lies, Trump will just unload all of it in commercials, at rallies, and in the debates
Theres no question

This is the will of Jakub, not your false kek meme

OP y u lie?

Let's not get complacent either. Yes, the polls are probably bullshit but it's better if we know that we have a hard fight ahead of us. The Democrats don't just want to beat Trump, they want to absolutely crush and humiliate him.

Trump will start race war. He is of the KKK


>two cents have be deposited into your account

Honestly that thing with the baby showed something odd going through his head at the moment. Makes me wonder if he's been stressed over something lately.

>Hopefully most of you understand the sheer desperation of the American left right now in their quest to stump the Trump.

>implying drumpf isnt stumping himself
prove me wrong
you cant

Being real, he probably is down in the polls, just not nearly the extent that is being displayed.

As long as he kills her in the debates while remaining relatively composed he'll be fine.

Best elections so far?
I bet demoshits dont know old canadian proverb: "If you fight your enemies they win"

The trinity is a meme, there arent 3 gods
God is one.

>Can't understand the Trinity
You're supposed to be Aryan, not Arian.
Let's say "Triangle A" is one entity. You point at any of the different colored three sides, and yet it will still fully be "Triangle A", regardless of outward appearance.

What's the story here?

The longer GOP don't disavow Trump, they more they will be fucked.

Right in here

so God is a triangle.