Explain to me why communism does or does not work

Explain to me why communism does or does not work.

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The part involving people is usually the source of all our troubles concerning communism and socialism

Some of you guys are alright. Don't go on tumblr tomorrow.

>tfw no anti-zionist jewfu to fight the scourge of international communism with

The behavior of humans does not work with communism.

Communal organisms require that all reproduction be carried out by a limited number of members in order to succeed.
The biological ratio of humans capable of bearing young, however, is over 50%. Because of this, both progeny and genetic self-interest ultimately take precedent.
At its core, this is ultimately what it comes down to. We try so very hard to ignore the biological aspects of our humanity that we hurt ourselves seeking the ideals.

Equality is a social construct.

It doesn't work because the conditions necessary for the workers of the world to unite have not come to fruition yet. Let globalism run rampant for another few decades and then the people will rise up. The whole world needs to be developed first.

Of course, 3D printing and automation might decentralize manufacturing and make globalization unnecessary again. If that becomes the case, whole regions of the world will never develop and will remain 3rd world shit holes for all time. Also, maybe the rich will just kill all the displaced poor with drones once labor value decreases enough that nobody will be able to support themselves. Then it will be paradise on earth where everyone that is left will be waited on hand and foot by robots who never complain about their rights or fair compensation.

>does communism work

Mozambique, USSR, Ethiopia, Congo, Angola, Yemen, Mongolia amongst many others are failed states under communism.

One just needs to look at history to see it doesn't work.

People are inherently lazy.
Why work when some other chump will do the work for you and you still end up with the same amount of resources.

1: Giving the government infinite power over redistributing wealth is, well, kind of shitty.


2: Because as soon as you tell me that I am going the receive the same lifestyle and benefits of everyone else regardless of effort or career choice I'm going to become a NEET/minimal effort worker, lazy prick that I am.