why did his joker turn out so bad despite spending months method acting for 5 minutes of screentime?
Why did his joker turn out so bad despite spending months method acting for 5 minutes of screentime?
because of the violent psychotic shit leto did on set he had to be kept for months in some secluded insane asylum.
his mother was also pretty agitated.
that's bullshit, all he did on set was send rats to cast members it wasn't some day lewis fuckery
Hating on Leto Joker is a Facebook tier normie meme, fuck off. He was great. Closer to comic-accurate Clown Prince of Crime, or Morrison's Thin White Duke of Death. The tatts were a little much, otherwise the performance was on point. Laughing at shit only he finds funny while freaking everyone out, colorful goons with branded gear, a dandy aesthetic. I get that a generation was weaned on Ledger's le So Random Anarchist Hobo man, but that wasnt actually the Joker.
Because he's a bad actor
Really user? You really think so or did you just wanna weigh in with something cynical and thats all you could come up with?
>le so random anarchist hobo man
fucking comicfags
Nah, youre wrong. Leto was garbage, every live Joker tops his joker.
Youre a fucking idiot.
>Nah, youre wrong.
Insightful argument.
You do realize it's a comic property?
comics are for kiddies, if they were to base every batman off the comics we'd get some marvel shite
thank fuck for nolan, wouldn't be watching any DC