How come your news is so blatantly biased? Every time I see this, they are attacking Donald Trump. They do not even try to hide it either. Who owns his news company?
What is the best station to actually watch news on in the states?
How come your news is so blatantly biased? Every time I see this, they are attacking Donald Trump...
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But don't people joke on how fox is the worst? Is it true that maybe people joke because they don't want people knowing it is really the best?
Fox has always been Republican and because of this, it has been ridiculed during the last 8 years of the Democrats being in power.
They are under court under air anti-trump propaganda.
CNN is owned by Time Warner, who has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Clinton for the past ten years.
>your news
That makes sense then. Thank you Canada
Hannity has been pretty good lately.
>people say fox is the worst
By people you mean the other news stations and "comedians." Obviously Fox has its biases but they're not any more biased than other channels.
Agreed. Him and O'Reilly. Never thought id prefer these 2 over the other news networks but this election really makes me shfink.
CNN has always been horseshit, it's Ted Turner/Jane Fonda's personal propaganda network.
When I was 12yrs old I rememeber the LA riots, and CNN was fanning the flames and tossing gas on the fire every chance they got. They were one of the first bullshit 24/7 news orgs to hype every happening as hard as possible to get maximum coverage (money) for themselves.
There is no good visual news. You have to watch numerous networks and piece together what narrative they are trying to force you. Print news, it's much easier to spot the agenda as they cannot use visual propaganda to manipulate the viewer.
Read the Wall Street Journal, it's the only semi legit paper left. Also read another foreign publication, one drastically different
>What is the best station to actually watch news on in the states?
None. It's all a psyops and brainwashing. Fox is controlled opposition.
You have to get your news from online articles. Generally they put less effort into text and it's also easier to filter out bias (no tone, music, images, etc. to bias you).
Get your news online. Watching MSM is just giving permission to be brainwashed.
So would people call pol a good news source? After least when there are no shills?
the actual news portions of fox are good
also fox business
primetime is all political opinions though
nahhhhhhh do your own research. That is the best way to do it.
As much as people meme about Ben Shapiro he is a good commentator I would listen to him.
Last couple of days there was a link on the front page for an opinion about Trump having a point about Khan. I wouldn't say they are attacking Trump "every time."
This. Fox Business is based and all the anchors love Trump. Also my newsfu is an anchor there
Yeah Fox news is pretty shit.
The funny thing is though, they had to essentially move towards a more moderate conservative bias when Trump started to run for election. Fox news played trump down as a loony when he first ran, but slowly had to start running more pieces promoting Trump when every other nominee dropped out of the race.
Didn't Khan capitalize on the fact that his son died in military? He does not seem like good dad.
I don't know that I would call Sup Forums a good news source (trolls trolling trolls).. But it's certainly better than anything else I've found.
I can say that Sup Forums has often made me aware of events days or weeks before a MSM picked up on it, and often given me more information too. Sup Forums does have a certain bias, but because it's not an organized agenda it's less concentrated and directed. You will never find a source without a bias though, so always be aware that whatever you are viewing is meant to influence you in some direction. But since Sup Forums will have sources posted from across all media outlets and the internet it balances out better than if you only watched any single network.
There are also A LOT of important issues and news that the MSM absolutely refuses to touch that I only learned about through Sup Forums. The people being assassinated around Hillary for example. The voter fraud being another.
Bonus: look up "Operation Mockingbird" to learn more about US media. All evidence points to this not actually having ended. In the early 2000's it came out that Military psyop's agents were interning at CNN.
>hundreds of thousands of dollars
seems like an understated amount...
Are these "donations" missing zeros, or something?
It's all they have left, cable TV is a dying delivery medium and advertising isn't cutting it for them
Really pay attention next time you watch the channel, all you will see is talking heads backing up other liberal media outlets. It's advertising 101
it's a circlejerk the likes of which put Sup Forums to shame, only they are hemorrhaging money by doing it nowadays, so. they are really going for the gusto, if you know what I mean
That Jeb picture. Holy KEK I must have missed that one.
I don't know how much pull he has these days, but Ted Turner did create the network.
He is well-known to be a flaming liberal.
Your pic contains lots of inaccuracies.
Does CNN even cover the news anymore?
If by news, you mean trumps Twitter, then yes
Nigga news should be read, it shouldnt be some prime time entertainment shit. And you should be looking at multiple perspectives or biases because you will never find a unbiased news source. After that you think, on your car ride to the office, while you run, in bed hungover, whatever and mske up your own mind. Tv news is a fucking joke that allows for no in depth analysis and is used specifically to gain more viewers and generate income.
Yeah, I thought so. Whenever I tune into CNN all they talk about is Trump. I wonder if anyone has kept count of how many times Trump's name is said within 24 hours on that channel.
I read yesterday that the US were legalizing govt propaganda (something banned for years) so we can expect our tax dollars to be used to keep these assholes afloat - Trump doesn't spend hundreds of millions on the media and it is hurting them badly - what if you could have an election with fair media reporting and no advertising?
They have no choice.
If they talked about shillary it would inform too many people about her corruption
>Who owns his news company?
The Jews/George Soros
>What is the best station to actually watch news on in the states?
RT or Infowars
Holy fuck, CNN.
Top stories:
Trump farted in my general direction.
Trump's DNA detected on half eaten McDonald's french fry.
Will Trump notice me?
Notice me Trump senpai.
CNN in the shitter can only depend on Trump for ratings.
RT is state controlled media bruh
But sometimes they are good
The only sources I trust anymore are InfoWars Drudge and Breitbart
and here i was thinking alcohol controlled my mind.
The big stuff is never above board. You know this.
Can't afford the WSJ :(
CNN is one of Hillary's top donors. Not kidding.
CNN is biased, but if you compare CNN to MSNBC and Fox, it is the least biased of the three.
Then update it. We've had the same one for years.
You don't need it. I got a subscription for awhile and barely read it.
CNN only looks unbiased to morons
>Defending CNN unironically
your kind is not welcome here
herro japan. I wub dee
Yeah, no shit.
All those email leaks showing collusion between the MSM and the Hillary campaign, and shit like this.
There's no denying it, leftists are a bunch of rats.
>How come your news is so blatantly biased?
>Didn't Khan capitalize
"Capitalize?" No clue. What does that have to do with the point or this thread?
I never said it wasn't biased, I did say that it's the least biased of the three, that ranges anywhere from hardly biased to extremely biased. MSNBC and Fox are extremely biased, with CNN only a step behind them. Still biased as fuck, and I don't watch that shit because of it.
Christ, can't blame you for wanting an easy win, but next time try reading what I fucking posted.
Trump is battling the entire media (CNN, ABC, NBC and Fox because he is upsetting the established Republican and Democrats that have been getting rich on putting up their establishment candidates to the American people. Trump has killed the dinner and dance crowd in DC and they don't like it because they only care about their wallets and to Hell with the average American citizen. Worked there and was disgusted by the lack of give a shit for the working family in the Bronx or in Indiana. they only care for themselves and could give a shit. Get out and vote !!!
One America News - OAN channel 616 on Verizon. They even play "Make America Great Again" between breaks.
The communists cells are finally awakening. That's what happening user.
It was started by Ted turner who lost to vince mcmahon in the Monday night wars. McMahon omos buddies with Trump, who attended numerous wrestlemanias, was part of a match, and is in the hall of fame. Ted is getting his revenge.
You are a liberal and don't realize it is the most biased because it panders to your school of thought
I can honestly see that the mainstream media in general is a disgusting mess, but the amount of time CNN devotes to insulting Americans, Race baiting, Fear mongering and Muckraking is just beyond reproach
You are wrong. CNN's bias is just more sinister and subtle. Fox and MSNBC are loud and proud but fox will at least give some semblance of balance. CNN will just sound unbiased while filling your head with evil communist propaganda that you aren't smart enough to see through.
That's fake.
100% this. CNN is the most subversive news outlet there is.
the comments on wsj are classic
What about CNBC?
Then you'll notice 3/4 people bashing Trump and 1 defending him most of the time on CNN.
Have you never seen Fox News, friend?
There is no Sup Forums.
PRAISE KEK and the freedom he so generously grants us with.
> Drudge
good news site
> Breibart
really biased, but they are honest in their reporting
> Infowars
Lol wut?
Drudge is the go to. Breitbart is sensationalist but decent because they have enthusiasm and conviction. InfoWars just for the grand conspiracy aspect. You just have to ignore the obvious crazy stuff but other than that they are often spot on
>it has been ridiculed during the last 8 years of the Democrats being in power.
It was ridiculed during Bush's presidency as well. Fox is shit.
This is true. As an addendum Fox IS the least biased at least as far as this election is concerned because they hate both candidates. If you watch it you'll notice they'll cover every Trump "scandal" like the other networks do, but they're the only ones which bring up Clinton's negative history.
Shut the fuck up faggot
I used to like some of the anchors, Don Lemon at the beginning gave Donald a decent shake at the start, now whenever I turn on the news, I just get angry. Like even the Republican panels are almost always half, or a 1/3rd anti-Trump.
CNN used to be less biased, but you only need to turn on their "news" to realize" the Clinton machine has moved in now.
>Not realizing that jewish media outlets are advocating controlled opposition.
I think this was most obvious when I watched their late night coverage on the RNC with Don Lemon, and they were talking about gay marriage, and not a single one of them were personally against gay marriage, they opposed the Supreme Court on "States Rights" issues.
jews own the media.
fox news is all irish guys, i believe
In January 2013, former NBCUniversal president Jeff (((Zucker))) replaced Jim Walton as president.
It's not just CNN. Yeah the "mainstream" media is mostly leftwing. They pretend to be moderate and slip in their propaganda, then when you recognize their bias they act like you're paranoid.
pic related is just a small sampling of the connections
It's the MOST biased of the three you fucking retard.
Have you seen Morning Joe? Have you seen Kelly Files??
I read WSJ.
Gives objective news and the commentaries are either centrist or right-leaning.
After seeing this, I am surprised blacks aren't siding with Trump.
Isn't ''FIGHT THE POWER" their usual M.O.?
I always side with the one disrupting the flow.
Fox News is owned by a jew (Rupert Murdoch) and has been operated by a jew (Roger Ailes) since its creation. It's Neocon propaganda. Israel has the full political spectrum of media covered, just like they own the full political spectrum of Congress. They run America.
It isn't just cable, it's all the local outlets as well.
It came as a great shock to everyone.
Fox is pretty tacky and low journalistic standards, just like CNN and MSNBC... just like 95% of American media.
This. You can barely trust them in trump they are just going to go along with it for ratings. They hate him deep down as evidenced by how often they denounce his controversial statements the same way everyone else does.
One other point. They tried to push every other republican candidate to stop Trump. Remember how hard they shilled Rubio? They never wanted Trump and they never will
Fox is the best by FAR, which is pretty much the equivalent of winning the gold medal in the retard Olympics.
one america news. there are bombings and earthquakes that happen everyday that you dont hear on any other news source other than pbs newshour. and they rarely ever talk about trump which is nice for a change
I actually enjoy the One America News Network. Instead of commercials, they run little infomercials on key figures in American history or the Bill of Rights. They also broadcast full Trump rallies.
Certain cable providers refuse to carry them so they must be good.
>They never wanted Trump and they never will
The disgusting realization that 'news networks' in the year 2016 are not in the service of objectively INFORMING people about happenings but instead they shape consciousness and manipulate according to their benefit or desires.
OAN is a low budget Fox News but I actually enjoy watching it. I prefer earnest amateurs to slick bullshitters.
Trust me I know it's fucking disgusting. I remember seeing reports of an email circulating from ailes/Murdoch or whoever literally saying "we can't do this Rubio thing anynore" around the time he began short circuiting
Always been that way, at least in America. Do a little research on Hearst and the shit he pulled, you might find it interesting.