This is sad

This is sad.

Please clap.

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Hello darkness my old friend

thread music for yeb

I like to walk by myself sometimes too. I feel for Yeb. He is one of us.

The torment just wont end for poor Yeb huh? Sad

This is honestly the saddest thing I've seen in weeks. That picture of him walking away is absolutely fucking heartbreaking.

>going out and about alone

Jeb may have been a mess, but he was our mess.

if jeb isnt your favorite 2016 presidential candidate you're a faggot

I feel bad for poor ol' Jeb. He, like his brother, seems like a genuinely nice guy.

this manchild really thought he could be president? just like his alpha brother and father? with a name like ¡jeb?

come on

I always like walking in the rain, so no one can see me crying
-Jeb Bush

He was playing Pokémon go you dolts.

It's sadder because we saw it all happen moment by moment.


nobody would ever post on twitter about running into jeb bush.

he paid that fucker to post it.



jeb is in our hearts now

that is what matters

may he and his guac rest in piece

We...we...we helped to make it happen...

We made it worse for him...

i miss Jeb

>I'm still alive
>I'm living my life
>I swear I'm alive

I'll miss Yeb with all my heart

Does he have a bandaid on his thumb also? Christ... I just wanna hug him and tell him it'll all be okay.

Jeb! was /r9k/, Trump is Sup Forums

How do people not like going on walks alone. it's on par with showering, so comfy to be at peace with just your thoughts.

yep really proves that you need someone to be bullied in a group for it to be fun.


I'm surprised he was out that late on q Tuesday night. He's low energy.

You start to feel bad for Jeb but then you remember that he would have been nothing more than a globalist puppet.

Late night guacbowl run.


wtf I love and miss jeb now

is it too late still?




his name is john yu fuck

john ellis bush

some one post the one where he is greeting people at a drive thru

and the gif where the guy says he might win his vote

:3 porr jeb. he would have been a great president.

>He's still looking for delegates

>with a name like ¡jeb?
His name is John. John Ellis Bush.


>Jeb is such an irrelevant cuck he doesn't even need bodyguards because any potential anti-Bush assassins think he's too pathetic to even waste their time on him

yes and believe or not, it was due to a guac accident.

Cut himself trying to get the seed out of an avocado.

I helped do this to him. What have I done. We ruined that man, he is nothing more than a shell of a man now. In December, during Christmas, this shell of a man may kill himself, and we pushed him to it.

Yes, but "Jeb Bush" still sounds as dumb as ATM Machine

Lol this is like in Brave New World where people get weirded out by people who engage in anything solitary

Good riddance.

Like Gob Bluth.

Someone needs to make a movie about yeb and put 'The House of the Rising Sun' as the closing song

Such a sad and lonely looking man, his own family having so much power and being successful. The one in the family that always aspired to be President but never got it will your other brother did. The one presidential candidate who gave out money for people to be at rallys, who spent 150 million dollars for only 3 delegates. The mess called Jeb, who tried to be hip, tried to win, tried to show some goodness in his heart and even worked at a fast-food restaurant during the race. ;-;7


who would have won

Jeb or Hillary

Don't forget your pocket turtles


The entire campaign has been anti-climactic since he dropped out.

Hillary is even more autistic than Jeb though, so here's hoping he triggers her during the debates.

I'll just leave this here

Rip in peace Jeb. The greatest meme of fall 2015.

That's not sad, that's awesome. If I ever failed that hard, I'd be glad to be able to fade into anonymity that quickly. Except for that one faggot.

Foolish guac merchant

His smile doesn't even look like a smile.

Like he just pulled his lips back over his teeth and briefly looked into the camera to get it over with and continue on with his lonesome walk.

What did we do to him, Sup Forums? It was funny before but I didn't think we'd do this to him.

just think how bad you'd feel for him had he won

all the evil a "genuinely nice guy" is expected to do for the establishment...

Jeb is proof that you can be 6'2 and still be a manlet in your soul.

I would do the same thing. Dont really feel sorry for the guy. He may act like a robot, but he is filthy rich has wife/kids and would be no different than his brother if elected.

Trump broke him

I dont want to feel this sad

poor Jeb



Why the fuck is Yeb in Boston?

He was probably at some meeting of the elites plotting how to bring down Trump.

And then he suggested something retarded and they all made fun of his idea.
Then he started wandering the streets with his hands in his pockets, kicking stones down the sidewalk.


>as he walks away he slowly reaches in his right pocket for his iphone
>he unravels the earbuds and puts them in his ears
>the light of his iphone blinds him for a second
>he scrolls through his songs
>he starts this song while a tear rolls of his left cheek

I use to take late night walks on the trail behind my house when I couldn't sleep.

I can't feel bad for him.

His family will partially be the reason Trump loses.

there's some sort of theory that arrested development is based off the bush family.

it's mostly funny because jeb = gob.

Poor Jeb

Yeb wouldn't have been able to handle the stress of the presidency.

Must suck not having secret service to keep the peasants away like big bro and daddy have.

Hillary, Hillary would have blown the shit out of all the other republican candidates, the same with sanders if he decided to break away from his mandrake puppet strings and go third party, Donald is the only one who has thick enough skin or isn't cucked enough to put up a fight.

>tfw realizing you're just like Jeb
Hello darkness my old friend.

I feel for the guy. :(

That was his brother. George ran on an education platform, he wasn't prepared for the shit he had to put up with. He wasn't supposed to be a wartime president.

>implying Rubio couldn't have won if he came out as gay

wow jeb was/is within miles of me
its a rare thing for a man to become a living meme
Jeb Bush
Joe Rogan
Sam Hyde
Donald Trump
George Zimmerman
Christopher Poole

I can't think of any others right now

We memed Jeb into being an autistic failure.
Why aren't we doing the same to Hillary?
We need to start making Hillarycore immediately.

>he would have been a great president.
no he wouldn't, he's a neocon piece of shit just like his brother

his own mother said she wouldn't vote for him lol

It's been a long road, getting from there to here, its been a long time, but my time is finally near....

why didn't r9k shill for Jeb? He is r9k IRL

Offical Jeb theme song

This thread is making me feel feelings.

Fuck this is great.
Fuck I miss him.


He's anti-NEET bux. His waifu is pretty shit too.

Bernie was r9k's candidate because of more NEETbux

poor Jeb
he seems like a nice guy, just like his brother


>He is r9k IRL

he really is

It doesn't really matter. We'd have the same policies either way. The only difference would be that jeb would swathe his in the American flag and Hillary would swathe hers in the rainbow flag.

>change runescape name to jeb bush
>everywhere I go, I get bullied
>"you're a mess jeb"
>"*clap clap*"
>"jeb is a big fat mistake"

really made me empathetic desu. I like Jeb


Is it considered sad now to walk by yourself? What the fuck? Are you supposed to never go anywhere unless someone else is with you?

I just have a feeling if some regular people got together and invited him to a birthday party he would go


Amazing film

Poor Jeb!