Carl The Cuck Slayer Got a job at Infowars


Wait a minute.

Was he a shill all along?

Doesn't surprise me, they basically hung out the entire time they were in Cleveland. Not sure berating people through a megaphone is going to help people jump ship but if that's his thing...

No shit he was a shill all along.

Right after his video a bunch of other interviews where the host antagonized people were posted on here just they weren't as funny.

Info wars was actually the first "news" site to post about #pissforequality that Sup Forums did. Literally before it even gained traction.

No, he had a youtube channel though show thing

Is that really him?!

My man.

The sold him a water filter while at the Trump rally. The un-chemically jew'd water astronomically blew open his mind so much that Info wars now pays him to redpill.

This can happen to you too! But only if you order a water filter TODAY @

Not bad. also (((polling))) is shit. I haven't seen some massive Hillary surge in the last week in my area, have you?

He already was working for them

oh my god


What de fugg




god dammit Sup Forums
Why are your memes so out of control?

r u fuggin gidding me

Whoops. Sorry, I didn't know this was posted already.

he had a youtube channel, which got a huge bump from his appearance on Info Wars, and was already deep inside Alex Jones's ass.

I'd say it was a setup if he immediately showed up on Info wars after the rally.

ayyy lmao

he shouts "INFOWARS DOT COM" at the end of the carl the cuck video you fucking retards. he was always working for infowars

oh you mean Owen "cuck destroyer" Shroyer?

So where's his fuck buddy?

He's had that job for a long time

That guy is a dumb goy. "I've never seen real capitalism! Maybe it'll work, who knows?"
