Name one reason to not vote for Hillary...

Name one reason to not vote for Hillary. You can't Hillary has fought for Americans since the start of her political career. She has always brought the right foot forward when America was in a time of need. Obama would not have made it this far without Hillary. Bill Clinton would not have made it as far as he did without Hillary. Also, don't you want a female president? As a cis white male I feel extremely disgusted at myself so I must put Hillary in office!

I'm with her!

Other urls found in this thread:

For those brave enough to engage in the discussion, remember to put sage in the options field.

Good luck


obv b8 m8

tho I'm legit voting for her


We know who you are. We know where you are.

>That bait though
I really wanted to reply, but holy shit you gotta try harder.
>As a cis white male I feel extremely disgusted at myself so I must put Hillary in office!

Sorry my votes taken

I'm writing in for Ted Cruz, any other choice else is a wasted vote

I encourage you all to do the same


Yoo go girl! WE need to correct the record on hillary.

ill bite
name one
>BONUS POINTS: renaming streets and buildings DONT count

Get pozzed you degenerate faggot shill

Whaa? Why?

Trumpfags think they own this egalitarian containment board..

Low effort.
Low energy.
You don't even get a (You).

Even if you take her crimes and politics out of the discussion it is obvious she is sick.

She is clearly having some neurological issues.





Saudi Arabia


Wow! A $hill from €anada? Surprise!
Nobody's Correcting the Record from that cancerous colony right guys!



because i passed first grade

She's a woman

Fresh off the boat, from Correct The Record, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never shill for Hillary again. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid shit that your little hugbox cuntsucking Democucks friends would approve of. None of that here. You don't correct. You don't shill. This ain't the DNC, kid. This is a Trump board. We have REAL political discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to /r/enoughtrumpspam, you daily shilling son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that your little internet task force reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I #StumpForTrump.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...


>Hillary has fought for Americans since the start of her political career. She has always brought the right foot forward when America was in a time of need.
>Also, don't you want a female president?

Why does the inauthentic spirit of rehash from the DNC insist on molesting Sup Forums?

Because she is a woman.

They're panicking, obviously

Place like Sup Forums scares em shitless, this many people online everyday bashing their (((globalist))) agenda and attempts to create a one world government can only be a reality that fuels their fear.

Even though I know you're from CTR, I'll humor you.

She's a bitch.

>seize her

She's a woman.


Yeah these out of touch interns are getting restless. They're even trying to mimic our memes and creating garbage instead.

It's pretty embarrassing. Always makes them easy to spot, though.

Sure thing!

Because fuck you, fuck her, and fuck what the both of you want.

Fighting for "muh chilluns" is the lowest hanging political fruit and literally easy rides, no one fucking disagrees or cares. Politicians are just laywers and bullshit artists who speak in word salad and don't actually and haven't actually done anything for the betterment of actual people in quite a long time

Hillary and her Husband have damaged western civilization severely so much it overlapped into all our countries too.

The 80's was the last """"good"""" decade.

Fuck off.


Good for a laugh atleast.

I'll name several

She contradicts herself endlessly. She supports women's rights yet takes $25,000,000 from Saudi Arabia, an all Muslim country that degrades women and has no women's rights. She took advantage of the Haitian earthquake situation to further her own foundations donors agenda.

She insights more race riots and tensions. This idea that Republicans are racist but Democrats aren't is hillarious. Most people on this board are classic liberals in that we don't give a shit what you do behind closed doors but don't shove it in our face. Just because we don't agree with you on certain issues doesn't mean we don't accept you. But Hillary pushes this idealistic philosophy that we should all agree on everything and that is not reality. She will allow unmitigated immigration. Which is funny how many people on the left see "helping" refugee's as "unlimited migration". I don't see those social justice warriors going over to those countries to help the needy. Or opening their homes as halfway houses to refugee's. Oh wait, the people who do that are 99% Christian, the very people those SJW slander and bash.

If it isn't clear by now, the entire foundation Hillary stands on is unstable. Her ideologies contradict themselves all over the place. She is unfit to be president based off these reasons alone. It isn't even worth going into what a disaster she would be on foreign policy and with our armed forces. Simply put she is "crooked", the name has stuck for a reason. The fact her entire convention was centered around bashing Trump and nothing policy related should tell you something.

She creates racial tensions by planting this idea that black people are disenfranchised and that white people are evil and all their problems are the result of white men. There hasn't been segregation in this country for 60 years yet somehow a 20 year old black kid is oppressed. She just wants their votes. She is the racist. Have some fucking self worth and take personal responsibility. I'm tired of people blaming their problems on the white man.

saged you fucking faggot.

Let's see...
She wants to repeal the second amendment

She is under investigation by the IRS

She got away from the FBI indictment

She says that people that are scrutinized by the FBI shouldn't buy guns yet expects to be the president with now two investigations so far

Her negligence that killed Americans in Benghazi

Here are some extra links:

Hillary Clinton Laughs While Discussing Defense of Child Rapist

Clinton Cash - Official Movie Premiere

Wikileaks Exposes Hillary's Benghazi Lies To Congress

Hillary hires Debbie who had been caught rigging the election to go against Bernie from the start